Ep 935 - Let Us Bring God Back to America Part 4

Let Us Bring God Back to America - May 18, 2023

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Kouki Tamura, Asst. Pastor, Bay Area Family Church, Experience with YCLC in Korea

Audio only

Key Points

  • God’s dream from the beginning was to build one great, global family under the Heavenly Parent. He had planned for the only begotten son to meet the only begotten daughter prepared by Heaven, hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and form a family, tribe, people, nation and world centered on the True Parents.

  • Adam and Eve failed to accomplish this, so God sent Jesus. 

  • But because Jesus was prevented from fulfilling this dream, he promised to come again to fulfill it.

  • Now True Mother is calling on us to focus on witnessing rather than on holding big events in order to fulfill this dream of God’s.

  • She laments that the number of members is still so inadequate for this purpose.

  • Now she is focusing on the Korean Peninsula (in order to offer one nation to heaven).

  • In “the Great Age of Judgment” at “the end of the world,” there will be three kinds of attack: those of Satan, of other humans and of God.

  • We should not succumb to fear because those attacks are not to destroy us but to strike evil, revive humanity and restore the world. 

  • We should embrace tribulations as training to perfect ourselves and bring God’s kingdom.

  • We should fight against fear knowing that “a new realm of peace is dawning.”

  • We should embrace any indemnity with gratitude.

  • If we are God-centered and other-centered, we can eradicate our sin and live sinlessly. We need to deny ourself and change our center from ourself to God and to others.

  • Our original mind lives for others joyfully and gratefully.

  • If our body exists for our spirit self, we are Abel. Abel lives centered on the spirit self. 

  • We should avoid “chatting horizontally” and seeing with physical eyes. That is what Cain does.

  • We should view all things with spiritual eyes without judgment knowing that each item contains the Creator’s will and wishes.

  • If we do not understand a situation well, we should avoid pretending we know, but be humble. 

  • Announcement: True Mother has called Dr. Yong back to Korea to help the Korean Providence. Demian Dunkley will replace him in America.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.♦

Yesterday, I had breakfast with 5 members. This is Monica Vallejo, a beautiful lady. 

This is Yolanda Jaen. 

This is Auria Cerna from the (Hispanic) group.

This is Laura Viviana De Lora Leon, one of our second generation.

This is Sarah Falconi. 

(These are all) members of the Hispanic group (who) came to our breakfast meeting. It was a very beautiful meeting.

Today I’d like to talk about “Let Us Bring God Back to America” from True Mother’s Anthology, Volume 2.

<This speech was read by Sun Jin Moon on behalf of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon at the True Family Values Ministry 20th Anniversary Awards Banquet, held on December 5, 2015 at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Chicago, USA.>

Beloved leaders! What were the founding ideals of America? What ideals of Christianity led to the birth of the United States? Two thousand years ago, Jesus was born on this earth as the only begotten son and Messiah; what were his ideals and what was his mission? Jesus' mission was to establish the kingdom of God and to build one great, global family under the Heavenly Parent. 

As the only begotten son, he was to meet the only begotten daughter prepared by Heaven, hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and form a family, tribe, people, nation and world that would lead to the fulfillment of God's original ideal of creation. This world would be one united world with no divisions of religion, culture, race or nationality; it would be a world where the Heavenly Parent could fully love, and live in oneness with the true parents, true children and all humanity as His beloved sons and daughters. Tragically, due to the faithlessness of the people at that time, Jesus faced great resistance and persecution, and was unable to meet the only begotten daughter Heaven had prepared for him. 

Therefore, he could not hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and the position of True Parents could not be established at that time. Even though Jesus, together with the Holy Spirit, brings spiritual salvation to humanity, the ideal of True Parents and the ideal of king and queen of peace had yet to be fulfilled. This is why Jesus had to promise, even as he hung on the cross, that he would come again. Jesus' profound anguish was expressed when he said in Matthew 23:37, “How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.” These words still resonate deep within my heart.

What ideals of Christianity led to the birth of the United States? It was to build one great, global family under the Heavenly Parent. 

God's original ideal of creation was for the only begotten son to meet the only begotten daughter prepared by Heaven, hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and form a family, tribe, people, nation and world centered on the True Parents.

Jesus had to promise, even as he hung on the cross, that he would come again. 

“How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.” (Matthew 23:37) 

During the world leaders meeting this time, True Mother lamented over and over again about the reality of our church. This is because securing the majority is important in realizing Cheon Il Guk, but actually, our reality is that the number of members is very inadequate. 

That is why True Mother really wants to focus on the Korean peninsula providence. She wants to focus on (gaining the) majority (in order to) restore God’s nation. (It is to) become the Cheon Il Guk. 

Now True Mother is handling the Korean peninsula providence directly. She has asked all the major Korean leadership to come back to Korea to support (this providence). (So) I will need to go (back).

For this reason, True Mother strongly advised us to focus on witnessing for national restoration, saying that we will no longer hold big events from now on. 

True Mother is that serious. As the elder son nation, let’s support True Mother and unite with her so that the Korean nation can substantially become God’s nation.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Eschatology 9 - The Last Days

• The Last Days is the time, when, with the advent of the Messiah as the turning point, the evil world under satanic sovereignty is replaced by the ideal world under God's sovereignty.

• Hell on earth will be transformed into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

• Therefore, it will not be a day of fear when the world will be destroyed by global catastrophes, as many Christians have believed. In fact, it will be a day of joy, when the cherished hope of humankind, the desire of the ages, will be realized.

Let’s study Father’s word.

The Significance of the Last Days

<6-149> Human beings have fought with each other until today. In addition we have fought with Satan as well. But, that is not all, God has hit us also. In these three ways human beings have fought. the same is true of this earth. There are also three armed services: land, sea and air. So at the end of the world, there will be three forms of attack centered on humanity: an attack from human beings who are like a land force, an attack from the satanic world which is like the navy, and an attack from Heaven which is like the air force. The form of attacks will be like this.

 Such a Great Age of Judgment is coming. Then, why is that age of fear coming? It is not to destroy us, but to strike evil and restore our minds which have been oppressed throughout history. We must understand that there is such a hidden meaning behind it.

Win the Fight against Fear

 <6-149> Heaven is trying to revive humanity, not kill us. So, the reason why Heaven pushes us is to elevate us. The reason why Heaven threatens us is to bring out some part of our ability. Therefore, we don’t need to be discouraged even if the time of fear has come. Rather, we must fight against fear. Behind the fear there is a new realm of peace dawning. People don’t know about this.

At the end of the world, there will be three forms of attack centered on humanity, according to Father. First is a history of fighting with an attack between human beings. Second, Satan attacks. Third is a history of Heaven attacking directly. These are like three armed services of land, sea and air.

The purpose of the Great Age of Judgment, which is the end of the world, is not to destroy us or the world, but to strike evil and restore the world into the good world. Externally, it looks like an age of fear, but we need to know that it is actually to restore everything.

Therefore, all tribulations and fears from humans, Satan, and Heaven must be considered trials and training and refining to perfect us and establish the kingdom of God. 

Believe that Heaven is trying to revive humanity, not kill us. We don’t need to be discouraged even if the time of fear has come. Rather, we must fight against fear. Believe that behind the fear there is a new realm of peace dawning. 

If there is still indemnity left to pay, do not avoid it but think of paying it boldly. Believe in God and go out with absolute affirmation. Know that there is peace after fear and fear after peace.(?) The course of restoration is consecutive trials and blessings. So the way to overcome all of this is gratitude. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: Sin Is Being Self-Centered

 1. What do you think sin is? Sin is being self-centered. Therefore, to live sinlessly, we must live lives centering on others and living for the sake of others. If we abandon the concept of “me” and live for the sake of others, our sins will disappear. If children live centering on their parents, their sins will disappear. If the husband lives centering on his wife, his archangelic fallen nature will disappear. If the wife lives centering on her husband, she will clear all sins committed by Eve. If children live serving their parents, their sins of unfilial piety will disappear. If a parents live serving their children like Heaven, that parent’s fallen nature and sins will be eradicated. How can sins come to a mother who lives purely serving their children as children of Heaven? People who live for the sake of others have no sins. The way to eradicate sin is having the mind that is willing to die. What does it mean by "Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it"? It means that if I deny myself, my spirit lives, and if I assert myself, my spirit dies. “To lose life” means to completely deny oneself. 

Let’s summarize that.

1. The human fall started from self-centeredness. Therefore, sin is being self-centered.

2. Change that center to live sinlessly.

> Change everything from human-centered to God-centered.

> Change from centering on oneself to centering on others and live for the sake of others.

3. How to remove sin: if we live for the sake of others, our sins will disappear. 

> If children live centering on their parents, their sins of unfilial piety will disappear. 

> If the husband lives centering on his wife, his archangelic fallen nature will disappear. 

> If the wife lives centering on her husband, she will clear all sins committed by Eve.

> If a parent lives serving his children like Heaven, that parent’s fallen nature and sins will be eradicated. 

4. Mindset of eradicating sins: Have the mindset of "Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it."

> If we deny ourself, our spirit lives, and if we assert ourself, our spirit dies.

> “To lose life” means to completely deny oneself. 

Do Not See Through Physical Eyes But See Through Spiritual Eyes

3. When you meet people, do not chat horizontally. Also, do not judge with physical eyes. If you use your physical eyes, this is being Cain. That is why we should have eyes of the mind and spiritual eyes. We have learned how to use the eyes of the mind until now. Even when drinking water, do not think that we are drinking because our physical body needs it. Do not look at all things of creation with physical eyes. Each item of all things holds the Creator’s will and wishes. So, do not look at things and judge them externally and thoughtlessly. If you are not sure, you must be humble. Do not carelessly assert things, thinking that you know something. That is why in our life of faith, why we should not speak as our physical eyes see or mistakenly speak as our physical eyes see. What is chatting idly? It is listening to others without sorting out their words and just multiplying them as they are. 

(There was a problem with the slides.)

A Life of Faith is not Centered on “Me” but Centered on “You.”

1. Who am I? 

> I am a being with Satan’s blood lineage. 

 > So, if I assert myself, fallen nature from the Satanic blood lineage will come out. 

2. A life of faith is not centered on “me” but centered on “you.”

> If “I” am the center, Satan will come to me, and if “you” are the center, God will come to me.

> A mind that lives for the sake of others is the mind of Heaven. 

> Our original mind always tries to live for the sake of others, always tries to live joyfully, and tries to live with gratitude.

3. If our spirit self exists for the body, then we are Cain. 

> On the contrary, if our body exists for our spirit self, we are Abel. 

> Cain always lives centered on the body, and Abel always lives centered on the spirit self. 

Training to Not See Through Physical Eyes But Through Spiritual Eyes

1. When we meet people, do not chat horizontally. 

2. Do not judge with physical eyes.

3. If we use our physical eyes, it means that we are still Cain.

4. We should have eyes of the mind and spiritual eyes. 

5. Do not look at all things of creation with physical eyes. 

> Even when drinking water, do not think that we are drinking because our physical body needs it.

> Each item of all things holds the Creator’s will and wishes. 

> So, do not look at things and judge them externally and thoughtlessly.

6. If we do not know the situation well, do not pretend we know, but be humble. 

7. Do not carelessly assert things, thinking that we know something.

Today I talked about training not to see through (our) physical eyes but through our spiritual eyes. I also talked about our life of faith as not centered on “me” but centered on “you.” Also, I spoke about sin as being self-centered.

(Testimony Kouki Tamura, Asst. Pastor, Bay Area Family Church, Experience with YCLC in Korea)♦

(Dr. Yong’s announcement of his return to Korea and replacement by Demian Dunkley) I would like to announce a very important thing now. Please listen carefully. 

Last night True Mother invited major leaders to Cheon Jung Gung. There were more leadership changes. I was so surprised to hear Mother’s order. Mother asked me to come back to Korea to help the Korean Peninsula Providence. 

I realized how serious True Mother is to offer one nation as Cheon Il Guk. She is so desperat! She asked the major Korean leaders from overseas to come (back) to Korea to help the Korean peninsula providence, to help Mother. 

I think Mother could not sleep every day. I have very much pity for her! 

That is Mother’s direction, so I need to go. She said that Demian Dunkley will come back to America to become the continental director. I hope our brothers and sisters will really help him and with Dr. Ki Hoon Kim. I trust you. I believe you will do very well.

Mother said that on May 24 or 25 next week they will hold the inaugural ceremony. Until that time I will try my best to continue to deliver Morning Devotion. Then I need to discuss with major leaders how to carry on Morning Devotion. 

I really suggest, even though I will not be here, that you discuss with major leaders how to continue Morning Devotion. Utmost sincerity moves heaven. 

Even though I have only been here for two years and seven months, it was an incredible time with you! I also truly understand Mother’s heart why the major Korean leaders need to return to help the Korean peninsula providence. I trust that each of you will do very well and unite with the new leadership. 

That is my announcement. I will tell you more details tomorrow. 

I love you so much!♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

3. This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

4. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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