Ep 926 - God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World II Part 16

God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World II - May 9 2023

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony, Yosuke Mizuguchi

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Key Points

·   The World Peace King Bridge and Tunnel project proposed by True Parents will be the shortcut to realizing world peace.

·   It will link an international highway system that will allow people to travel on land from Africa's Cape of Good Hope to Santiago, Chile, and from London to New York, across the Bering Strait, connecting the world as a single community.

·   It will eliminate Satan’s division between east and west, north and south, and the separation of the North American and Russian land masses, connecting the world as a single community.

·   It will mark the beginning of a new Heaven and a new Earth, the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World.

·   Furthermore, the four great religious founders and billions of good ancestors have come down to earth to guide us on this heavenly path.

·   The age when the fallen and corrupt world wreaks havoc on humanity, allowing evil people to live better than others, is passing away.

·   Ultimately, all of these grand projects are possible if we practice True Parents' philosophy of 'live for the sake of others'.

·      Communism’s view of history is that there can be no ideal world centered on a good purpose, but instead sees an endless battle between good and evil continuing forever.

·      The Unification Church views history as evil being eliminated one day by living for the sake of others, centered on true love, and moving towards a world of goodness

·      That’s why we need to fight the vision of communism theory.

·      Our life of faith must first be heartistically engrafted onto God and True Parents.

·      How filial we are to God and True Parents becomes the standard of raising our children as filial sons and daughters.

·      The key word in Mother’s life of faith is Hyojeong, this is a very important word. It’s meaning is the essence of filial piety, filial heart, vertical alignment.

·      When a mother and father show their children their filial heart towards heaven for 3-7 years and serve them, their children will never forget it for life.

·      Inheritance takes place when children understand their parent’s heart and Will more deeply than the parents do themselves.

·      A Korean proverb says: “You plant soybeans, you get soybeans. You plant red beans, you get red beans.”  

·      If we sow filial piety, we reap filial piety.

·      Just as the blood of the believers of Jesus were purified through the blood that Jesus shed on the cross, our blood is purified through the tears of sorrow that True Parents shed.

·      From this principle, our blood becomes holy through the tears we shed for God and True Parents.

·      When a mother hears True Parents’ words and inherits them with tears, her children will inherit with tears in the same way.

·      If the mother does not have tears in her eyes, all her children will drift away horizontally.

·      Through the Principle, we come to know God’s circumstances, heart, and will, and furthermore, His suffering and sorrow. Thus, our tears, God’s tears, and True Parents’ tears meet with each other, so engrafting and inheritance take place.

·      Similarly, education for our children should enable them to inherit in this same way.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. ♦

Today I’d like to talk about “God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World II, from True Mother’s Anthology 2”.

<This speech was given by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon between September 1 and October 14 during a 40-nation Victory and Complete Freedom Rally to Bring Universal Peace to the Fatherland and Hometown speaking tour.>151, 152

God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World II

In this light, I would like to reiterate the proposal my husband and I have made for a truly providential and revolutionary project. For the sake of peace and human welfare, and also for building God's homeland and original hometown, we propose the construction of a passage for transit across the Bering Strait, that remnant of Satan's historical division between east and west, and north and south, where the North American and Russian land-masses are separated. This passage, which we call the World Peace King Bridge and Tunnel, will link an international highway system that will allow people to travel on land from Africa's Cape of Good Hope to Santiago, Chile, and from London to New York, across the Bering Strait, connecting the world as a single community.

Distinguished peace ambassadors and leaders from all fields of life, you are now living in the most blessed and exalted time in history. The Age After the Coming of Heaven has arrived! I proclaim the beginning of the new heaven and new earth, long-awaited and yearned for by billions of your ancestors in the spirit world who have come and gone in history. This is the era of the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World. The four great religious founders and billions of good ancestors have come down to earth to guide you on the heavenly path. The age when the fallen and corrupt world wreaks havoc on humanity, allowing evil people to live better than others, is passing away.

The World Peace King Bridge and Tunnel, will link an international highway system that will allow people to travel on land from Africa's Cape of Good Hope to Santiago, Chile, and from London to New York, across the Bering Strait, connecting the world as a single community.

Along with the era of the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World, this World Peace King Bridge and Tunnel project will be the shortcut to realizing world peace. This project will be possible if we practice a life of living for the sake of others and transcend the barriers of nations, race, and religion under the slogan, “one family under God.”

Ultimately, all of these grand projects are possible if we practice True Parents' philosophy of 'live for the sake of others'. The problem is that fallen humans are always self-centered. Think only of themselves, their own family, their own tribe, their own nation. This is the issue. That’s why I love True Parent’s philosophy. This amazing philosophy is what? Living for the sake of others.

If everybody knows this philosophy and practices it, living for the sake of others, this is the Kingdom of Heaven. The philosophy of the Kingdom of Heaven is what? To completely live for the sake of others. Husband completely lives for the sake of his wife, parents completely live for the sake of their children, children completely live for the sake of their parents. The nation completely lives for the sake of the people, people completely live for the sake of the nation, and then all mankind lives for the sake of the world. This concept and philosophy is the Kingdom of Heaven.

How can we change our mindset? Not by centering only on our own self, me, me, me, and not centering on others. That’s why if America really lives for the sake of all mankind, America will surely become the center of the world. I really love True Parents’ philosophy. Living for the sake of others.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Eschatology 7 Human History is the History of the Providence of Restoration 3 – Trends in the History of Conflict

·           Third, examining trends in the history of conflict.

·      Battles over people, territory and property have continued without interruption, expanding their scope in step with the progress of human society.

·      The scale of these struggles has broadened from the family level to the levels of tribe, society, nation and world until today, when the democratic world and the communist world confront each other in a final conflict.

·      This final war will primarily be a war of ideologies. Hence, the new truth which can reconcile religion and science will emerge and bring about the unification of the communist and democratic worlds.

Historical View of the Unification Church

<86-291> From which perspective does the Unification Church view history? It sees history as the history of conflict where good and evil intersect. It views history from this perspective. That is the difference. The more war expands to a worldwide level, the more the world becomes the good world and evil disappears. That is the view of the Unification Church. The view of communism is the thesis-antithesis-synthesis paradigm. The thesis is an intellectual proposition. The antithesis is simply the negation of the thesis. The synthesis solves the conflict between the thesis and antithesis by reconciling their common truths and forming a new thesis, starting the process over. They see history from this perspective. Therefore, they can’t establish the purpose of history or the perspective of the good side. From their perspective, there can be no ideal world centered on a good purpose. This historical pattern just rotates endlessly.

The Unification Church insists that, because this world has been fallen, we must move toward a high-dimensional world by eliminating evil through fighting based on the power of God’s providence of salvation so that the good world can be established

The Unification Church’s view of history sees human history as the history of restoration in the light of the history of conflict. In the end, we see it as a history where good and evil intersect.

However, communism’s view of history is the thesis-antithesis-synthesis paradigm. When looking from this principle, there can be no ideal world centered on a good purpose. It sees that the endless battle between good and evil will continue.

The Unification Church views history as evil being eliminated one day and moving towards a world of goodness, while the communist world believes that good and evil will continue forever. This is a completely fictional view. The Unification view of history is completely different.

Communism views history with thesis-antithesis-synthesis logic and the Unification Church views it with the origin-division-union logic. The Unification Church’s view of history is restoring evil to good and realizing an ideal world.

The thesis-antithesis-synthesis logic based on dialectics is the logic that always sees unity through fights and conflicts. Because of this, they struggle with each other based on this thesis-antithesis-synthesis logic. If you live centered on this logic, you will become self-centered and try to deny others first. That’s why Communism theory is really dangerous.

On the other hand, the origin-division-union logic views the subject partner and object partner uniting by helping each other and living for the sake of each other. Therefore, the origin-division-union logic is the logic of living for the sake of others centered on true love. ​Incredible philosophy. That’s why we need to fight the vision of communism theory.


Raise Children with a Filial Heart Towards Heaven

Filial Piety Must Be Inherited from Parents

This is one of the Key Points. Let’s listen.

1. As parents, how can we raise our children as children who are filial to us, their parents? If parents want their children to be filial to them, we must serve our children with a filial heart just as we are filial to God, True Parents, and our own parents. Otherwise, where would children inherit filial piety within their hearts? Filial piety must be inherited from parents. In the family, the mother must be the most filial daughter to God, True Parents, and parents. Children should be moved when they see their mother’s filial piety. Your children are your little Gods who are more precious than yourself.

How can we raise our children as children who are filial? It’s simple. If we sow filial piety, we reap filial piety. Our children will be filial to us to the extent that we were filial to our own parents in the past.

First, we need to reflect on how filial we are to God and True Parents. This becomes the standard of raising our children as filial sons and daughters. When we look at our own children and reflect on our younger selves, did we have a filial concept or not? If so, and when our children are better than us, then we can appreciate that. If, when we were young, and if we practiced filial piety to our own fathers and mothers, this will indirectly influence our children. No one can avoid this.

Brothers and sisters, do you want to receive filial piety from your children? Then, just as we are filial to Heavenly Parent and True Parents, starting from when our children are young, we must practice filial piety in our families for our children’s sakes, with the heart of being filial to our True Parents.

Otherwise, how would children inherit filial piety? Filial piety must be inherited from parents. In that sense, in the family, the mother must be the most filial daughter to God, True Parents, and parents.

So, children should be moved when they see their mother’s filial piety. Have you touched your children’s hearts through your own filial piety?

One of my favorite words is Hyojeong. If you understand the meaning of Hyojeong, you will understand everything. I think many Western brothers and sisters did not understand this in the beginning. The key word in Mother’s life of faith is Hyojeong, this is a very important word. I have repeated it again and again during the past 2 ½ years. The meaning of filial piety. Filial heart, vertical alignment.

Graft the Mother’s Filial Piety onto Children’s Original Nature

2. You must try to graft the mother’s filial piety onto children’s original nature. To graft means to inherit. In this way, when the mother and father show their children their filial heart towards Heaven for 3-7 years and serve them, their children will never forget it for life. This is how engrafting must happen centering on Hyojeong between parents and children. Children raised in that way will never forget their mother’s love. Because of that, your life of faith must first be heartistically engrafted onto God and True Parents. Otherwise, there is no way for children to inherit their parents’ heart.

The mother’s role is most important when it comes to children inheriting Hyojeong. She must make it so that her children will be moved by her Hyojeong. If the mother always has a heart of yearning and longing for God and True Parents, it will have a great direct or indirect influence on her children. This is really a key point. If the mother always has a longing heart for True Father, for True Mother, for our church members, blessed families, as a parent we have to have a longing heart all the time. It will have a direct or indirect influence on our children.

So, when the mother and father show their children their filial heart towards heaven for 3-7 years and serve them, their children will never forget it for life. Whenever I look at my mother and father, I see how much they really love people. They serve people so much. It really attracts children’s heart when they are growing.

You must make it so that children will have the thought coming from their hearts, “I should also become someone who loves God just like Mommy and Daddy”.

This is how engrafting must happen centering on Hyojeong between parents and children. Children raised in that way will never forget their mother’s love and their father’s love.

Because of that, our life of faith must first be heartistically engrafted onto God and True Parents. Otherwise, how can children inherit their parents’ heart?

Raise Children with a Filial Heart Toward Heaven

3. ‘Inheritance’ takes place when children are greater than their parents and understand their parent’s heart and will more deeply than the parents themselves. Looking from the perspective of inheritance, women understand True Parents’ deep hearts more deeply than men. When men think of True Parents, they just think that they are great, but women try to heartistically accept True Parents’ heart. This is how mothers must graft onto True Parents’ heart and blood lineage to raise children by moving their hearts.  Mothers must raise children with the heart of living with tears and filial heart for God and True Parents.  Since the mother heard True Parents’ words and inherited them with tears, she must have her children inherit with tears in the same way. So, if the mother does not have tears, she cannot bequeath true love to her children. If the mother does not have tears in her eyes, all her children will drift away horizontally.

Among the attributes of inheritance, the most important attribute is the desire to pass everything on to someone greater than oneself. Looking from such a principle, it is a principle that the parents’ inheritance goes to the filial son and filial daughter who loves the parents the most.

Therefore, inheritance automatically takes place when the child is greater than his or her parents. Inheritance takes place when children understand their parent’s heart and Will more deeply than the parents do themselves. From that perspective, while men are external, since women understand the parent’s deep heart, women are actually more in the position to inherit. 

In the family, mothers must graft onto True Parents’ heart and blood lineage, and wish to raise children by moving their hearts. If the mother lives with tears and a filial heart towards God and True Parents, she can automatically raise her children as filial sons and daughters.

If the mother knows True Parents’ heart and circumstances and sheds tears, her children will resemble such a mother and shed tears for True Parents, too. In Korea, there is a saying related to this, and it goes “You plant soybeans, you get soybeans. You plant red beans, you get red beans.” (in English: You reap what you sow).

If parents sow filial piety, then filial piety will come out, but conversely, if they plant unfilial piety, then unfilial piety will come out. So, if the mother does not have tears, she cannot bequeath true love to her children. If the mother does not have tears in her eyes, all her children will drift away horizontally. Father’s tears, Mother’s tears, they had so many tears. I truly long for True Mother, True Father, I truly long for Heavenly Parents. When you see Heavenly Parents suffer and have difficulties and han, and True Parents having so many sacrifices, and Mother always shedding tears, you can see that if a mother has that kind of heart, how much they can influence their child. When we treat our children in a very external, humanistic way, that is why our children cannot change. If you really practice filial piety and filial heart you will surely change your children. Do not blame the outside world. Do not blame other blessed families, or our senior blessed families. Instead of blaming someone, practice filial piety. This is a key point.  ​

The Reason True Parents Speak to Us About Their Wronged Hearts

4. Do you know why True Parents speak to us about their wronged hearts in the past? It is because they want to teach us the way to purify Satan’s blood, which we have to this day. Our blood will be purified through the tears of sorrow that True Parents shed. You must know this. You should know this even if it is not taught to you. When you hear the words of the Principle, it should be that you cannot hear them without shedding tears. That is why when we learn the Principle, we must learn it with tears, knowing God’s circumstances and heart behind it.

Inheritance of God’s Heart and Children’s Education.

5. Even among Christians, those who fully and deeply believe in Jesus know his circumstances and wail. When such people hear our Divine Principle, they wail more than our own members. This is because the Principle teaches about Jesus’ bitter sorrow. Also, they come to know the bitter sorrow of God, who suffered pain due to Adam and Eve. While hearing the Principle, since I come to know God’s circumstances, heart, and will, and furthermore, His suffering and sorrow, my tears, God’s and True Parents’ tears meet with each other, so engrafting and inheritance take place. Similarly, education for our children should also make them inherit in the same way.

Just as the blood of the believers of Jesus were purified through the blood that Jesus shed on the cross, our blood is purified through the tears of sorrow that True Parents shed. From this principle, our blood becomes holy through the tears we shed for God and True Parents.

There is no other way for children’s blood to become holy. Parents must shed many tears for God, True Parents, and for the sake of the world in order for our children’s blood to become sanctified and holy and for them to become filial sons and daughters.

While hearing the Principle, since we come to know God’s circumstances, heart, and will, and furthermore, His suffering and sorrow, our tears, God’s and True Parents’ tears meet with each other, so engrafting and inheritance take place. This is a very important point. When we shed tears for the sake of God and for the sake of True Parents and for the sake of the world centering on filial piety, this is the way we have the experience of engrafting and inheritance between Heavenly Parent and ourselves. Similarly, our education for our children should also enable them to inherit in this same way.

Today I have shared a very deep and important point, how we can raise up our children. Let’s not just teach them very well, teach them Divine Principle, or the hoondok hae, but also show them the true meaning of a filial heart and filial piety.

Today I talked about “Raise Children with a Filial Heart Towards Heaven”. 

Thank you very much.

(Living Testimony, Yosuke Mizuguchi , GPA)¨

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated.

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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