Ep 756 - World Peace and the Role of Women 2 Part 11

World Peace and the Role of Women II - November 20, 2022

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PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony Francis Marcel, Hung Yang Wan, Norifumi Takami

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Key Points

  • The True Family movement and Purity Education dealing with immorality and the fall and centered on absolute sex and true love are peace movements to save the world and to heal God’s two great sorrows. Those were that Adam and Eve failed to keep their purity and fell and that the ideal family could not be established.

  • Filial piety means, “I love God and my parents more than anything else.” 

  • If our children upgrade the quality of their filial piety, that is the key to keeping their purity. One who truly loves God and his parents cannot commit sin.

  • Wherever we go or whatever we do, we should always report and have a heartistic communication and relationship with our parents.

  • To remove all of the historical roots of sin hiding within our bones, we must get to the point where we cannot control the exploding feeling of longing and adoration for Heavenly Parent from the depths of our hearts. 

  • If our heart is 100% filled with love and longing for Heavenly Parent, Satan will find no space to invade.

  • The essence of heart is longing. 

  • To acquire a heart of longing for Heaven we need to go to the front line and follow a course of subjugating Satan shedding blood, sweat, and tears to rid ourselves of our fallen nature while participating in True Parents' course of suffering. 

  • Sincerity toward Heavenly Parent always creates longing. 

  • The way to preserve the grace we have received is by multiplying it with the closest people, that is, with our family and then our closest trinity of heart.

  • Witnessing is the best way to keep God’s grace because we really want to multiply it.

  • Fertile soil is the place in which crops can flourish. When a seed lands on fertile soil, it sprouts and quickly takes root. 

  • When a heart like a fertile soil hears the Word, it is always moved and touched. It is sensitive, easily moved, and good at influencing others.

  • Singing praise songs and Holy Songs should be a self-reflective experience filled with sincerity, longing, forgiveness, and respect for others.

  • To help Cain-like children become filial children, we should be like a mother who loves and serves her children and treats them with the utmost respect – even when they don't listen.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

I am so happy to see this African lady share her reflection. From all over the world (people) are joining Morning Devotion. We truly feel we are one family under God.

Yesterday, I had a breakfast meeting with the Young leaders at Upshur house in Washington, DC. We shared with each other about their appreciation to their parents.

Then, we had an ACLC Pastor’s forum and Interfaith Unity Revival event at the First Baptist Church of Highland Park in Maryland.

Dr. Rouse, Dr. Achille, Dr. Jenkins, and Dr. Mark Abernathy gave beautiful greeting remarks.

I gave a keynote address regarding a great revival movement centering on ACLC and encouraged them to study the Divine Principle. 

Then, we had an Interfaith Unity Revival program centering on YCLC. Joshua Holmes, YCLC National Director gave a video message. Juliana Talibi, Director of YCLC-DMV and Amanda Hokanson, Assistant Director of YCLC-DMV shared about (people who had completed their) 43-day devotion (period), (about) the YCLC conference in Las Vegas, and (about) other activities.

It was very beautiful. Yesterday I discovered Juliana is a really powerful lady! She can be a really great leader in the future. Also, I was so moved by our Amanda’s beautiful testimony and also our second generation... beautiful performance. It was a really beautiful event. 

(We took a) group photo.

Then, I had a dinner meeting with the State leaders at the Washington Times building. It was a beautiful gathering sharing with each other.

Yesterday, number four, ok? The fourth grandson was born to my family. When I arrived at Upshur House, I received a phone call from my wife. I was so happy! Another one is coming soon as well!

Today I’d like to talk about “World Peace and the Role of Women II” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This speech was given at the 10th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Women's Federation for World Peace, held on April 10, 2002 at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center> Today, immorality and decadence are spreading throughout the world. The family is crumbling under the burden of soaring divorce rates and increasing self-indulgence. In these circumstances, the true family movement and the pure love education that WFWP is promoting worldwide are, in the fundamental sense, movements for peace. They are movements that can save the nation and save the world. They are unique peace movements of the highest dimension driven by the power of God's true love. I believe that we members of WFWP need to have a special sense of mission in our work. Based on the moral laws and principles of the universe, we are to make our families whole and sound in accordance with the heavenly way of life. We have to point our societies in the right direction and make our nations righteous and strong.

Thus, we need women to participate in all aspects of society, from diplomacy and politics to the economy and legal system reform. Women also have to be active in education and culture, and in sports and the arts, not to mention the diverse activities of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). However, I want to emphasize that before all these things, the highest priority for our activity is the inculcation of a righteous value system, and the true love and true family movement. We need to encourage and foster the practice of living for the sake of others. Moreover, we women ought to be the vanguard of the movement for unity. It has always been a clear objective of our federation to carry out a number of activities that will aid the reunification of the Korean peninsula, for example. Women must take the lead in both national and global unity by experiential education based on a true family values system and true love.

Today's True Family movement and Purity Education are fundamentally peace movements that deal with immorality and the fall. This is a movement to save the country and the world.

Heavenly Parent's greatest sorrow was that Adam and Eve failed to keep their purity and fell. The second is that the ideal family could not be established. Individual peace, family peace, national peace and world peace should basically be based on the purity movement centered on absolute sex and the true family centered on true love.

Women must stand at the forefront of this Purity movement and True Family movement.

There is only one way to preserve and keep purity. We need to educate our second generation, third generation, our children very well, right? An important (aspect of) that education is how to let them keep (their) purity. I joined (the movement) 47 or 48 years ago. Do you know what my conclusion is about the best way for them to keep their purity? Of course, we need to educate them and many things. But my conclusion that we should upgrade our children’s filial piety. Filial piety means, “I love God and my parents more than anything else.” If our children upgrade the quality of their filial piety, that is the key to keeping their purity.

In order to upgrade hyojeong, which is filial piety, I must serve my children (as I do) my parents with the heart of hyojeong. There is no other way. This is a very important realization for me.

Of course, (we need to) ask them to participate in Kyungbei..., education, Sunday Service and workshops. Those are important, but one of the most important things is how we can raise them to be filial sons and daughters. How to upgrade their filial piety is the key. 

One who truly loves God and his parents cannot commit sin. This is the nature of filial piety. Particularly our western brothers and sisters, you really need to understand the meaning of filial piety: putting God and parents as a top priority in the family. If children have that kind of filial heart, which is hyojeong, they cannot go their own way. If they go their own way and decide (what to do) by themselves, they will immediately feel that their parents will be very sad. So, they cannot commit sin. If you really understand the meaning of hyojeong, which is filial heart, you cannot commit sin. 

The important thing then is how to upgrade ones filial heart, filial piety. You cannot survive without God and parents because you put your parents as a top priority, a kind of vertical alignment. Wherever you go or whatever you do, you always report and have a heartistic communication and relationship with your parents. Then how can you fall? You can’t. That is my conclusion. Filial heart and piety are so important! I really appreciate the word “Hyojeong.” True Mother particularly emphasized hyojeong.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: The Human Fall 9 - The Root of Sin

• The root of sin is that the first human ancestors had an illicit sexual relationship with an angel symbolized by a serpent.

• They could not multiply God's good lineage, but instead multiplied Satan's evil lineage.

• We know that the original sin has been perpetuated through lineal descent from one generation to the next. This is because the root of sin was solidified by a sexual relationship that binds one in ties of blood.

• Furthermore, those religions which emphasize the need to purge sin regard fornication as a cardinal sin, and they have taught the virtues of chastity and restraint in order to curb it.

 • This is an indication that the root of sin is found in lustful desires. 

• Therefore, the hope of an ideal world is an empty dream as long as this root of all evils has not been eradicated at its source.

• Christ at his Second Advent must be able to solve this problem once and for all.

When you Shed Tears With a Heart That Can Melt Away the Root of sin in Human History

 <25-252> Have you ever had a moment in your life of faith which is unforgettable? If you haven’t, you must have such a moment someday. You should understand that more precious fortune than any other fortune comes on the day when you have such an overwhelming, longing and exploding heart of being grateful to God deep inside your mind regardless of what others say. Seeking for that day, human history has been trembling greatly and there have been so many people bleeding and suffering at each crucial moment in history. 

Therefore, when the day comes we must voluntarily stand in the position of the turning point for our ancestors offering the greatest conditions in order to take the place of thousands of ancestors of human history.

 Thus, with a grateful feeling toward Heaven swelling up in your heart while shedding tears with a mind that can melt away all the roots of sin hidden in each person throughout human history, God can be with you and heaven’s people can be with you too. 

How can we remove all of the historical roots of sin hiding within our bones

No matter what anyone says, we must get to the point where we cannot control the exploding feeling of longing and adoration for Heavenly Parent from the depths of our hearts

Why do we constantly commit sin and feel remorse? It is because the love towards Heavenly Parent is not yet complete, not yet mature.

For example, if the degree to which I love Heavenly Parent is 30%, Satan will occupy me 70%. On the other hand, if my love for Heavenly Parent is 90%, the remaining 10% will always give Satan an opportunity to invade. However, if the extent to which I love God is 100%, Satan will no longer be able to look after me

Then there is no room. Satan cannot invade. Such a person we call “absolute.” If we really love God 100% with no more horizontal and humanistic thinking, then there is no space, no room. Satan cannot (enter). How can we reach that kind of level? Our level is really based on the archangel servant’s level. How can we surpass the level of the archangel which is the culture of the servant? How can we enter the realm of true love?

The essence of heart is longing. If my heart is 100% filled with love and longing for Heavenly Parent, how can Satan get in the way? The fact that Satan and his unprincipled thoughts can come into my heart is that my love is still limited. 

Our level is still low. Satan always invades us. Chapter Two thinking always comes to us. Whenever we see a woman, we don’t treat her as our own sister or mother. (Rather,) we think about her as a sexual partner. That is why we inherit that kind of low-class level, the archangel’s love. Our blood lineage is like that. 

Even though we try to change our thinking and try to be a good person, we have inherited that from Satan, from our ancestors. We are always occupied by satanic thinking, thinking about fornication. So our level of love is very low class. How can we upgrade our level of love and enter the completion stage? This is the problem. We cannot over come the physical, sexual desires.

(But) when we are occupied 100% with God’s true love, there is no room for Satan to enter.

Then how can you have longing for Heaven? All fallen human beings must go to the forefront and go the course of subjugating Satan. We must shed blood, sweat and tears to rid ourselves of our fallen nature while participating in True Parents' course of suffering

In order to remove that kind of fallen nature, we need to go to the front line, serve the people and love the ene my. Otherwise, it is not easy to remove our fallen nature.

That is why we always need to stand in the place of jeongseong, utmost sincerity. Utmost sincerity toward Heavenly Parent always creates a longing heart

Even in the secular world, if you love someone – you have a lover, right? – if you really love someone, there is no room to think about another boyfriend or girlfriend. You are fully 100% occupied by your lover. How can you think of another boy or girl friend?

In the same way if our heart is 100% occupied by God’s true love, there is no room for Satan to enter.

How can we reach that kind of standard? That is our issue and task. At least we know that the Principle is like that, the world of true love is like that. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: The Way to Win Over Enemies

Let’s Give the Holy Grace We Received to Others

1. In the holy song “Song of the Garden,” what is the meaning of the phrase “Refreshing showers of grace divine, From the Father flow to every vine”? Since we have received holy grace from the Lord, we should also give holy grace to others. How has our life changed after we received divine grace from the Lord? Are our lives more holy than before? Then, since we have become holy through the Word, let's try to give to others with this holy heart. As parents, let's first show a holy heart to our children. And, centering on our family, let’s give to the closest three position foundation families that have a relationship with us. This is the responsibility that those who have received grace must give.

The way to preserve the grace we have received is by multiplying it

How can we keep God’s grace that we have received. This is important. What is the secret? Everybody is inspired by God’s word, but how can you keep it continuously? Do you know the secret? This is the biggest secret. How can we keep God’s grace all the time in our hearts. Do you want to know that secret? Father said, “If I just keep the grace I have received from God, it will surely be taken away by Satan.” 

Therefore, since grace is a blessing, it must be multiplied to those around us. The way I give this grace to others is to practice with the closest person.

That’s why in order to keep God’s grace all the time, there is only one way: you need to multiply (it). Then it becomes double, triple, five times, ten times (what it was). This is the way to keep God’s grace. Many people do not know (this). Without practicing (this), without multiplying (it) even though you are inspired by God’s word, (that grace) will immediately disappear. Satan will take it. 

First, you must bestow the grace on your own family, then you must return the grace from the closest trinity of heart that we have a connection to. 

That’s why whenever you receive God’s grace, (you should) practice multiplying it to your wife, your husband, your children, your parents and to your trinity

If I do not extend the grace I received to the people around me, I will completely lose my first love.

Why does God always call out his holy spirit and grace for those who are witnessing? Witnessing is the best way to keep God’s grace because we really want to multiply it. Of course, it is not a simple matter to witness, but when you focus on witnessing, you are always joyful, thankful, grateful and you can always gain energy and power. Wow! Do you know what the greatest happiness is? When you multiply God’s grace, especially (by) witnessing.

Characteristics of People with Fertile Soil

2. In the song “Song of the Garden,” verse 2, “A fruitful soil become” means that we should try to become people like good soil (Matthews 13:18). We should not be fretful, but always be grateful. Our hearts are originally not like a stony ground (a nervous person), or a cold-hearted person like a path (a person without affection). Fertile soil is the soil in which crops can grow well. When a seed lands on fertile soil, it sprouts and quickly takes root. When a heart like good soil hears the Word, it is always moved and touched. And when I see or hear the results of someone’s wrongdoing, I feel that it is mine and I shed tears. And when we hear that something went well, we are just as happy about it as my own happiness. 

If someone is very happy, I should treat it as my own happiness.

Also, they feel respect for a person who has done well and tries to resemble them. A person like this is a person with a heart like fertile soil. The characteristics of a person with good soil are that he is not nervous, his heart is not cold, he is sensitive, he is moved easily, and he is good at moving others.

In the 2nd verse of "Song of the Garden," “A fruitful soil become” means that we try to become people like fertile soil (Matthew 13:18).

First, let us read the parable of the Farmer in the Bible. 

Matthew 13:3-8 Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.

Originally, human beings' original mind is not a nervous person like a stony ground, nor a cold-hearted person like a path. Fertile soil is the place in which crops can flourish. When a seed lands on fertile soil, it sprouts and quickly takes root

When a heart like a fertile soil hears the Word, it is always moved and touched. And when I see or hear the result of another person’s wrongdoing, I feel that it is mine, my fault, and I shed tears. 

When a good-hearted person hears that something went well, they are as happy as if it was happening to themself. They will also feel respect for a person who has done well, and try to resemble him. 

An individual with a heart that is like fertile soil is not nervous, nor are they cold. They are sensitive, they are easily moved, and they are good at influencing others. This is the characteristic of a person with fertile soil. 

The Way to Win Over Enemies

3. What is your personality like? How does your heart feel when you sing holy songs? Do you always reflect on yourself while singing holy songs? If you sing a holy song with only your mouth, it ends up being just a formality because it has nothing to do with your inner person. Formal holy songs are not heard by God. When singing holy songs, a sincere heart, a longing heart, a heart of forgiving others, and a heart of respect for others must come out. Those who have such a heart can be said to have a heart like fertile soil, a holy heart. The Lord came to this earth to make all Cain-type people into filial children. The Lord came to make the children who are always unfilial into filial children. This is the way to win over the enemy. There are mothers and parents who respect even their children, who don’t listen, with all their heart and make them filial sons and daughters. A mother like this will love and serve her children more than feel bad or sorry if her children make her worry and upset her. This is the way to win over the enemy.

When you sing praise and holy songs, do you reflect on yourself? If you only sing from your mouth, it is easy to become a person who practices hypocrisy with no regard to your inner self. 

The attitude of the heart of a true person singing holy songs should always be sincere, longing, forgiving, and respecting of others.

True Parents came to this earth to make all of Cain-type people, who are close to Satan's side, into filial sons and daughters. Then, how can we make the children who have the character of Cain into filial sons and daughters? It is by being like a mother who treats her children with utmost respect even when they don't listen to their parents.

A mother like this will love and serve her children more (rather) than feel bad or sorry if her children make her worry and upset her. This is the way to win over the enemy. 

Some children obey and follow their parents. That is fine. But if your children do not listen, you (should) still serve them and respect them with a parental heart. Just wait and continually respect them and love and care for them. Even though your son is an unfilial son, his conscience knows very well. Someday definitely and naturally he will surrender to you. This is the way to win over the enemy.

“Am I a hypocrite? When I recite Family Pledge or sing a song, how much do I (invest) my heart (in it)? There is always a gap between the content of the song and my heart.” We are fallen people, right? (We should) really reflect about ourself: “Am I a true or a false man?” 

(Sings in Korean) When you sing a song, check your heart. Is it joyful and happy? We should be a man or woman of true heart. This is the way to become God’s real sons and daughters. 

(Testimony Francis Marcel, Hung Yang Wan, Norifumi Takami, Heavenly USA team, Hyojeong Letters of appreciation to their parents.)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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