Ep 753 - World Peace and the Role of Women 2 Part 8

World Peace and the Role of Women II - November 17, 2022

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Key Points

  • When any senior blessed couple passes away, let’s really celebrate their Seong Hwa because they dedicated their entire life to God and True Parents. Then young people will inherit this culture and learn how they should lead their entire life. A Seonghwa ceremony teaches us so many things. 

  • In order to restore the Fall, we must absolutely believe in God as our parent despite adversity and without need of explanation, focus on his will, and know that he eternally loves us with jjak sarang and guides our growth to eventually become his perfected children.

  • With such faith, miracles will happen and we will be able to overcome all obstacles.

  • Since Heaven’s blood lineage has now begun, God’s Will will absolutely be fulfilled some day.

  • To achieve an ideal family we need to resolve conflicts within the family and between Cain and Abel by denying ourselves, having a heart that lives for the sake of the other and respects him, cultivating a heart of filial piety towards God, and bearing the fruits of harmony. 

  • We should never forget that we are a family that comes from God and that our children are not our own but children whom God has entrusted to us.

  • God is saddened by the mistakes we make in our closest relationships in the front line of our family.

  • To avoid these mistakes we need to deny ourselves and humbly serve and attend other family members. Because our family comes from God, we cannot ignore our precious family members, nor sever our relationships with them.

  • We need to understand our identity, why we were born on earth, our vertical relationship with God, and what influences us.

  • Our hope lies in the harmony in our family. Family is the place where God’s purpose of creation is realized every day. It is the ultimate destination of our life.

  • Our family exists in order to restore the heart of filial piety towards Heaven, to be frugal in our own given responsibilities, and to fulfill God's will.

Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files.

Yesterday, we had a National Seong Hwa Ceremony for Rev. Hiroshi Inose at Clifton Church. About 300 people attended the ceremony at the church and more than 600 people joined the ceremony via zoom. 

It was an incredible ceremony, just like the Kingdom of Heaven!

President Naokimi was the MC and Dr. & Mrs. Balcomb gave an Invocation. They came all the way from Europe to participate in this Seong Hwa ceremony. Then, Dr. Ki Hoon Kim and Dr. Michael Jenkins gave very beautiful and special greetings. 

Then, we watched a video messages from Dr. Moon Shik Kim and Dr. Chang Shik Yang. And then, we heard testimonies from Dr. Achille and Rev. Jackson. 

We also heard the testimonies from Angelica Selle from WFWP, Naoko, and Miilhan. Then, Heavenly USA offered a very beautiful song. 

I gave a Seong Hwa address. 

All participants had a chance to offer  flowers. Then, Mrs. Hatsune Inose and her son, Mr. Eisuke Inose gave greetings. Then, Rev. Kazuo Takami gave a benediction followed by Og Man Se. 

Yesterday’s Seonghwa, in a nutshell, was a day of celebration for the Unification Church family. It was a ceremony of eternity and a great feast for one's entry into heaven. When we go to the Seonghwa ceremony, we can immediately know what kind of life that person lived.

Yesterday's Seonghwa ceremony had an atmosphere comparable to a world-class Seonghwa ceremony. Once again, we thank Rev Inose for his dedicated and self-sacrificing life. And I offer my condolences to the Inose family. 

And I would like to thank all the brothers and sisters for their unwavering support from all over the world. I paid a lot of attention and care to the Seonghwa ceremony yesterday.

From now on, I want to make the Seonghwa festival one of the most beautiful (aspects of the) culture of the Kingdom of Heaven in the unification movement of the Cheon Il Guk era. Yesterday was, in a word, a day of the kingdom of heaven for all (of the) unification movement. It was such a day when everyone was moved by a person's life. It was really beautiful!

I really want to create this kind of beautiful culture everywhere. Especially sub-regional leaders and state leaders, when any senior blessed couple passes away, let’s do our best to really celebrate their Seong Hwa. They dedicated their entire life for God and True Parents. I think we need to create that kind of beautiful culture. Then many second generation and third generation and young people will learn what the culture of the Seong Hwa is and how they should lead their entire life. A Seonghwa ceremony teaches us so many things

Today I’d like to talk about “World Peace and the Role of Women II” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 2.

<This speech was given at the 10th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Women's Federation for World Peace, held on April 10, 2002 at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center> By nurturing the fruits of love and investing in her children's upbringing, a woman connects and extends the traditions and lineage of her family. For this reason, although her external efforts are important, her role as a mother in cultivating character and raising her children to have healthy, wholesome natures is the highest function of womanhood. In fulfilling this role, women truly represent the heart of God.As the future unfolds, humanity will have no option except to live interdependently in a pluralistic, global society. A culture of peace will be established across the globe. When this happens, the precious role of women who are grounded in the love of God will be recognized as absolutely essential to the family and, hence, to the society, nation and world.

That is because women play a sacred role that is both civic and lineal. We carry the future of humanity in our wombs; we give birth to and nurture the unlimited potential of human beings. If the role of mothers is ignored, where will we find human hope and prospects for the future? In the worldwide peace movement led by WFWP, women play the central role. Members of WFWP ought to feel proud that the work we are doing across the globe deals with such a unique area and has such providential significance. We also have to be grateful that WFWP can carry out its work under the direct guidance of the True Parents.

Since these words are the same (as those) from last time – I already shared about the role of the woman, right? –  I will not explain them again. Let’s move on.


The Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil(2)

• The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil signifies the love of Eve. 

• As a tree multiplies by its fruit, Eve should have borne good children through her godly love. Instead, she bore evil children through her satanic love.

• Eve was to reach full maturity only after going through a period of growth, in which it was possible for her to bear either good fruit or evil fruit through her love. 

• This is why Eve's love is symbolized by the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and why Eve is symbolized by the tree.

• Eve was to have eaten the fruit of goodness by consummating her God-centered love. Then she would have received the essence of God's divinity and multiplied a good lineage.

• However, she ate of the fruit of evil by consummating her evil love centered on Satan. Hence, she received the essence of his evil nature and multiplied an evil lineage from which our sinful society descended.

• Accordingly, Eve's eating the fruit denotes that she consummated a satanic love relationship with the angel which bound her in blood ties to him.

Let’s study Father’s word.

The Human Fall can be Overcome by Absolute Faith

    <79-198>So, how can it be restored from here? You must absolutely believe in God centering on Him. You should live a life of absolute faith. Do you believe in God?-Yes. How do you believe? You have to believe in Him as your father. Is he indeed your father?-Yes. Do you think God would empathize crying together with you and pitying  you as a father when you are sick  saying, ‘Oh, please help me out!’?-Yes. Do you have such a mind-set saying, ‘I absolutely believe in God no matter what happens’; Do you?–Yes. Do you absolutely believe in God? No doubts at all? Do you doubt your own parents? Do you absolutely believe in them or doubt them? Likewise, you must absolutely believe in God. Absolutely,  there should be no objections.

   <79-198>You should have strong determination that you will not do, see, eat or listen to anything except the things regarding God’s will or God’s commandments. You should be totally filled with the mind-set that you absolutely believe in God. Do you fully have it in your mind that God is an absolute being, the one of infinite value and the best one?-Yes. Do you see, listen to, behave, eat and sleep based on such a point of view?-Yes/ No. That’s why disbelief became the origin of the Human Fall. You must have an attitude of absolute faith, perfect faith, valuable faith and faith without explanation. Do you believe in God in such a way? Have you ever tried that way?-Yes. If you do so, God will be with you.

How do You Restore the Fall?

Let’s summarize what Father is talking about.

1. Absolutely believe in God and believe that He is indeed my Father.

> There should be no objections to believing in God. 

> Even if the end of the earth comes tomorrow, absolutely believe that God definitely exists and is your parent.

Do you believe in God absolutely? No doubt? Even though the whole world collapses, will you still absolutely believe in God? That God is your father, your parent? How is your faith? 

2. Have strong determination that you will not do, see, eat or listen to anything except the things regarding God’s will (and) God’s commandments.

3. Be totally filled with the mindset that you absolutely believe in God.

> Have it in your mind that God is an absolute being, one of infinite value, “my Parent,” and the best one in this world.

God is such a good God, (better) than any parent, any teacher, any saint or sage. ... God is the best God. He is the best one in this world because he is the parent of parents, the teacher of teachers, the owner of owners. I cannot doubt God. I really feel he is my eternal father, eternal True Parents. How can I doubt him?

> Disbelief became the origin of the Human Fall.  

 I leave the New Yorker Hotel and go to the Hudson Riverside almost every day. I walk more than one hour every day.

When I look at the people, (I wonder,) “Heavenly God, this guy, this girl, do these people know you? What is their restoration course? What level of restoration is going on in their heart. How much do they understand you? How many of them really understand your wishes? How many of them know you are their eternal parents?” 

Then the feeling comes to me that many of them do not know God (at all). For them there is no need to talk about God’s heart or wishes. They are really completely ignorant. 

When I pray about that, non-stop tears come down. How can we let them know that God does exist, that he is a living God and such a good God, the best in the world, in the cosmos? How can we let them know and understand this? Wow! When Heavenly Father looks at each human being, how much suffering he has to go through! He knocks on their heart every day. How many of them really recognize his existence?

4. Have an attitude of absolute faith, perfect faith, valuable faith.

5. Have an attitude of faith without explanation because “I know God better than my own physical parents.”  

(Do) you need to ask your own children, “Do you know who I am? Do you know who your father and mother are?” (Do) you need to ask them this every day? (There is) no need to explain to your children who you and their mother are. If you were to explain this, it would be very strange. (They have) no doubt. That is the reality. Their father and mother live with them 24 hours (a day). 

Am I that close to Heavenly Parent? (Do I have) such an inseparable relationship (with him)? If you really recognize that God is that kind of being, that God really exists, if you have confirmation of your parent-child relationship (with him), (if you have) conviction and absolute faith, your life will be completely changed. 

6. If you absolutely believe in God, unimaginable miracles are bound to happen.

... all the time. (You have) no worry about Satan, no worry about an enemy. (You have) no need (to be) scared of anything. If you truly believe in God – “He is my eternal parent; I am a child of God” – (if you have) this kind of firm relationship with God, there is nothing to be scared of.

7. If you have absolute faith, God will surely teach you. 

Why can’t you get inspirations and revelations? Because your relationship with God is not so strong. If your relationship with God is very strong and you have absolute faith, God will surely teach you. He will give you the wisdom to distinguish good and evil and guide you in many things. 

8. God also has absolute faith in you. God swears to you every moment as follows.

> “No matter what anyone says, you are my eternal child. 

Hey, boy or girl, no matter what anyone says, you are my eternal son or daughter.

“As long as your original mind exists, you will undoubtedly return to Me someday. 

“... even though you betray me and run away and don’t know about me. I pledge you will come back o me someday.” God has that kind of absolute faith. Every day we have pledge, right? God also swears to himself every moment, every second, “My children will come back to me.”

> “Even though you have the fallen lineage now, you will surely become My child someday.”  

He has absolute faith in me. If he did not, how would he be able to restore human beings? 

> “No matter what, I will not give you up. I will make you grow, be perfected, and make you my child.” 

God has that kind of absolute faith in me. He trusts my original mind.

9. Believe that God is really the best in this world. Even if I do not know God, betray and ignore Him, God will eternally love me with jjak sarang (one-sided love) until I realize.  

I can betray him, ignore him or hate him. However, God is a parent. No matter what, he will love me. We call that jjak sarang, one-sided love, no matter what. If God didn’t have that kind of jjak sarang, he could not restore even one human being’s soul. Wow! God’s jjak sarang is amazing!

10. God is truly love. No matter what difficult problems there are, if I know that God and I have a parent-child relationship, I can overcome everything.

“My daddy is almighty, omniscient and omnipotent God. He is such a powerful God! As long as I have that kind of vertical alignment with him and (I am) united with him, I can overcome anything. In the name of God, I can overcome anything!

How much do you believe in God?

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: All of God’s Providence of Restoration Went Wrong  at the Closest Position 

God’s Wish is the Realization of a True Family

1. Through True Parents, we have come to have the bond of blessed families formed by God. That is why, centering on God’s wish, we must strive to live, always thinking about how to take responsibility in order to realize a true family that God desires. What we realize in the end is that we who have fallen nature need to overcome conflicts among each other. To do that, we each have a responsibility to deny ourselves, a heart that lives for the sake of the other and respect them, have a heart of filial piety towards God and bear fruits of being harmonious. Although our hearts want that, in real life, there are many times when we just make mistakes in our actions and words and we form relationships wrongly. We often live forgetting that we are a family that comes from God, and when dealing with children, we often think that they are our own when they are children entrusted to us by God. 

Through True Parents, we have come to have God’s blood lineage formed by Heaven. Since Heaven’s blood lineage has now begun, God’s Will will absolutely be settled some day.

Why did Jesus have to come again after he was crucified? Because he could not multiply God’s blood lineage, which is the Blessing. However, we need to really thank God and True Parents because True Parents brought the heavenly blood lineage. Once we change our blood lineage from the satanic blood lineage to God’s blood lineage, the messiah will not need to come again. It is only a matter of time before we can create the individual kingdom, family, tribal, national and world-level kingdom. ...

What is the main content of restoration? The blood lineage, how to change the blood lineage from Satan’s blood lineage to God’s blood lineage. This is almost impossible, but the messiah brings God’s blood lineage. We received it, right?  

Now, on top of this foundation, God is desperately wishing for all blessed families to realize true families. However, settling God’s ideal, which could not be resolved over 6,000 years, through us Blessed families, is by no means an ordinary challenge. 

So far since Adam and Eve fell, no one was able to esta b lish an ideal family, even in Jesus’ time. Since True Pa rents came and multiplied the Blessing, we are the first ones to initiate an ideal family. No saints, no sages, no one has been able to establish an ideal family. We are the first ones who are the first to challenge surpassing the top of the growth stage and entering God’s direct domin ion. We are the ones who, for the first time, tried to esta blish ideal families. That is why this is really challenging. 

All kinds of issues come out, even though we have received the Blessing. Some (couples) fail, some divorce, some separate, some struggle. There are all kinds of issues because this is a transitional time period. 

This is because no one has had a successful family. Our blessed family is the first to (take on the) challenge (of becoming) the ideal family through the True Parents since the fall of Adam and Eve. 

In the end, what we come to realize is that we who are blessed need to overcome conflicts with each other. Things that always become big problems are mind and body harmony, husband and wife harmony, parent-child harmony, harmony between brothers and sisters, and Cain-and-Abel harmony.

There is no other way to solve these problems. There is no other way than to deny ourselves, have a heart that lives for the sake of the other and respect them, and have a heart of filial piety towards God and bear fruits of being harmonious. This is our most important responsibility which we need to fulfill. 

Even though our blessed families have problems – all blessed families, including my family, have their own family (problems) – children problems, husband problems, wife problems, parents problems, mind-and-body problems – everybody is serious(?) about these kinds of issues. 

This is the first time God has initiated (launching) the ideal family after paying all the indemnity. Our ancestors could not settle. Even Jesus could not settle. That’s why we need to encourage each other. Even though some families have problems, children issues, we need to encourage each other. 

We have a common destiny. We are a heart community. “Your issues are my issues.” Of course, if we commit sin and have to pay, then let’s pay, but pay together. Concerning love there is no other way. Do not be depressed. This is the first time we are challenging (creating ideal families) since Adam and Eve fell. 

God knows your hard work, how much you are trying your best to settle down. Do not give up even one centimeter, even one millimeter. Go forward without regret. A challenge is a challenge. A problem is a problem. You need to understand and be aware of your problems, but do not go back. Still try to settle. Heavenly Father wants to see your beautiful motivation and attitude. We cannot deny that God exists. We cannot deny this blessing. We cannot deny True Parents. 

What we should never forget is that we are a family that comes from God and that our children are not our own but children whom God has entrusted to us

But we all have the wrong idea. That is why we need to really change our mindset. “I do not belong to my wife. My wife does not belong to me. We belong to God. God has entrusted this child to us. God has entrusted this boy or girl to our couple.” Please do not misunderstand. Sometimes we have the wrong idea. “My child is my child. My property is my property. I am mine.” This is a wrong idea and concept. That is why we cannot develop. We really need to change our concept and wrong idea.

All of God’s Providence of Restoration Went Wrong at the Closest Position

2. We realize that we have experienced with our own eyes and ears the fact that in God’s providence of restoration, mistakes were made in the closest relationships of the couple, children, and siblings, and saddened God. In order not to repeat the past mistakes in God’s providence, first, we need to live denying ourselves completely and realize once again how precious our families are. Therefore, if you never forget the attitude of being humble towards each other and serving each other each day, and if we live each day with conviction of the vertical relationship that our family comes from God, then you will come to realize that in the family, you cannot ignore each other or that there is no severing of relationships. 

We realize that in God’s providence of restoration, mistakes were all made in the closest relationships of the couple, children, siblings, and parent-child and saddened God

Therefore, the important thing we need to realize most is that our families are the front line. One who is victorious in the family is ultimately victorious in the world, heaven and earth, and through(out) the past 6,000 (years of) history. 

Who is a true victor? If you are a victor in your family, you are really victorious not just in your family but in heaven and earth and throughout the cosmos.

In order not to repeat the past mistakes in God’s providence, first, we need to live denying ourselves completely and realize once again how precious our families are and be victorious in the family. 

We need to really realize how precious my spouse, my husband, my wife is, how precious each of our children and brothers and sisters is. Salvation (is) in the family. 

We need to know where God has resentment and han in his providence. Adam and Eve fell at the top of (the growth stage) and Cain and Abel were brothers. All problems are in the family. That is why when you win in the family, you become a winner in the nation, in the world and in the cosmos. 

My salvation comes from where? Not from the sky. Not from heaven. My salvation comes from the family.

And if you live each day with a conviction of the vertical relationship of our family with God from whom it comes, then you will come to realize that in the family, you cannot ignore each other or that there is no severing of relationships

The Family is the Destination of Our Life

3. We need to clearly understand. We need to understand what we were born on this earth for, what our vertical relationship with God is, and what sways us to rise and fall. In the end, family is the destination of our life. True Father taught us that when we make a mistake even in blessed families that come from True Parents, there is no other way to go. That is very true. It is so even when we look at the world today, and it is unmistakable when we look at the things so far in life. We have realized that if we cannot be harmonious in the family, there is no more hope. Therefore, we need to know that our family exists in order to restore the heart of filial piety towards Heaven, to be prudent in our own given responsibilities, and to fulfill God's will. Therefore, it is our homework to check, confirm, and realize God's purpose of creation every day, and how to realize it in our families and return it to God. 

We need to clearly understand these things through the Principle and life experiences. 

First of all, we need to clearly understand our identity, what we were born on this earth for. Next, is understanding what our vertical relationship with God is. 

Also, God’s ideal is ultimately realized through what? We need to clearly understand what sways us to rise and fall

In conclusion, family is ultimately the destination of our life. But how much have we neglected the family until now? 

How much did we ignore our family, my spouse, my husband and wife, my father and mother, or each child? 

Even when we look at history and the world today, and it is unmistakable when we look at how we’ve lived so far that the conclusion is that we will realize that if we cannot be harmonious in the family, there is no more hope

Therefore, we need to know that our family exists in order to restore the heart of filial piety towards Heaven, to be frugal in our own given responsibilities, and to fulfill God's will

Therefore, it is our homework to check, confirm, and realize God's purpose of creation every day, and how to realize it in our families and return it (them?) to God.

Today I talked about “All of God’s Providence of Restoration Went Wrong at the Closest Position” 

(Testimony Mark Hernandez, ACLC National Executive Director and the Hyojeong Cheonbo Registrar, The Hyojeong Cheonbo providence in Las Vegas)♦

NOTE: This text and the PowerPoint slides from this speech are available as a link at the top of this text. Transcripts from November 3, 2021 to the present, personal notes from November 11, 2020 until November 2, 2021 and slides from August 29, 2021 to the present are available at MD.Hoondok.com as PDF files. Books of the transcripts and notes are available as PDFs at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.

This lightly edited transcript may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable, inaudible or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved if understandable. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. 

Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through March 29, 2022 are available as six paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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