Ep 398 - Course Towards a Heavenly Nation, Heavenly Continent, and Heavenly Unified World, with Unceasing Tears Part 12

 Course Toward a Heavenly Nation, Heavenly Continent, and Heavenly Unified World, With Unceasing Tears #33

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I have completely recovered already. Don’t worry about my health. 

Today, I would like to speak with the title “Course toward a Heavenly Nation, Heavenly Continent, and Heavenly Unified World, with Unceasing Tears” from the contents of True Mother’s memoir. 

“We held two Blessings in South Africa this year alone,” said Prophet Radebe. “In June, during a national Blessing Ceremony attended by more than 60,000 people, True Mother offered a prayer to liberate the young people who sacrificed their lives to fight against suppression and injustice. Following this, on December 7 at the FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, we held a Blessing Ceremony for 200,000 on the continental scale, and proclaimed Heavenly Africa. Africa is now a God-centered Africa.”​

Bishop Noel Jones then testified, “True Mother has given a special vision, not only to the American clergy but to all of us. Who can realize such a profound vision?”​

At that event, many members of the clergy discarded their preconceived notions of our movement. I believe that Heaven can accept this one minister’s words to represent all Christianity: “Through this event, I’ve found that the rumors about the Unification Church are far from the truth. I realize that I have blocked my eyes and ears to the truth of this group, having heard it was a ‘cult’ or ‘heretical.’ But when I listened to the introduction to the Family Federation, I received the powerful inspiration that without Heaven’s guidance Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon could not have carried out such miraculous work.” Others shared similar words:​

“Now my religious views have changed; I feel like a newborn Christian.”​

“Why did I oppose them? I regret opposing them without truly knowing who they are.” “I have been touched. I know that the Unification movement is doing the work of God, and from now on I will sincerely help in their activities.” “I was moved by the realization that Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon is the only begotten Daughter, and the promise to build the pure Garden of Eden through the principles of true family.”​

On this foundation, I delivered my message. “Christians should not have put their focus only on the Second Coming of Christ but also on his bride, the only begotten Daughter. Heaven chose the Korean people at this historical time and brought forth not just the birth of Father Moon in 1920 but the birth of Mother Moon, the only begotten Daughter, in 1943. We must know that the Blessing officiated today by the only begotten Daughter, True Mother, is humanity’s long-awaited dream of 6,000 years and the wish of our Heavenly Parent.” As I uttered those words, I wept. The hearts of all those in attendance felt those tears. ​

My husband, Father Moon, and I love America with our whole hearts and we live for its salvation. This love enabled us to endure years of criticism and persecution, including Father Moon’s very unfair imprisonment, and offer it all for the sake of Heavenly Parent and humankind. ​

After True Father’s Holy Ascension in 2012, I took upon myself a great responsibility. God led me through difficult circumstances and painful trials. I have now completed the seven-year course seeking the restoration of nations to God’s embrace. The final 40-day course, at the end of 2019, was a path through a wilderness, uncharted in heaven and on earth. My objective was to settle God’s kingdom of Cheon Il Guk in the worldwide Canaan. This path of restoration history was completed at the Vision 2020 Global Summit in Korea, February 2020, which was a beacon of hope lit on the eve of a global transformation.​

Today I’d like to share True Mother’s Speech on the 1st Anniversary of WCLC December 5, 2020.

True Mother’s Speech ​on the 1st Anniversary of WCLC - December 5, 2020​​

America today, which God has blessed, must, through fulfilling its responsibility and bearing results, be able to write a new history. Hence, I would like to say the following: Please forgive the American politicians and create unity. The United States can maintain its existence only through harmony and unity. God has been waiting for the United States, the nation He blessed, to stand in a position wherein it can fulfill its responsibility.​

Let us always remember True Mother's three words to America. Forgive your opponent. Love one another and become one.

To forgive one's enemies is the greatest of love. However, loving one's enemies cannot truly forgive those who have not experienced God's love. We need to know that we can never forgive others with love within the realm of Satan and the love within the archangel's realm.

The second word to love one another is that we cannot truly love each other unless we know that God is our parent and that our brothers and sisters are all one of God's children.

The third word to become one: (we) cannot be one without a center. Our center is the fact that we can truly become one when we know that we are God and True Parents.(?) 

In order to put into practice the above three things that True Mother said, we must know that it is impossible without teaching True Parents and the Divine Principle to all Americans. In the end, we must know that everything is our responsibility.

Therefore, speaking to all pastors, members of the clergy in America and throughout the world: There are many religions in our world today. And all these faiths have one purpose; they all share the same will to serve and attend the Absolute Being, our Creator.​

Hence, I sincerely hope that you will let people know properly about our Creator, and work to realize a world of peace wherein all people live in unity as one family of humankind, One Great Family under our Heavenly Parent. Please raise your voices and work together. I give you my blessing for this.​

 Living Divine Principle​: Dual Characteristics of ​Internal Nature and External Form​

♦ There is another pair of dual characteristics in reciprocal relationship which is even more fundamental to existence

♦ Every entity possesses both an outer form and an inner quality. The visible outer form resembles the inner invisible inner quality.

♦ The inner quality, though invisible, possesses a certain structure which is manifested visibly in the particular outer form. The inner quality is called internal nature. The outer form or shape is called external form.

♦ Since internal nature and external form refer to corresponding to inner and outer aspects of the same entity, the external form may also be understood as second internal nature. Therefore, the internal nature and external form together constitute dual characteristics. 

More fundamentally, however, every entity possesses both an outer form and an inner quality. The visible outer form resembles the invisible inner quality.

Recently I have been speaking about human nature and character. We need to know very clearly human nature and character. As a fallen man sometimes it is easy to cause other problems. We really need to know 12 types of humankind(?) and research that and clearly understand it. Then we can know them more clearly and become the champions of true love. Also, in many aspects we need to know human fallen nature and problems as well.

Today I would like to talk about the method to know people. 

Method to ​Know People​

1. The scariest person? The one who knows my defects ​

So who knows me most? God, Satan, my enemy, my spouse, the person closest to me? 

2. The person we must be most aware of? People who are two-faced ​

Who is the person we must be most aware of? It is just me. People with two minds are the scariest. A person with a double mind is an adulterous person. Because it can deal with God and also with Satan at the same time.

3. The most sly person? The one who uses others only when needed ​

In the spirit world, we need to know that the sin of violating one's heart is really great.

4. The worst friend? The one who doesn’t rebuke you, even when you do wrong ​

If you have done something wrong, you must distinguish between good and evil. 

5. The most harmful person? The one who praises you, no matter what ​

People who praise me unconditionally are because they have a hidden motive to make me their own person or have a flattering mind.

6. The most foolish person? The one who repeats their mistakes ​

Why do I repeat the same mistake again and again? Because there is little genuine and deep reflection and repentance.

7. The most arrogant person? The one who runs wild saying ‘I am the best.’​

In order not to be arrogant, you must always respect others and have a willingness to learn.

8. The most worthless person? The one without any humanity ​

The most unworthy are those who have no heart. a person like a machine.

9. The biggest thief? The self-complacent one who steals away his own time ​

A person who wastes time is a person who steals his life. Because they spend their lives worthless. You must have a clear vision and goals in life.

10. The weakest person? The one who reigns over the weak ​

Those who are weak to the strong and those who are strong to the weak are the weakest.

11. The most pitiable person? The one who desires without satisfaction ​

Excessive desire always leads to self-destruction.

12. The most unfortunate person? The one who doesn’t know what unfortunate means​

The most unfortunate people are those who know God's will but do not put it into practice. Someone who doesn't know what time it is now.

​13. The most anxious person? The one who cannot find stability of the mind ​

A person who is always anxious should always live with respectful Abel. And if there is no center that serves the heavens in your heart, you are always anxious.

14. The poorest person? The one who has a lot but doesn’t feel satisfied ​

The poorest are those who have but do not know how to share. If you always give, your heart will be enriched. Those who do not know how to give, how to share are the poorest people. 

15. The laziest person? The one who procrastinates 

People who pro.cras.tinate are either too perfectionist or lack confidence in their work. Whatever you do, plan ahead and try it.

16. The person who lives the most valueless life? The one who lives in order to eat ​

Those who live just to eat do not know eternal life.

17. The dullest person? The one who claims there is nothing more to learn ​

Life is a series of continuous learnings. We must always live in the word. You must always save your soul with the word.

18. The most thoughtless person? The one who is undutiful to one’s own parents 

​Filial piety is the basis of all virtues. Filial piety is the root of the heart. Don't even deal with people who don't have a heart of filial piety.

19. The most foolish politician? The one who doesn’t know when to step down​

How do I know if I should step down or stay? A person who truly lives for others knows that time.

20. The person with the scariest disease? The one who is mentally ill ​

 Every fallen human has a mental illness. Humans have the mental illness of fallen nature for 6,000 years. There is no need to blame anyone. Everyone is mentally ill.

21. The most despicable fraud? The one who cheats on friends ​

The meanest person is the one who deceives those closest to him.

22. The lowest person? The one who sells his conscience​

Conscience is our eternal parent, teacher, and master. We learn this from True Parents.

23. The biggest traitor? The one who steals the mind ​

24.The worst person? The one who knows it is wrong but does it anyway ​

Do you fall under any one of these categories?​ How do you want others to see you?​ That is why we want to cultivate our heart through God’s word all the time.

Based on this EDP content, let’s study Father’s word.

When God Looks at a Person​

<100-93> When God looks at a person, He sees through his mind, then sees his past, and based on the present, looks at the future. Do you understand what that means?「Yes」 Young kids, the young people have to emphasize this point in the future. When looking at a person, don’t choose them by their face but by their mind, and centering on the person’s past and their lifestyle, look at their future. You have to be able to choose like this. Do you understand? 「Yes」​

When God looks at a person, how does he look at that person? What is his perspective? Very interesting, according to Father.

God sees through his mind and his heart, not just external appearance ​

1. And then sees his past, ​

2. And based on the present,​

3. Looks at the future. ​

> You need to see people’s Seongsang and Hyungsang together​.

We need to know what God’s perspective is. God sees through his mind and then sees that person’s past, how he has gone through his past life. Is he a righteous person or an unrighteous guy? Heavenly Mother also wants to see what his current situation is. What kind of person he is now through his past. Then Heavenly Father wants to see that person’s future. Is it very promising? If he follows a (certain) lifestyle, he can have a really promising future. But if he repeats the same problems again and again, God (will be) worried about him so much. 

In Order to Know God​

We need to understand very clearly our purpose of life. We need to know God. If we know God, that is the way to gain happiness.

1. You need to know God’s past (history)​

< Know God’s creation (Adam’s family)​

How Heavenly Father created the universe and Adam and Eve. What is the purpose of God’s creation? We need to know very clearly.

< Know God’s sorrow (Humanity’s fall)

Since Adam and Eve fell, how much Heavenly Father has gone through! His sorrow, how was he so sad.​

< Know God’s providence of restoration (central figures of the providence of restoration) ​

That is why Part 2 of the Divine Principle is very important. Through Part 2 of the Divine Principle, what is the main purpose? How to inherit the central figures’ heart. 

We need to know how to inherit God’s heart. We need to know more about God’s heart, and (then we) can have a beautiful relationship with God. ​

< Finally, you need to know God’s heart of creation, fall and restoration.

Then centering on the present ...

2.  You need to know God’s current providence​

< Where is God’s providence now?​

< The era of God’s CIG​

What did Mother ask us to do? You need to know God’s current providence, what True Mother’s word is, what she has asked us to do.

3. You need to know God’s future providence​

< Where is God’s providence heading?​

< What is God’s vision and wishes, God’s goal? What goals is God asking me to achieve? 

We need to understand God very clearly: ​God’s past through history, God’s current situation, and also God’s future providence. 

In order to know somebody, in order to know your spouse, in order to know some leader, in order to know your Cain, in order to embrace them, in order to love them, you need to understand a person’s past. When you know that person’s past, you know that person’s pain, that person’s sorrow, that person’s weakness, that person’s problem. Then you can embrace everything. 

As a fallen person, if you know someone’s past and you discover that person’s faults and problems and shortcomings, then you may have a more fallen(?) relationship.(?) However, what is the main reason you need to know that person’s past? In order to understand his background, what his relationship with God is, what his relationship with True Parents is, what his relationship with his parents is. If he did not receive love, then I came to understand that I need to love him more than his father and more than his mother. Wow! How beautiful it is, right? 

Then the current situation: What is he doing now? How much does it (does he) relate to God’s will? No matter how busy you are, if your current situation does not relate to God’s providence, it does not make any sense. That is why we need to guide our Cain figures, our members, how to relate their job to God’s providence.

Thirdly,(?) we need to guide them properly about God’s vision. “My vision needs to relate to God’s vision.” That is why the Bible says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” My vision needs to relate to God’s vision. Without relating to God’s vision, the Bible says, “You will perish.” Everything needs to connect to God: God’s future, God’s present and God’s past. 

Today’s Youth Ministry​: Jacob’s Course - Mother and Child Cooperation and ​Fallen Nature and Original Nature

This is incredible guidance. We can learn from Jacob’s course. 

1. Although Esau was born as the eldest son of Isaac, he did not maintain a close relationship with his mother as Jacob did. Since the path of restoration is the path of mother-child cooperation, it is a basic fact that if you have a good relationship with your mother, you can go on a good path, regardless of whether you are the eldest or the second child. ​

2. If Esau had a good relationship with his mother and loved his younger brother, then his rough and hot-tempered external personality is not bad at all. If he had a good relationship with his mother, his outward personality would be rather masculine, courageous, and capable of doing everything independently. ​

3. It wasn't that his relationship with his mother wasn't good because he had a bad personality from the time he was born. On the surface, his personality may seem like a weakness, but if he goes through his mother, it can be used for valuable work. It can be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on who you focus on. ​

4. The reason why we use the word “bad point” is because we use it unilaterally by ourselves rather than forming a relationship with our parents. However, if you establish a relationship with your parents, that character becomes your good point. ​

5. In fact, all our shortcomings are our strengths when we act with the subject of love. All human beings have the personality of the individual embodiment of truth that God has given them. ​

6. For example, stubbornness is stubbornness when it worries one’s subject of love, but it shows as loyalty when a person becomes one with their subject of love -- with your mother, with your Abel, with your parents. However, this loyalty does not appear overnight, but only after many years. ​

7. We have fallen nature and original nature. The distinction between fallen nature and original nature is simple. If I use my innate character centered on God, it becomes my original nature, and if I use it centered on myself, it becomes my fallen nature. So, don’t easily underestimate or criticize yourself. ​

8. The important thing is what kind of relationship I have with my central figure of love. “I’m very shy.” “It hurts to be ignored.” These things can all be resolved by establishing a relationship with your Abel, the subject partner, and giving and receiving well. ​

9. When someone ignores you, you immediately go to Abel and ask, “What should I do when I hear these things?,” and if you hear from Abel, “It wasn't that you were ignored, but it was because you were cute,” you can resolve it without feeling hurt. ​

10. However, if you keep yourself locked up in your heart, the unresolved things will stay in your heart. If you keep such a heart, then after 3 hours, it will settle in your heart. If you do not meet your central figure and resolve it within 3 hours, a nail is driven into your heart. ​

That is why you need to resolve any problem within three hours. Otherwise, in a wrong way it will settle down in your heart already. The number 3 is very important. The number 3 is the number of settling down. That is why you need to solve the problem within three hours. 

11. Because our hearts always center around the number three whether it is good or bad, we should attend Wednesday service. Why emphasize attending the Wednesday service, which is three days after Sunday service? If a problem arises, it must be resolved within 3 hours, within 3 days, and within 3 months. Brothers and sisters in the family should always keep in touch, preferably within three hours if it is urgent. ​Always we are communicating (?) based on the number three.(?) In any situation “Mother, I am going back,” or “Mother, I am at school.” You always need to have give and take with your mother, with your father or with your central figure. That kind of heartistic communication is very, very important.

12. If you don’t go to church more than 3 times, your relationship with the church will become very distant, and if you don’t go for more than 3 months, you will leave the church. If you don’t have give and receive with your beloved Abel centered on the number 3, the relationship will become estranged. So, you must always give and receive without passing the number 3 with your direct Abel. If you miss 3 times, you start to get sick. ​

This is very, very practical guidance by True Father. It is really amazing guidance. That is why when some members don’t come to church, the central figure has to be very sensitive. If you love each member of the church, then you already know who comes and who does not come. Of course, there are many people, so someone needs to report to the central figure.

There is a reason why people miss church, some internal problem or a busy schedule. You need to check about it. You need to call them and comfort them. Then you can come to know the reason. You can visit the members home and pray for him. “Maybe he is busy.” If you just guess and do not call, what kind of a pastorship is that? You are not a real pastor! If the children are sick, you need to visit and talk to them. If you don’t have time, at least you need to call them. “How are you?” When someone misses Sunday service and the central figure calls them, then he or she feels, “Wow! My central figure loves me!” If he misses Sunday service two times, already something is wrong. If he misses three times, something is seriously wrong. That is why we always need to have give and take, heartistic communication. 

Especially children need to have heartistic communication with their mother. With their mother! We cannot ignore the providence of mother and son cooperation. That is one of the main providences. God works through mother and son cooperation. Look at Abraham’s family, Isaac’s family, Jacob’s family, Moses’ family. Even True Father spoke about the relationship between True Mother and Daemonim. Mother and son cooperation is really incredible. That’s why as a man and a husband, you need to take care of your wife very well. You need to give her a lot of love and encourage her. The wife will (then) have more strength and power and can convey her blessing and love to her own children. Many people do not know this simple principle. “Maybe my wife can do everything.” Don’t just rely on your wife as a husband. Your main job is to give confidence to your wife and always love and care for her. Then your wife will have more strength and power from her husband and (will be able to) deliver husband’s blessing and love to the children. This is the way to grow ourselves. We can learn from Jacob’s course. 

(Response to sharing) The mother is the center of love. If the mother’s heart is peaceful, then the entire family becomes peaceful. If the mother is confused, then the entire family becomes confused. If the mother is shaking, then the entire family is shaking. That’s why the mother is really the center of love. If everybody is united centering on the mother, that is the best way to establish peace in the family. 

(Response to sharing) I repeat again and again: heartistic communication, especially with your father, your mother, your Abel figure (is important). You always need to find someone with whom to communicate heartistically. Otherwise, if you want to digest alone and there is some bad point or not such good things (remain) in your mind, I am telling you, those become your cancer, really killing you. They become poison. That’s why anyone who heartistically communicates very well and has a wonderful central figure, Abel figure, has a wonderful mother, wonderful father, wonderful friend -- any time you heartistically have give-and-take very well, your spirit becomes healthy, and you won’t have cancer. When you cannot digest something and keep it in your heart and mind continuously, it becomes cancer, becomes poison. That is why we really need to think how we can digest and give-and-take well with heartistic communication. Then our spiritual life will become very healthy.

(Response to sharing) I was talking about cancer. When we physically and heartistically cannot give-and-take very well, it becomes cancer. That is correct. However, there are many reasons (we can get cancer). Someone is a good person, good Abel, good husband, good wife but they have cancer. There may be many reasons (for this): because of ancestors, because they received some kind of DNA from their father or mother. There are all kinds of reasons (for cancer). Today I was particularly talking about when we cannot give-and-take well internally it becomes poison. I saw many, many people -- not just outside people, but members -- that is why I am emphasizing and stressing this point… Please do not misunderstand. There are really good people, good Abels, good fathers, good mothers (who have cancer). There are many reasons we do not know. It may come from the ancestors, from parents DNA, all kinds of reasons. The important thing is that we need to have give-and-take very well. There is not only physical cancer but spiritual cancer. We need to understand this centering on God’s point of view.♦

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