Ep 392 - Beginning Of A Heavenly Unified World, Raising The Banner Of Victory In Oceania Part 1

Beginning of a Heavenly Unified World, Raising the Banner of Victory in Oceania #27

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(Response to sharing) Since Adam and Eve fell, we are the first ones to receive the Blessing. Of course, the meaning of the Blessing is very profound, but it begins from suffering and hardships and paying indemnity. After overcoming, it becomes a real blessing. You could overcome all the difficulties and have beautiful children and a beautiful spouse! A life of faith is overcoming, always joyful and grateful to God.

I think trinity is the key. If you form the trinity system everywhere, you can develop and multiply all the time. 

I am still in Kentucky state. Yesterday I spent such a great time together with ministers and our members. The Marriage Blessing Summit took place in Louisville, KY, with 70 participants. I love this title -- not Pastors’ Summit, not Leadership Summit. We are very focused on the Marriage Blessing, so the title was very good. The Marriage Blessing Summit took place in Kentucky yesterday. 

Bishop Bernie Wade is a very Abel-type minister. Under his leadership there are so many pastors working. He is the one who officially invited me to join his annual gathering. He asked me to come to his gathering to give the keynote address. Then Rev. James Elliot and Bishop Dennis Lyons and other key Kentucky clergy supported this program. Although Kentucky is one of the smallest states in terms of FFWPU membership -- there are only 12 families -- but the family members are so united and determined, it became the first state to welcome back the Continental Director for the second round of the 50-State Tour. Also, members of Indiana and Ohio came and supported Kentucky.

After the summit some of the members and clergy visited the University of Louisville campus. You know how much we are now focused on CARP activities. Even though we do not have a foundation, I need to set up Holy Grounds and I need to pray about it. I am very serious about that. Let’s pray for the establishment of a CARP chapter in Kentucky. 

Today, I would like to speak about “Beginning of a Heavenly Unified World, Raising the Banner of Victory in Oceania” from the contents of True Mother’s memoir. 

<Mother of Peace, Pages 331-332​> “I wanted multiple generations of the True Family to take the lead in the 2019 model course of national restoration, so they could inherit this realm of victory and help prepare the gift of seven restored nations for Heavenly Parent and True Father. So I invited my family members to guide two Rallies of Hope as special emissaries, representing the heavenly world and the earthly world. The families of Moon Hyo-jin (Moon Yeon-ah) and Moon Heung-jin (Moon Hoon-sook) oversaw the events in Palau, and Moon Sun-jin and Park In-sup led the events in the Dominican Republic.​

Palau lies in the western Pacific Ocean. It is made up of 340 beautiful islands that bring to mind God’s original creation. My husband and I first visited Palau in 2005 to establish a branch of the Universal Peace Federation. I returned there in 2006 with some of my children and spoke to a large gathering.​

When it came time to plan a “First Ladies Summit” in 2019, we decided that Palau would be the ideal hostess nation. Palau places the mother at the center of the family, society and traditional culture. The presidents and first ladies of Palau have actively supported our movement since 1992. I was particularly touched when Palau’s first lady came to Korea to pay her respects when my husband ascended in 2012.​

Considering how providentially appropriate it is for women to take the lead in establishing the Pacific civilization, it is truly meaningful that the Asia Pacific First Ladies Summit and Blessing Ceremony, marking the beginning of the Heavenly Unified World, was hosted in Oceania’s matriarchal society of Palau. Nonetheless, our membership base in Palau is still somewhat small, so it was a challenge for us to host the Summit and Blessing Ceremony there, and I am grateful to all the local members and volunteers who made it happen.​

On December 9, 2019, the eve of the main event, we held a welcoming banquet for more than 300 distinguished guests from 36 nations, including His Excellency President Thomas Remengesau Jr. and First Lady Debbie Remengesau of Palau, eight current and former first ladies, the speaker of the legislative assembly of Tuvalu and his wife, and parliamentarians from Bhutan and Sri Lanka. The welcoming dinner was held under a crystal-clear night sky filled with stars. In his greetings, the president said, “Though I am the president of this country, today​

I have come as a guest invited by my wife, the first lady, who is the hostess of this year’s Summit.” It was a festive and congenial gathering where every participant felt at home. At the same time, it was a banquet of longing, as many participants, including the president and his wife, kindly expressed how much they had longed to see True Mother.”​

Palau First Ladies Summit 2019

Today and tomorrow, we will have time to report the details and background of the Palau First Ladies Summit. This summit was hosted by Asian leaders, led by me, who was the president of the continent at the time. I will give you a report focusing on the report I sent to True Mother. 

On December 9, 2019, a welcoming dinner for the Asia-Pacific First Lady Summit and blessing ceremony was held in Palau, an island country in our region, under the supervision of the government. President Tommy Remengesau, Mrs. Debbie, eight former and current first ladies, and more than 300 VIPs attended in a friendly atmosphere, centering on Yeon-ah Nim and Hoon-sook Nim, who attended on behalf of True Mother.​

Palau has a population of about 20,000, of which 5,000 are Filipinos. It consists of an island group to the north known as the Palau Islands and four coral islands to the southwest. There are about 340 beautiful islands, extending 640km in the northeast-southwest direction. The Philippines is close by to the west, the Federation of Micronesia is in the northeast, and Indonesia is in the south.​

Palau was once visited by True Parents in 2005 to establish the Universal Peace Federation, and in 2006, True Mother came twice with True Children and spoke to the whole nation.​

Palau consists of a maternal society. Not only Palau but also the few island countries of Oceania are centered on mothers in following all traditions, families, and society. Therefore, this time, centered on the True Mother of all humankind, the only begotten Daughter, the First Ladies Association is becoming a good association in which women from all island countries and Asia create an alliance centered on True Mother’s words.​

Palau’s president and first lady are a very precious couple. Although it is an island country with a population of 20,000, among 200 countries around the world, this presidential couple of filial piety has been to our conferences the most as current leaders and have given great honor to True Parents. Since meeting our movement in 1994, they have attended Divine Principle workshops, received the Blessing and have supported our movement more actively than any other leader.  ​

We personally had an unforgettable experience with these people. During the Seonghwa Ceremony, the world's only current first lady of Palau visited and mourned True Father in tears, and showed courtesy to him at the national level.​

A total of 300 overseas VIPs from 36 countries, including 8 current first ladies of Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, and North Mariana, and former first ladies of Marshall Islands, Fiji, and Kiribati, Tonga's parliamentary couple, and Bhutan, and Sri Lanka’s parliamentary members, attended the event. 115 UPF staff from 19 countries also attended. ​

Today, at 3:30 a.m., Yeon-ah Nim, Hoon-sook Nim, and UPF Secretary General Walsh arrived safely in Korea, and at the VIP lounge, the Secretary of State and Foreign Minister welcomed them on behalf of the Palau government. In addition, many VIPs, including Speaker Jose De Venecia and Tonga’s chairman of Parliament were warmly welcomed.​

Because of a time limit, I would like to share more (about this) tomorrow.

Today we begin the introductory part of the Principles of Creation.

Living Divine Principle: Chapter 1, The Principle of Creation - The Dual Characteristics of God

♦ ​Throughout history, people have anguished over the fundamental questions of human life and the universe without arriving at satisfying answers.​

♦ This is because no one has understood the root principle by which humanity and the universe were originally created.​

♦ To approach this topic properly, it is not enough to examine resultant reality. The fundamental question is that of the causal reality.​

♦ Problems concerning human life and the universe can not be solved without first understanding the nature of God.​  

​The Divine Principle says very clearly that no one has understood the root principle by which humanity and the universe were originally created.​

“No One Has Understood the Root Principle by Which Humanity and the Universe Were Originally Created”​

♦ Who can declare that no one, not even the 4 great saints or philosophers, can give clear answers regarding basic questions of human life and the universe? ​

Father very boldly proclaimed that no one has revealed God’s truth. Only True Father revealed this truth.

1. Only the Messiah can say this.​

… with great confidence.

2. The Messiah can say this with conviction.​

3. The Principle is not something that “could be true” but is something “that is true.” DP does not compromise with any theory, dogma, thought, etc.​

One day Father really scolded some lecturers: “How come you say, when you are teaching the Divine Principle, ‘Maybe, maybe it could be true.” You cannot be like that. The Divine Principle is the eternal truth. You cannot say, ‘It could be true’ or ‘Maybe.’ No, this is real. This is true.” Father really scolded them. “You need to confirm that the Divine Principle is true.” We really need to think that the Divine Principle is God’s eternal truth. The Divine Principle did not come from the human brain. It comes directly from Heavenly Parent using the messiah. This is a very important point. 

4. This is because the Principle is the absolute truth from God. ​

“Problems Concerning Human Life and the Universe Can Not Be Solved Without First Understanding the Nature of God”​

​1. Life’s problems begin to be solved by understanding God. ​

2. Who is God? Life’s problems can only be solved by knowing God’s heart, situation, wish, and the motivation and purpose of creation. ​

3. We must know God’s bitter anguish brought about by the fall.​

4. Ultimately life is about meeting God. It is about establishing a parent-child relationship with Him.​

We need to know that, “I am not a causal being.” We are not a causal being. We need to know this very clearly. Who creates human beings? I am not the creator. God is the creator. That is why we need to know why heavenly God created human beings. We need to know his purpose of creation. 

His purpose of creation becomes the purpose of my life. This is a very important point. Can you decide when you were born? Can you decide when you will die? You cannot decide anything. Why? We are resultant beings. That is why my purpose of life should rely on God’s purpose of creation. We need to know that we are not the subject partner. Human beings are the object partner; God is the subject partner. It is about establishing a parent-child relationship with God. This is a very important point. 

5. We must start our daily routine like True Father with the parent-child relationship. All problems arise from the ignorance of not knowing God.

This is the ignorance of ignorance. That is why if we know God, if we know God’s situation, God’s wishes, God’s dream, God’s purpose of creation, then we can solve any problems. We are resultant beings. We need to find that the problem comes from where? We need to know. We need to know God. Otherwise, without knowing God, there is no solution. Therefore in our daily life, how can we relate to heavenly God? He is my father; he is my mother; he is my parent; I am a child of God. That is why every morning when we wake up, we need to build up our parent-child relationship with God. This is very important. I am so excited to hear True Father’s confession. I already mentioned this a long time ago when I started Morning Devotion. I would like to share again how our True Father connects to Heavenly Parent every morning. 

> When True Father wakes up in the morning, the first call is God. “Heavenly Parent!” “Heavenly God!” Then God will answer him immediately. “My dearest son, I am here. I am always with you.  Please do all your best today. Please grow well. I trust you. I love you forever.”

Wow! One time I heard True Father’s confession: every morning when he calls God, God as the father immediately appears. ​”Hey, my son.  I am here. I am always with you. Today also, let’s work hard. Please do all your best today. Please grow well, not just on the individual level, but on the family level, the national level, the worldwide level, the cosmic level. You need to go further. Hey, Rev. Moon, my son, my only begotten son, I really trust you. I really love you forever.” True Father got that kind of confession from God all the time. Do you think Heavenly Father confessed only to True Father like that? We are children of God, children of True Parents. God gives us the same confession. “Hey, Yong, Little Yong.” “Heavenly Father!” 

I spent time with Father physically and had give-and-take with him. Because of living with Father for a certain time period, I came to know his smile, his anger, his emotions, his happiness. I could read it. That is why whenever I had any question and asked True Father, “What should I do?” Immediately he gave me an answer. “You need to do that. You need to go this way.” Wow! That is why a life of faith is experience. Experience is very important. When we attend, (it is a) real experience with True Father and True Mother; when you face some difficulties and ask True Mother, even though True Mother is not here and True Father is not here, (when you) ask them, they will immediately give you an answer. Thank God our True Father had that kind of relationship with Heavenly Parent. 

That is why I would like to confess to you, recently my heart is so often… I  miss Heavenly Parent so much! Even this morning I really miss him. God is no longer a concept. He is really, really reality to me. True Father, my father, he is not a concept. He is reality in my heart. That is why he gives the same confession to you: “My dearest son. Do you know that I am always with you? Please do all your best today, my son, my daughter. Please grow very well. I trust you. I love you forever.” When we substantially feel like that, how close our relationship with God is! God is not just a conceptual God. He is so-o-o real! He is such a reality! How can we deny God?

> We, too, should have a heart-to-heart communication with God like this every morning. The existence of God cannot be merely a being of an idea. You have to become a person who always misses God, wants to run to discuss it at any time, and wants to confess everything.​

I really appreciate Father. Because of him, God is no longer vague for me. I am eternally grateful to True Father. He is the one who taught me who God is. That is why he is my true father; he is my true teacher. He is always guiding me. Incredibly! Moon, Sun Myung, our Father Moon, is an incredible guy! He is no longer on earth. We cannot see him physically. 

7. When the vertical problems of God are solved, the horizontal problems of the universe will be solved too​.

8. The pillar must be firmly established and God must be the first priority. If only the relationship with God is resolved, the problems between humans will be resolved automatically.​

That is why our purpose of life is very important. How can I know God? How can I know God? Sorry to say, we respect True Parents, but when we go to the spiritual world, of course when we miss him, we can meet him maybe. However, not 24 hours every second, every minute, every hour, every day. 

Who is with you every step every single second, single minute, single day forever? Who is with you forever? Not your wife. Not your husband, not your children, not your parents, not True Father and True Mother. Who is that? He is Heavenly God. However, he always has jjak sarang for me. One sided love only. When I return my love to him, how happy he is. Can you imagine? 

Give and take. Cannot give and take. How painful! I can breathe out, but cannot breathe in. Give but cannot receive. Breathe in and breathe out, but only can breathe out, cannot breathe in. Wow! How painful that is. One sided love is so painful. However, according to the Divine Principle, give-and-take action is give and receive, give and receive. When I need something, I can get it. When I want to give something, I can give it. Give-and-take action is a universal principle. Why do we feel pain? Because we don’t know how to have give-and-take action. That is pain. 

God is giving and giving and giving and giving, but how many human beings and our ancestors really notice God’s sorrow? God’s love? God’s heart. God is extremely sensitive regarding heart because he is a perfect God. How much we hurt God! We have to think about that. That is why when I tell you about the Principle of Creation, especially dual characteristics, I want to share with you that God is no longer a conceptual God. He is no longer just an ideal God. I want to share with you that God is SO real! So real! How can you deny your father and mother? You cannot. How can you deny your own brothers and sisters? God is clearer than this.

Today’s Youth Ministry: “Do Not Carelessly Judge Others”​

1. We cannot tell if a person is of God or Satan by examining him or her on the surface, and thus must not carelessly judge others. Do not carelessly judge others before having certainty about who stands behind the people you meet, whether it is God or Satan.​

Our fallen problem is preconceptions. I am telling you, fallen people have preconceptions. “My wife is like that. My husband is like that. My children are like that. My Abel is like that.” You already have fixed conceptions. Fixed. Then you cannot develop anymore. Once you have the wrong imagination about somebody, it is impossible to change. That is a problem. Even though this guy is a wrong guy and already makes problems, parents always have hope, a new concept: “Maybe he can change next time.” 

How can we have that kind of parental heart even though someone makes a mistake? Without a preconception? Fallen man’s problem is preconception. They always make wrong decisions (about other people). 

2. We also must not carelessly judge others based on their personal faults. We must first understand the history and background of each person. Even those who oppose our church would not have done so if they had a good understanding of the Principle. They should first have an understanding of our history and background before opposing our church.​

Christianity got a wrong understanding of True Parents: “Moonie, Moonie, Moonie, Moonie, Moonie.” Wow! Such a preconception! Wrong understanding. If they had had a humble heart and tried to attend anyone... Even if some evil guy says something, you can hear that.(?) This is not a simple job.

3. The Jewish people considered the Sabbath to be an absolute order from God and were fervent in their abidance to it. However, Jesus and his disciples did not abide by the Sabbath. Jesus was met with opposition due to declaring that he himself is the Lord of the Sabbath amid such a situation. The Jewish people opposed him, saying, “Jesus! How can you possibly be the Lord of the Sabbath, when you fail to abide by the Laws of Jehovah yourself?”, whereas the Jewish people should have had an understanding of who stood behind Jesus and the background he had.​

That is why when we judge people according to our own tradition, according to our own knowledge, we always make a mistake. There is a reason why the Jewish people failed. That is why we always need to hear beyond tradition, beyond culture, beyond habit, beyond any knowledge. We always need to hear from our original mind. You should truly serve your original mind. Truly serving your original mind, Father said, is the best way to remove your preconceptions. What does your mind want to say? What instruction does your original mind give you? Without living centered on the original mind, human beings judge everything according to rules, according to the law, according to customs, according to habits, according to tradition, according to culture, according to my own knowledge. Oh my God! How can we always hear our original mind? Then our original mind can say, “This is wrong or not.”

4. It is difficult to distinguish whether a person is genuine or acting based on a conceptual understanding when we examine him or her. Only an individual himself or herself knows if showing up to church is out of habit or is from a sincere desire of wanting to attend. It is thus difficult to compliment or criticize such an individual.​

That is why as a fallen man, when you see someone’s fault or problem, do not judge it immediately. Think that his problem is my problem. “Heavenly Father, through this incident teach me something.” If we always reflect based on my problems, my situation, and hit my body and always strike my body and talk to my original mind, even though someone made a mistake. The next day we have already forgotten, and attend him with a fresh heart and mind, then God starts to work. 

5. It is easy for fallen human beings to carelessly criticize others because they fail to live with their divine spirit, the mind of the spirit body, as the center. You should not carelessly judge others by your own standard if you are unaware of an individual’s relationship with God in the background.​

6. An example of a historical sin that occurred is in Noah’s course, after he got drunk and lay down naked. Ham, Noah’s son, should have understood what position his father was in instead of having judged him carelessly. Ham should not have been rash or embarrassed regarding Noah’s actions. Thus, stop yourself from judging others if you find yourself unsure, as prejudice fosters misunderstanding.​

Even though I say this, it is not easy. I have maybe my own conceptions a lot. I make a lot of mistakes when I see anyone because I have my own preconceptions. How can we see somebody centering on God’s point of view, centering on parents’ point of view? When you see someone’s fault and are still embracing and understanding, wow! Our True Father’s guidance is really amazing and beautiful. 

7. Fallen human beings make mistakes due to being able to live with their original mind as the center. We must thus make efforts to see from God’s perspective to avoid making mistakes. Second, we should always ask and confirm the hearts of those we speak to.​

Especially as a couple, we are fallen people. Do not judge and have preconceptions: “My husband is like that. My wife is like that.” That is why they finally fight with each other and struggle and struggle and finally divorce because they cannot communicate with each other because they have strong preconceptions about each other.  

8. Fallen human beings, regardless of who they may be, live with self-centered prejudice. Thus, when we deny ourselves and take care of others with a constant heart of serving them, we come to understand the truth regarding them. A person’s identity is brought to light with certainty after having made efforts to live in service to and for the sake of that person.​

This is very important. How can I know that person? Very simple. It is not clear who that guy is, who my Abel is, who that guy is. Before judging we need to truly serve the person. This is my experience. When I serve somebody truly with my utmost sincerity, then we can know his identity very clearly. That is why through serving we know that person’s standard, that person’s situation. That is why serving is very, very powerful. Through serving we know that person’s reality, that person’s spiritual reality, the person’s problem. Then when I discover that person’s problem, I need to think I want to be responsible (for the problem?). I want to help in some certain area for him to become better. The word is simple, but the practice is not easy, right?

9. People who see the preciousness of even abstract things in their life of faith come to receive a lofty love from God. Joseph saw a single dream he had as precious without letting it go as some abstract thing. He believed that the dream would be realized substantially. Joseph is such a man who found success after a single dream.​

His faith was amazing! His relationship with God was so powerful! God showed him the dream, but he never forgot it. “Someday this dream will be realized.” He had absolute faith. Of course, we sometimes need to have our dreams interpreted. Our interpretation is very important. Sometimes a wrong interpretation is a problem. 

Joseph served his brothers. He could have resentment, but he served his brothers. Do you know why Joseph loved his brothers? He was thinking, “My father Jacob, while I was not with my Father Jacob, my eleven brothers were the ones who took care of him. I need to appreciate them. If I hate my brothers, how sad my Father Jacob will be. Joseph had filial piety. He had filial piety. That is why he could forgive his elder brothers who sold him. Joseph’s relationship with God was so powerful; he kept absolute faith. Even though God just showed him a dream one time, he kept it absolutely. 

10. Joseph was able to succeed in realizing that dream because he prevented himself from making mistakes until the day of its realization. The dream of the sun and moon, as well as the stars, bowing down to him became a reality.​

Today’s topic is, “Do not carelessly judge others.” It is not an easy job, but let’s try. Always through serving people I can change my preconceptions. And always hearing my original mind, I can change my preconceptions. 

Thank you. Kamsahamnida.

(Response to sharing) Everybody, even though they may oppose me and dislike me, loves to hear testimony. Not just the conclusion. Since you joined the Unification Church, how much has your life changed? They really want to hear about someone’s transformation: how much I have changed in terms of character, my relationship with my spouse and with other people. Wherever you go with anyone, when you give your personal testimony, it is really powerful. It will open their heart and mind and then gradually step by step you can share the conclusion. That is why when we go out witnessing, there is no need to share a declaration from the beginning. If we declare -- of course, sometimes we need to train (ourselves) -- but if we declare the conclusion first, they (may) already close their mind and we cannot have give and take any more.  That is why you need to have a personal testimony. Yesterday I shared with the Christian ministers about my marriage with a Japanese wife. Everybody loved to hear that I was married to the enemy and this and that. This was a good example case. I think giving testimony is the best way to witness, the best way to open their heart and mind.

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