Ep 469 - Asia Part 1

Asia 104-29-12-40 - February 6, 2022 True Parents’ Birthday

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Happy True Parents’ Birthday! It is February 6 here (in Korea). True Parents’ Birthday was really beautiful. Today, we finished the True Parents' birthday celebration with True Mother very well. I was very happy to see True Mother in good health. 

In the afternoon, world leaders gathered together centering on True Mother and there was a singing contest for each continent. This was suddenly announced. Seven continents participated in the singing contest, and for Heavenly America, I was alone. Dr. Kim, no one else, was there. The Heavenly North American continent received the Gold Award from True Mother, and Rev. Dunkley, the Regional President of Asia, Region 1, received the Grand Prize. We also received the prize money. Thank you again for your devotion and prayers. 

North America received a plaque and a prize of 2 million won (US 1800$) as above. I have never received such an award from True Mother. I seldom sing; maybe they sympathized with me because I was alone; they gave me a very good score, second prize. Thank you for your support.

Today I’d like to talk about  “Asia” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

If Japan is the mother nation entrusted with Eve‘s mission, the Philippines is the nation entrusted with the daughter’s mission. Therefore, it needs to know the language of its parents. Since a daughter is younger than her mother, she may have a wider activity radius. True Father created the Federation of Island Nations. What is he planning to do with it? He is trying to create one united world, by bringing the great continents together. Because he did this, the island nations are very important. There are national borders on land that you need a visa to  cross, but on the sea you can go wherever you want to go. True Father particularly loves the sea. Fish swim around freely in the five oceans. ​

True Parents have appointed 6 of the 200 countries as providential nations. Korea is the father’s nation; Japan is the mother’s nation; Taiwan is the nation of the first daughter; the Philippines is the nation of the second daughter; and the nation of the third daughter is Canada. 

America and Canada of our North American continent are also providential nations. We need to know what important providential missions the two nations in North America have. And Mother is preparing to provide Canada a new level soon. Perhaps there will be an announcement soon. 

In a way, they seem to be freer than people. This period of the 180-nation tour is the period of special grace when you can receive the true lineage through True Parents and True Children. Would it do if our children were worse off than mere fish? We began the tour across Asia with the Philippines. If all these numerous people are inspired to make a resolution and translate it into practice, what could possibly stand in their way? Study True Parents' words. They are the textbook that tell you what you need to do each day, and what results you will achieve through your actions. (2006.05.29, Manila, the Philippines)​

It is difficult for an island nation to live by itself, because it tends to move toward the continent. Island nations need to connect with one another. Even in this nation, people are fighting one another because of religious or racial reasons. If those people are educated and married interculturally, they will not fight anymore. Everyone feels the same in their innermost heart. No one likes to fight. In the end, fighting only results in pain. From now on, you need to introduce True Father's words and life course to people. You have the responsibility of tribal restoration. You should forget the methods you have employed until now and do your absolute best, feeling that working 24 hours a day is not enough. The time has come when the spirit world can cooperate with us 100 percent. You should not miss this opportunity where, once you have reached a certain standard, spirit world can cooperate with you 100 percent, even 120 percent. (2006.06.01, Colombo, Sri Lanka)​

While emphasizing the Pacific Rim Era, True Parents emphasized that the island nations along the Pacific coast need to become one. Let's study True Father's words on this. 

The Founding of ​the Federation of ​Island Nations for World Peace​

<Chambumo Gyeong P. 950> From the Mediterranean civilizations centered on Greece and Italy, civilization advanced, traversing the North Atlantic from Great Britain to the United States. Now, it is coming to fruition in a civilization of the Pacific realm, the countries of which are home to more than half the world ’s population. The Korean Peninsula, in the context of the Pacific Rim civilization, stands in the same position as the Italian Peninsula in Jesus ’ time.​

Thus, continental and oceanic civilizations, Eastern and Western civilizations, and spiritual and material civilizations​ should converge there to achieve a grand unity and harmony. There are more than 60 countries on the shores of the Pacific. Just as the sea conceives and nurtures life, these countries need to fulfill the mother ’s role and contribute to world peace. For this reason, True Parents paid close attention to the founding of the Federation of Island Nations for World Peace, which they carried out on June 16, 1996 in Tokyo.​

True Parents proclaimed the Pacific Rim Civilization and said … that this Pacific Rim will play a role in restoring the environment in achieving Cheon Il Guk centered on Korea. 

True Father said that in the future who(ever) will occupy the world will depend on who occupies the ocean. And True Parents emphasized that we need to train many of our young people who are growing up through the Ocean Providence to nurture them into world leaders. 

True Father warned that in the future there will be many battles for the great powers to occupy the oceans, and he said that America should protect the island countries in the Pacific region, especially the island countries in the Oceania region. 

TF warned that the food from the earth would one day be depleted, and said that we should protect the sea, which is the storehouse of an infinite food supply, by creating the Federation of Island Nations for World Peace so that the great powers do not monopolize it unilaterally. He said that it would play an important role to realize world peace. 

<Chambumo Gyeong P. 955> Since we currently dwell in the era of the Pacific cultural sphere, we must help the countries that are located on the Pacific Ocean. In order to gather these countries together, I held the World Cup Fishing Tournament on Jeju Island. The purpose of this event was to connect these countries. I wanted to create an organization that the United Nations could administer. I very much hoped the United Nations would create a branch that focuses on the leisure industry and similar concerns. There are many obstacles to this kind of effort. 

If we want to work with the executive members of the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations as they exist today, we must educate them. In order for South Korea to embrace the North, we must educate the North Koreans.​

We need to let them know about God and the spirit world. We must help them understand with certainty about changing the blood lineage. When they understand this, all problems will be solved. For this purpose, 52 countries, including the developing nations in the Pacific cultural sphere, have joined the Federation of Island Nations for World Peace. After integrating these countries into a state-like federation, we must connect them to the UN.​

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE​: Principle of Creation 16​ - The Life of 4 Position Foundation​

Let’s read from the EDP content.

When the origin, the subject partner and the object partner projected from the origin, and their union all fulfill the three object purpose, the four position foundation is established.

Let’s study Father’s word based on the four position foundation:

The Most Difficult Task Is in Restoring the Four-Position-Foundation

<46-95> You might think that you are happy to have a wife but I do not think like that. Your children and woman too are not happy. They are not happy, rather they carry the cross. The person in the subject position must make them happy. If he has a child, he must make his child happy as well. He must shoulder the cross of three generations. That is why the restoration of the four-position-foundation is most difficult. It can be compared to the task of conquering the world. You should move forward while offering devotion centering on the love of the four-position-foundation. ​

Father said, “He must shoulder the cross of three generations. That is why the restoration of the four-position-foundation is most difficult. It can be compared to the task of conquering the world.”

Since the fall of Adam and Eve, no family who received the Blessing from God and True Parents has completed the four position foundation. 

Because God's kingdom of heaven begins for the first time after receiving the Blessing and establishing the four position foundation, we do not know how great Satan's sabotage and trials are. 

Therefore, receiving the Blessing and establishing the four position foundation is the first challenge in human history, so the Blessed couples must live with the determination that we will bear the cross in our family. 

To establish the four position foundation, we need to bear the three great crosses. First, we need to bear the cross for our parents. Second, we need to bear the cross for our spouses. Third, we need to bear the cross for our children.

Therefore, when we bear the cross with unspeakable sacrifice, hard work, and devotion for our families, the whole family becomes happy. Therefore, completing the four position foundation is the most difficult (challenge). 

We need to know that since the Blessed Families are the first generation to go through the path of transition from the satanic lineage to the lineage of God, we are supposed to go through the pain, crosses, and sacrifices that no one can imagine. 

Since it is the first time of transition in God's 6,000-year history, there are many families that are sacrificed and there are many processes of trial and error. 

Because True Parents are well aware of this situation, they often gave the grace of forgiveness and took responsibility for the Blessed families who made mistakes. 

This is our situation. We are the first ones to come to understand God and True Parents, and we received the Blessing, which is salvation. Ideally (we have) the concept of the four position foundation, how beautiful God’s ideal is! But to establish the four position foundation is not a simple job. Father said the most difficult task is to restore the four position foundation. No one has done it so far. We are the ones who really challenge (ourselves) how to fulfill the four position foundation, how can we establish a three generation kingship. This is not a simple matter. We are really challenging (this goal). So far no one could fulfill this portion of responsibility. 

Even though we have received the Blessing, what is the problem with my Blessing, with my husband, with my wife, and with my children? There are a lot of trials and challenges: sometimes different nationalities, different colors, different traditions, different languages. This is one of the greatest challenges, to live together centered on our True Parents. 

However, True Parents really appreciate us. We obeyed them; we received the Blessing. We are trying to fulfill the four position foundation, which is God’s fundamental foundation. 

Father said True Parents as the messiah will take responsibility forever for the families that they have blessed -- even though True Father in the position of the messiah and savior sometimes scolds us, curses us, judges us: “How come you do that as a husband, as a blessed family?” Though they sometimes judge us and (even) curse us, True Parents’ heart is great; they give us opportunities for forgiveness and another chance. I heard (them say) many times, “Anyone who receives the Blessing from us, we are eternally responsible for them no matter what. Even though they make mistakes, I will be responsible for them. That is the heart of the parent. Behind his scolding, he is the one who is shedding tears. He understands that the most difficult task is restoring the four position foundation. Father cannot externally encourage us. Sometimes he teaches us…

This is a kind of transition time period, the first time in human history, the first time we are challenged to reach the four position foundation.

Centering on each person's background, each family’s background, there is a different situation. But without giving up, keep on trying. We cannot compare (ourselves with others): “Oh, your family is good. That family is good. How come my family is like that?” Everyone has a different family background and ancestor background. We cannot judge so simply: “Why is that family like that?” Father said, “If you knew that person’s family and ancestor background, no one would accuse him.” Father’s understanding is like this; that is why he is (so) embracing and forgiving and forgiving again and again. Sometimes he scolds us, but we feel how much our True Parents really care for us. We really need to appreciate True Father and True Mother. We confess that they are “my savior, my eternal parents, eternal father and mother.”

The Realm of God’s Love

  <76-291>   A person who loves her husband more than herself can enter the realm of God’s love. The person who can love his wife more than himself can enter the realm of God’s love. The person who can love his brother more than himself can enter the realm of God’s love. The person who can love his parents more than himself can also enter the realm of God’s love. All of these statements are the conclusion that can be drawn from the realm of the four-position-foundation. ​

What is the conclusion to establish the four position foundation? He said (that) it is entering the realm of God’s love. How can we enter the realm of God’s love?

He said in order to do that, love your husband more than yourself, love your parents more than yourself, love your siblings more than yourself, and love your children more than yourself.  That is the only way you can enter the realm of God’s love. God showed us that way. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY​: A Life Centered on​ the Wishes of Original Nature​

1. To live a life centered on original nature, we must live centered on God’s unchanging law that the original nature wishes for. But fallen human beings do not have any unchanging standard. We always just live according to the environment without any standard. “Since others are wearing those clothes, I will wear that, too,” “since others are saying they chose that major to make money, I will choose that major too.” I lose the wishes of my own original nature and my life becomes controlled by the environment. I should choose a specialty centered on Heaven and the wishes of my original mind, but there are cases when money becomes the center or I prioritize success.  I must find my own wishes centered on the original nature. You must know the truth that in order to take hold of my standard adjusting to the environment, I will be infinitely miserable. ​

True Father said that the Blessed children or anyone who leads a normal life of faith will surely know what their wishes of original nature are between the ages of 18 and 24. 

You can know your original wishes.

It means that you will know what field you should contribute to God, the world, and the nation. Therefore, you need to know what you wish centered on your original nature. If you are not sure, then ask God what major you will be doing to please God or your parents. 

Father said when you raise your blessed children, if you educate them properly, nurture them properly and they know what a life of faith is and know God and True Parents, when they reach 18 to 24 years old, surely they will know what are the wishes of their original nature and which area should they focus on. God will surely teach them. He is not a vague God. 

God has a clear plan for how to raise each child. Father said when you reach 24 or 25 if you don’t know what you want to do most centered on your original nature, then something is wrong with your life of faith. If your life of faith is very clear, very related to Heavenly Parent, if you are always asking God questions and receiving answers, (perhaps) as guidance in your dreams, and if you have a good relationship with your father and mother and with your teachers, God will surely give you what your ultimate wishes are centered on your original nature. 

God always tries to develop each person through his blueprint for each person. Therefore we need to know what God wishes for us. 

God has a purpose of creation. That becomes my purpose of  life. God created each human being centered on his blueprint. That is why in order to make my life successful, I need to know what his wishes are and his blueprint for me. When God’s blueprint and my blueprint really fit each other, then my purpose of life is clear. Father is speaking here about a life centered on the wishes of original nature.

What is the True Self

2. In this changing world, when I take on relativity and give and receive, I lose the love of my original nature. Therefore, centering on God’s unchanging, eternal law of creation, I must find my shimjeong, wish, and truth. The providence of restoration is a life of finding my original nature and discovering myself centering on Heaven’s wishes and dreams. If I adjust to the environment of the changing world, I lose myself. Therefore, in my life of faith, I must always set a point in my original nature. If I become completely immersed in my original nature and just follow the environment or person or world, I lose strength in my life of faith. If that happens, I will eventually lose my sense of duty and lose my love. And my spirit becomes destitute and hopeless.​

Do not try to find the wishes of your original nature in a changing world centering on the secular world. Many outside people choose their major based on how to make more money or gain more power, which is better -- centering on the environment, not centering on the wishes of one’s original nature. If you chose your major, what you would like to do, if you chose it centered on the external environment, you surely will lose hope. You need to know in which area I can contribute to God and to all humankind for the sake of others. Each one has a different kind of major. God has a motive for creating me and knows very well in what field I will please God. So study and observe with the heart of always asking God. If you are not clear, then continuously ask, “Heavenly Father, what did you create me for? What area will make you happiest? This kind of attitude is filial piety, right? God’s purpose of creation should be the purpose of my life. In which area can I make God most happy. As a filial son and daughter what are my parent’s wishes? 

When Heavenly Father looks at all mankind, which children have such desires and wishes and pray to God asking, “Which area can I contribute to for you.” Already asking is a great point. Nobody asks God centering on such desires or wishes. If you try to match your original nature with money or fame or power, you will eventually lose your original nature. 

If you find out right away the wishes of original nature, you will have a sense of mission and strength. 

Finding Your True Self

3. First, just as I eat food or drink water when I become hungry and thirsty doing my work, I can find myself centered on my original nature only when I have a joyful heart. A healthy person is delighted with food. A spiritually well person is delighted by the Word. Since the Word is so delightful, they cannot shut their mouth and they are full of desire to spread the Word to those around. Even if you are cursed or disliked, you just have an impulse to spread the Word. If there is someone who can be delighted by the Word with me, it becomes possible to have heartistic exchange with them. Such a person is someone who can find their original nature selves.​

In order to find what your wishes of original nature are, you need to find out what your original nature is most pleased with. It is about finding the wishes of original nature that you can fulfill without getting tired, always happy, and never tired. 

Even though you focus for many hours, you do not get tired because you like it. If you find such a major which is related to your original nature provided by God, then your life becomes wonderful.

If you find out rightly your wishes of original nature, you will always be glad and happy, and be full of energy and do things from the heart.

4. If you just properly practice a life of faith centered on the original nature, the path of faith becomes a path of delight, a path of wishes, and a path of calling. When does God call me? When I have a voluntary heart that wells up from the original mind and form a reciprocal relationship with God, He calls and guides me. If I eat food deliciously with a healthy body, the natural environment makes me healthy. A person that God wishes for is someone who always lives centered on original nature and lives delightfully with the Word and wells up heartistically. When you graduate high school, most people come to know in which they have an aptitude and feel joy and delight. If you give and receive centered on the field which your original nature likes and is pleased by, no matter what work or mission, you can bear it joyfully.​

Finding what your original nature wishes is to respond to the path of calling from God. 

God calls each person according to the individuality of each person through the field the person is entrusted with. 

The path to find out rightly the path God has called is the path of hope and the path of calling. It is the path of happiness. Ultimately, the path is to bring joy and glory back to God. 

So, find out which field your voluntary heart comes from. 

When you raise your children, you need to help them (discover) which area they want to do. Let them focus on that. Through that area -- outside people call it aptitude(?attitude?) -- that is the only way they can meet God. Through their own aptitude, (they should discover) which area they love the most and can focus most on, can meet God.

Concerning myself, I really chose the right aptitude 100%. That was God’s providence.

When I think about my life, how Heavenly Father trained me, I tried to adjust according to the wishes of my original nature and according to my aptitude, I really enjoy and love my mission. Wherever I go, of course, (I am) always tired, no time to rest, always … tense, but my original mind is extremely happy about it. I am on the right track. I love my job as a minister. My heart is to love people, meet people. I thank God for raising me in such a way. 

God calls each person according to the individuality of each person through the field that person is interested in. When we nurture our children to respond to God’s wishes, God’s calling, which area God is calling them to, we need to help our young generation and our children.

Creative Nature

5. Some people can communicate with their original nature through the fields of physics or philosophy. If I come to find my innate original nature, everything becomes art, love, joy and happiness.  Everything exists for the sake of love and happiness. Of course, your original nature connects with all fields, but if you enter the core field that you rejoice in the most, unimaginable creativity will emerge. God had a blueprint when He created each human being. We must each find God’s blueprint for us centered on the wishes of our original nature. Therefore, you must major in the field that brings your original nature joy and return joy and glory to God.​

If I find out the right aptitude that my original nature wishes, everything becomes art, love, joy and happiness. If I find out rightly the wishes of my original nature, unimaginable creativity will be exerted. So, I need to find out what blueprint God has for me. When God's blueprint and my blueprint are in one accord, God's purpose of creation is complete, and for me, the purpose of life is complete. It is very interesting guidance, right?

(Response to sharing by a first generation member) You have joined the church. You have done many things already. You have already found your blueprint. How much (of it) can you do very well based on your portion of responsibility? You really responded to God calling. That is why you came to the church and received the Blessing. So far you are doing your best. I am so grateful for that.

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com.♦

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