Ep 453 - The Need For National Restoration Part 4

The Need for National Restoration 88-13-12-40 - January 21, 2022

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(Response to sharing) You were just now talking about the coronavirus. It has influenced the entire world. We are thinking of using the Divine Principle and True Love. How can we influence the entire world with a True Love Virus? The external world has shown us (an example) through the coronavirus. Now it is time to show through the True Love Virus how we can influence the entire world.♦

I just now came back home. I am sorry; I have not been able to see you live for the past few days. Thank you for your prayer and devotion. For the first time in over 30 years of my missionary life I had such a beautiful and wonderful time with my entire family. I spent a lot of time with my grandchildren. I experienced God’s love and heart and had time to become one with my family members. Thank you for your incredible support. 

I will be leaving here at the end of this month for True Parents’ upcoming birthday celebration and World Summit. Many things will be happening in Korea. 

Today I’d like to talk again about “The need for national restoration” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

From now on, our providence, True Parents' providence is to search for a nation. With the world as our objective, we should bring at least seven restored nations to God by 2020. Are you ready for this? It is not enough to just say “Yes,” You must show results. In order to do this you need to solve all humankind's difficult problems, racial problems, and religious problems with True Parents and True Parents' ideology. We have one single goal. We must unite and move toward our goal of establishing God's fatherland, a nation united centered on True Parents. All our organizations should educate others about True Parents and guide them to develop into blessed families engrafted with new life through True Parents. (2015.09.17, Cheon Jeong Gung). ​

God's dream should be achieved while I am still on earth. The Korean people need to be awakened from their ignorance. So what do you need to do? You should start by bringing change to the people. You need to fulfill your responsibility as tribal messiahs and restore the nation. Our religion must become a religion of the people. A religion of the people is a religion of True Parents. This must be a nation that attends True Parents. You must bring this nation to become one with True Parents while True Parents are still alive. We must develop this idea. That is the only way. (2016.04.06, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

True Mother said, ”From now on, True Parents’ providence is to search for a nation. With the world as our objective, we should bring at least seven restored nations to God by 2020. Are you ready for this? It is not enough to just say ‘yes.’ You must show results.” 

True Mother is emphasizing that from now on, we must show our capabilities and substantial results that no one can deny. 

Today, let's take a look at how important “capability” and “substantial results” are based on True Father's words.

Only capabilities and Actual substantial results Determine the Final Victory or Defeat. ​

<63-241> Do not think so lightly of the Unification Church. No matter if there are all sorts of rumors or all sorts of cursing, it does not mean I can be foolish and just be as I am. When the wind blows, don't blame the wind for blowing, but when the wind blows and shakes the tree, blame the shallow roots. If the wind blows, doesn't it break because I have no foundation? The reason I am sad is because I have not laid a foundation. That is why the road I must go on is busy. The issue is capabilities and substantial results. Only capabilities and actual substantial results determine the final victory or defeat. This is the automatic conclusion. To do that, in order to make this achievement worthwhile and leave it as a prerequisite for victory in the final battlefield, I will go to any position. I am going to cultivate my capabilities. ​

When we face much persecution and opposition from the world, and when we are despised by others, we should not blame anyone. 

Father said, “When the wind blows, don't blame the wind for blowing, but when the wind blows and shakes, blame the shallow roots. Blame it on not having a foundation and not yet having capability and substantial results.” 

Therefore, the problem for us, who have a busy path ahead of us, is that it is our capabilities and substantial results. Only capabilities and substantial results determine the final victory or defeat. 

Therefore, in order to win the final victory, the basic requirement is to develop capabilities first. In order to cultivate that capability, you have to go to the most difficult place and train. For those who have capabilities and substantial results, Satan will retreat and God will have no choice but to acknowledge them.

It means having capabilities and substantial results that neither God nor Satan nor True Parents can ignore. 

I really want to become one with each of our North American brothers and sisters during my time in North America and bring a proud track record that no one can deny. We must not forget that we are the ones who have to inspire God and True Parents by bringing substantial achievements that no one in the world can deny. To do that we must run and run again and again today and tomorrow. What I have realized since I came to America is that America is really the center of the world. If America settles very well centered on our True Parents, I think we can influence the entire world. 

Now that True Father and Mother are focused on the Korean Peninsula providence, UPF and The Washington Times are really helping the Korean Peninsula providence. While True Mother is on earth, you and I working together let’s fulfill our role as the elder son nation to help not just the Korean Peninsula providence, but the world providence. 

Those Without capabilities and substantial results Drink from the Bitter Cup of Defeat​

<63-241> When I was in prison, all the pastors surrendered to me. When I went to the Heungnam concentration camp, there were about 20 pastors. There were famous pastors, even the president of a church in five provinces. There were distinguished pastors that came in, but I surrendered them all. Having a knife is nothing scary. More than that, you need to have better capabilities to play a game based on justice. You need to know that. Those who lack capabilities and substantial results must drink from the bitter cup of defeat.​

What is the capability of all capabilities? No matter how unjust the circumstance may be, do not live despicably, but live justly and for the sake of others. Ultimately, it is the capability of love. The capability of all capabilities is to move the enemy and the people around you in any place of death and in the most miserable place. 

Even while dying on the cross, Jesus prayed for blessings and forgiveness for the enemy who killed him. This was the achievement of Jesus’ genuine true love. Capability is to move many people with my true love and win their respect. Capability is loving even the enemies who hate me. 

Internally, you must have the capability to persuade anyone with the Divine Principle and God’s Word. Externally, it is practicing the Principle and moving anyone with my true love. I need love capabilities and substantial results to love any enemy. Those without capabilities and substantial results drink from the bitter cup of defeat.

You Must Risk Your Life and Practice

<29-267> Focusing on the Unification Church today, we are not worried because we do not know the Principle itself, but what and how we will practice it after knowing it. So, when you compare knowing and practicing, which one is more difficult? It is easy to know. A person with a good brain can memorize the entire book of Principles with a little effort. But putting it into practice is difficult. In practice, you risk your life. Knowing can be prepared through a certain period of time, but putting it into practice means you have to put your life into it.​

Focusing on the Unification Church today, we are not worried because we do not know the Principle itself, but what and how we will practice it after knowing it. 

Putting it into practice is very difficult. In practice, you risk your life. Knowing can be prepared through a certain period of time, but putting it into practice means you have to put your life into it.

A man of noble character acts up to his own words. A person's character is determined by the consistency of his words and actions. Once you have said something, you have to practice it to the end and set a great example.

We have learned from our True Father’s words that we need to have incredible capability. At the same time we need to have substantial accomplishments. If we have that kind of capability and substantial results, we win everything. We cannot just talk about it. If we bring that kind of results, who can deny us?

​​​​LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 12 - The Function of the Conscience and Life

Today is that last in the series on the conscience.

• However evil a person may be, the force of his conscience, which impels him towards a virtuous life, is always active within his inner self. The minute a person commits an evil act, he immediately feels pangs of conscience. 

• If the function of the conscience were absent in fallen people, God's providence of restoration would be impossible 

• How is this force of conscience generated?

• Since all forces are produced by give and take action,

• The conscience can generate the force only when it (as object partner) forms a common base with some subject partner and engages in give and take action with it. 

• The subject partner of our conscience is God.

Based on this EDP content let’s study Father’s word.

The Power to Move the Universe​

<261-228>A few days ago I told the Japanese sisters that if you unite with your conscience, religion becomes unnecessary. Religion exists as an instrument for the mind to subjugate the body because the mind and body are in conflict. The religions unable to do this will all go to ruin. If you relate to God directly centering on your absolute conscience, you will have the power to move the universe. If you attend God’s 3 great principle(the conscience comes before parent, teacher and God), all sorts of miracles will occur. Extraordinary things will happen. ​

If you relate to God directly centering on your absolute conscience, you will have the power to move the universe. 

If my conscience and body become one, unimaginable signs and miracles will happen. It is not only Jesus who can perform signs and miracles. 

Anyone can perform them. 

If the mind and body just unite, the universe will cooperate, the spirit world will cooperate and God will cooperate. 

If miracles occur when the mind and body unite, then what kind of miracles would occur if the husband and wife, whose bodies are united, become one? 

If just our mind and body unite, the whole universe will cooperate.

And incredible miracles will happen. However, if there is unity between mind and body and if husband and wife absolutely follow their conscience, what will happen? 

In our daily life, the reason problems arise is because, first, mind and body are not united, we did not follow our conscience, and second, because husband and wife are not united in the family. 

This is the main problem in the world. Throughout human history, the main problem has been disunity between the mind and body and disunity between husband and wife. This is the main thing. If our body absolutely follows our conscience, and if husband and wife totally unite and both follow their conscience, can you imagine what kind of world it will be? It is really incredible! 

There is a well-known saying, “Happiness begins at home.” In Korean this phrase means, “When one's home is happy and harmonious, all goes well.” 

This time I had a chance to serve my whole family. We have ten or eleven family members. In my family I am not the continental director. I am just the father of my children and the grandparent of my grandchildren. So, I need to know how to get along with them, how to serve them, how we can play together, how we can communicate together. I learned many things. 

Since I left home, I have not been able to watch my grandchildren grow up. This time I had an incredible and beautiful relationship with my children. I can see even small unity in my family. I can see incredible happiness. I can see if we create more unity and become a harmonious family … now according to the saying, if the entire family can create unity and a harmonious life, then all (will) go very well. 

I feel the family is really the front line. I really appreciate that God gave me this opportunity to come back home and serve each member of my family.  

Liberation of the Conscience​

<261-96> What teacher can become the teacher of the conscience? What teacher? The conscience knows everything. Even a mouse knows when a boat on a voyage will be destroyed and thus flees, but if human beings are centered on true love, would they not know better than the mouse? You would know everything. There is no need for education. It knows everything​.

The conscience does not need education or a teacher. A person whose conscience and body are one can have a premonition and foresee everything (about) what will happen in the future. 

Even a small mouse knows when a boat will be destroyed and flees first. 

If human beings became one with their conscience and became one through true love, would they not know better than the mouse? 

If the mind and body unite, if there is any danger coming, God will tell me everything through inspiration or dreams. That is why in our life of faith, we must live by receiving teachings through dreams. 

When we really unite with God vertically and my body absolutely follows God’s orders, God’s word and absolutely follows my conscience, many things can happen. We have already received so much inspiration and revelations (about) what to do, how to solve problems. This can make a lot of miracles. 

I will share with you a beautiful story. One of the great Divine Principle lecturers, Rev. Chang-sung Ahn, before he died, looked for me and came to me. I was the Oceania continental director. Father was assigning each family member to a small island in Oceania. Rev. Ahn was also assigned a small island nation and country. He told me, “Dr. Yong, I am telling you something very important. The spiritual world asked me to come, many times told me to prepare. My physical body is okay, healthy, but the spiritual world has asked me to come.” As I listened, I could see he was very healthy. He was always giving lectures even though he was old. He was working well, eating well. I did not understand what he was talking about. 

However, in a few months he passed away. I was so surprised. He already knew that he needed to go to the spiritual world. I just heard from someone (else’s) testimony, when he passed away, before completing 40 days (in the spiritual world?), he came to his son and asked his son to sell a small property (he owned) and offer (the payment) to headquarters. He did not have any (much?) property, but what he had he offered to the church. He was Rev. Ahn. He knew in advance that he was going to go to the spiritual world. Afterwards he came back and spoke with his son. 

I heard from Father that those who come back to their descendants and talk with them need to get permission to appear to their descendants; that means that that guy has great accomplishments. Without such accomplishments it is difficult for them to come down and talk to their children or their descendants. He knew when he was going to go to the spiritual world and asked his son to sell his property(?). He really wanted to go to the spiritual world empty handed. 

Most of our senior blessed couples are very beautiful. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY​: Always Live a Life with the Word​

1. When you know God’s Will and convey God’s Word to someone who doesn't know and you see them rejoice, how do you feel? You must have many experiences of joy of conveying the Word and seeing people being moved. As we share the Word with new members and both rejoice, my spirit also gains strength. That is why, even in everyday conversations, do not talk in a secular way. We must always give and receive centered on the Word. ​

If you make a joke, don’t do it out(side) the Principle. From one to ten we must always think about how to apply God’s word and principles. Father’s lifestyle was like that.

2. Also, no matter what you see, you must be able to think in a Principled way. You must know that True Father is someone who always lives centered on the Word in ordinary times. He joked in a principled way, and no matter what he saw, he talked in a Principled way. Whether fishing or hunting, True Father always spoke with the Principle. ​

3. One day, True Father went out hunting for roe deer with some members. They spotted a roe deer on the mountainside, and the party with True Father ran here and there for about 10 minutes to chase the roe deer. However, after running away so much, the roe deer almost climbed to the top of the mountain, stopped, and looked left and right. True Father stopped for a moment, then shot the roe deer. At that time, True Father said, “Look at that roe deer. People also only look forward when living a life of faith, and after three years, while looking around the environment on the left and right, they look away and it becomes easier to fall.”​

True Father said that In our life of faith, trials always come after we cross the hill for three years. Three years after you join the church, you will definitely have some kind of trial. Three years pass, seven years pass, 21 years pass, 40 years pass, and there are trials that go on in the final course of life. 

What is important is how to finish your last minute and die. No matter how brilliant a person’s life may have been, if he betrays God and True Parents in the last moment, everything will return to zero. That’s why even though you may have a lot of accomplishments, even though you did a great job, but in your last moment if you betray God and True Parents, it does not make any sense. That’s why when you draw your last breath, what will you be thinking? Will you complain? Will you be appreciative? Your attitude, your standard is important. Until your last minute will your heart be really pure? “I’d like to offer my life for God and True Parents.” We need to pray about that: “How shall I take my last breath? With what kind of mindset and attitude?” That’s why, even Father is talking about it here. 

4. One day, True Father was sitting by the stream and watching the water flow. As the water flowed down, he saw the water crashing into a large rock in a circular shape and turning around, and he said, “Look at that. In the Providence of Restoration, the course of Restoration through Indemnity also rotates like that while crashing. When watching water, do you also like to see the flowing water turning round and round while bubbling ? Or do you like to see the water just flow normally without crashing into anything? Everyone likes to see water crashing here and there, creating different forms. ​

5. A person who goes through hardships for the Will will think about God’s heart even with the flow of such water. When water flows and crashes into rocks on the way and spins rapidly, it is interpreted to mean hardships. It is easy for us to just look at it out of curiosity. However, people who suffer hardships with God’s Will can look at this one scene of water and look back on their own life. True Father is someone who tried very hard to discover God when he sees flowing water like this. ​

What do you think? Was your life a normal life without many serious trials and hardships? Someone who goes through all kinds of hardships, indemnity courses and suffering his entire life, which is better? Father said that although there may be all kinds of hardships and trials, how do you overcome them? Heavenly Father really wants to see how you overcome such trials and tests. When you appreciate them and really try to overcome them with absolute faith and gratitude, even God will be surprised. Normally in such crises and trials, many people fall down, but you overcame them, you appreciated them, you were really grateful for that kind of course. That kind of life is more meaningful than just a normal life.  

6. We must be able to apply the principles we have learned in every way. When we look at the natural environment and all things, if we talk to each other without thinking in principle, doesn’t the content of the conversation become lame and just end horizontally? Everything must be seen and understood in this principle. If we do that, the spirit self within me will always feel full. ​

7. Jesus lived a lonely life with no teacher and no one to whom he could confide in his inner feelings, but nevertheless, Jesus learned the secret of living a gracious life. It was living with infinite love for those people that God took the most pity on. As the blind opened their eyes, the lame stood up, and people with leprosy were healed, Jesus watched them experience miracles and rejoice, and he realized, “Ah, God, the Parent, wanted to lift the heavy burdens of life off His children” and experienced God’s heart. ​

How did Jesus keep his life of faith? He needed to receive strength and power from heaven. Also, he needed to get strength and power from human beings. That’s why Jesus’ lifestyle was always giving and giving and serving and serving. Then those who were indebted to Jesus never forgot him. So, if I always give to others and make them indebted, I never get tired in my life. We learn from Jesus.

How did Father survive in Heungnam Prison? (He) helped others and always gave for the sake of others and helped (carry) their burden. Everybody was so grateful to Father. 

So many people were cured by Jesus and could not forget him. When Jesus saw them, they were so happy after having such a beautiful experience of being cured of all kinds of disease and sickness. 

How can we get strength and power? Are we always grateful to God? At the same time, are we always giving and giving and giving, making other people indebted? That is the secret way how my life can keep going and (I) can get strength all the time. 

8. Even though there was no one with whom he could give or receive with, Jesus alone held on to Heavenly Father's circumstances and overcame all circumstances. In one word, the secret to Jesus living graciously was that he lived gaining strength from having others be indebted to him and touching their hearts in unforgettable ways. What we need to know is that this is the era of attendance. We must know what era we are currently in. Now is the time of transition. This is not an age of believing in God, but an age to make God believe in us. He is a God who wants to work through us.​

9. For God to believe in me, when I am recognized by Cain, Heaven also rejoices. When you see blessed families that are recognized by others, God is proud of them. When you see blessed families that are recognized by others, God is proud of them. When a physical parent sees their child being praised and recognized by those around them, their trust in their child will increase and they want to help their child more. Now, we must go beyond the formation stage and reach the growth stage faith of God believing in me and working through me. ​

In the faith of the formation stage, I try to believe in God, I try to unite with God. But by the growth stage, God really wants to believe in me. He really wants to rely on me. If I am recognized by Cain figures, then God is so proud of me! “Look at my child! Look at our blessed families! Look at our Unification Church members compared to other people. They are much better than other people.” Now in the era of cheon il guk, we are taking ownership. We don’t just believe in God and True Parents. God wants to trust me, to believe in me. “You are my son. You are a blessed family. You are a member of the Unification Movement.” It is a completely different era now. That’s why when we are recognized by our Cain, for God this is a really happy time. He is proud of us. 

After Adam and Eve fell, for the first time Jacob won (over) his older brother, Esau, Wow! How happy God was! That is our job from now on. We need to be recognized by the Cain figure, by outside people. Then God will believe in us, trust us. Now is a different time. Who is the servant? He always tries to believe in God centered on his own wishes and situation, but now it is a different time. We need to fully take ownership. God tries to believe in me and to rely on me. That is our mission from now on.

10. Now is the Era of Cheon Il Guk. It is past the time of just praying in a small room, simply believing in True Parents, going to church on Sundays and attending service, staying up all night offering devotion in church, and fasting. That is the process for new members to go through, but for members who have been in the church for 3 or 4 years, it is the time to put our prayers into practice. Of course, it is important to worship and praise God at church, but now, God wants to see more of that worship image of living beautifully together in the family. ​

11. It is a time when we want to see such a family where a couple stand before God through living for each other, and the couple have gratitude towards God’s Will with one heart. Also, it is a time of wanting to see brothers and sisters and Cain and Abel reconcile with each other. What is worship in this age? Worship is to harmonize with each other. Also, we must not forget that we are in an age where we cannot grow spiritually unless we meet our Cain and find an object partner of longing. ​

I love this sentence. What is worship in this age? Worship is to harmonize with each other. Where? In the family, especially between husband and wife. That is more important than Sunday Service. Creating that kind of beautiful harmony between husband and wife is already worship. That is already Sunday Service, more important than Sunday Service. You can see great unity and great harmony between parents and children. This is already workship, more than worship, more than going to church. 

When you are recognized by your Cain and you can see beautiful unity between Cain and Abel and (see them) harmonizing with each other, that is already worship. What is the purpose of attending Sunday service? What is the purpose of tithing? Why do we need to go to church? What is the main reason? How to create beautiful harmony and to make unity. That is the purpose of worship and Sunday service. Even though you are attending Sunday service and giving a tithe, you are visiting Christian churches, that is fine. However, (if) you cannot create that kind of beautiful harmony and unity in the family among your own family members, it does not make any sense. 

Now we are living in the era of cheon il guk. (We should) create harmony wherever we go: in the family, at church, at the workplace.  Creating harmony is Sunday Service.

(Private response to sharing) People asked Father, “When you speak about ‘conscience,’ it seems you are talking about the ‘original mind.’ Is that correct?” Father said, “That is correct.” That is why when outside people say they are following their conscience, it is maybe 70% or 80% (conscience). What is the other 30% or 40%? That is the original mind. It always relates to Heavenly Father. You need to believe in God in order to follow the original mind. The original mind comes from God, so you need to believe in him and in God’s word. So when outside people talk about conscience, it is not yet complete. They need to be more educated about God’s word (to understand “original mind.”) That is what I understand.

(Public response to sharing) I would like to mention one more thing. Father recently spoke about the conscience. One member asked Father, “What we learned from the Divine Principle is that there is a difference between conscience and the original mind.” Father replied, “When I give an official speech to (outside) people, they do not understand ‘original mind.’ So I use ‘conscience’ instead of ‘original mind.’ When I am talking to you, it is ‘original mind.’” 

I hope you can understand a little bit more. Father wants to use the terminology “original mind,” but many people cannot understand what it is. That is why Father said he uses (the term) “conscience” rather than “original mind.”

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com.♦ 

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