Ep 451 - The Need For National Restoration Part 2

The Need for National Restoration 86-11-12-40 - January 19, 2022

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Today I’d like to talk again about  “The need for national restoration” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

In our work to create the environment for the returning Lord, the True Parents, our most urgent priority is national restoration. One of us has gone to spirit world. While I am still here, we absolutely must create that environment. However, how confident are you in this? The people of this nation still do not recognize True Parents. We are in an era with the benefits of civilization. We live in an era in which we can connect through the internet in a second, but what have you been doing? Why have we been unable to use the path of civilization Heaven has given to us to get ahead? Heaven has given you the means by which one person can reach 10 people or 100 people. Why are you not using these methods?​

In order to be victorious in battle, you must gain control of the most important high ground. What is the high ground you are challenging right now? It is the high ground of national restoration. We must have the cooperation of all the providential organizations. The blessed families, the early members, ambassadors for peace and national messiahs must unite with the Korean headquarters for the establishment of Cheon Il Guk, especially for the grand goal of national restoration.In order to regain the high ground, you must all become one. There is only one goal, the fulfillment of which brings us to this high ground. If you made the determination to fully advance, we can be full of hope. Until now, we have been unable to fulfill our responsibilities and offer this to Father. We must absolutely achieve this. If we advance with strong determination, we can accomplish it. (2017.01.03, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

I spoke about national restoration, but it does not end with just national restoration. We must also achieve global restoration. Heaven prepared much of True Parents' environment but human beings were the ones that could not fulfill their responsibilities. That is why no choice existed but to take a difficult path. True Parents are the owners of this nation. They are the owners of this world. Heavenly Parent is the Creator, and the ones that will achieve Heavenly Parent's dream are True Parents. The principle is that the nations that unite with True Parents' teachings will flourish and the nations that cannot unite will fail.​

Right now, many problems have arisen around the world. The strong nations are thinking first of the benefit to their own nations. However this is not Heaven's Will. What they are saying and what they are asserting will not go far. You must take the lead. Heaven has prepared a global foundation. It would be a serious matter if you were unable to fulfill your responsibilities. Do not focus on who is the superior or who is the subordinate, but instead focus absolutely on the development of God's Will, which will complete the providence. Until your last breath, you must do your utmost with the determination that you will absolutely realize national and global restoration. ​(2017.01.03, Cheon Jeong Gung)​

True Mother emphasizes, "Until your last breath, you must do your utmost with the determination that you will absolutely realize national and global restoration."

My brothers and sisters, the reason why we must fulfill the heavenly tribal messiah mission is to restore one nation, one people, one sovereignty. Every time I remember our True Father’s words expressing his desire to find one nation for God, I really have deep agony in my heart. True Father emphasized this point and I would like to read what he said, 

“I envy nothing of this world. I have no interest in the things of the fallen world. My lifelong cherished desire has been this: "Shouldn't I be able to die in God's ideal nation where God can protect me? I must establish this nation before I die and live there, even if only for a single day.“ ​

“For the sake of that single day, I am willing to offer the sacrifices made over thousands of days. You might rest, because you do not understand these things, but I keep going.”​

Our True Father could not see God’s substantial nation, which is Cheon Il Guk, and he passed away. Then True Mother finally declared the nation of Cheon Il Guk on the earth. At the same time, True Father established Cheon Il Guk in the spiritual world.

Dear brothers and sisters! We cannot protect the people without restoring the kingdom of God. All the foundations built so far can be destroyed at any time. Therefore, the least we can offer before God is the restoration of the nation.

Who should bring a solution to this situation? Without substantiating the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, we can’t liberate God’s heart! We can not liberate True Parent’s heart! Only through the completion of this mission can we truly liberate God and True Parents! Aju?

​​​​LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 12 - The Function of the Conscience and Life

Today, we will have time to study “The Function of the Conscience and life” with a new title.

• However evil a person may be, the force of his conscience, which impels him towards a virtuous life, is always active within his inner self. The minute a person commits an evil act, he immediately feels 6 pangs of conscience. 

• If the function of the conscience were absent in fallen people, God's providence of restoration would be impossible 

• How is this force of conscience generated?

• Since all forces are produced by give and take action,

• The conscience can generate the force only when it (as object partner) forms a common base with some subject partner and engages in give and take action with it. 

• The subject partner of our conscience is God.

• The human Fall severed the relationship of human beings with God. Rather than attaining oneness with God, our ancestors joined in a reciprocal relationship with Satan, thereby becoming one with him. 

• Jesus was the only begotten Son of God. Jesus attained oneness with God through perfect give and take action.

• When fallen human beings unite with Jesus in a perfect reciprocal relationship, they can recover their original God-given nature. They can cultivate a give and take relationship with God and become one with Him, 

• This is how Jesus serves as the mediator for fallen people (John 3:16).

• Christianity is a religion of love. It strives through love and sacrifice to open the path to restore the horizontal relationships of give and take between people in the love of Jesus. On this horizontal foundation of love, the way is opened to restore our vertical relationship of give and take with God. 

• It is written in Matthew 7:12, "So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them; for this is the law and the prophets."

Method to Recover the Vertical Relationship​

1. It must be centered on Jesus (TPs) (messiah).​

Now, then, one of our important tasks is how to restore the vertical relationship between God and man, which was cut off due to the Fall. 

The way to make a vertical circuit between God and fallen human beings is: 

First, it must be done centered on Jesus (TP, the Messiah). ​

> Human beings who became sick due to the Fall cannot heal themselves, so the Messiah who comes as a doctor is absolutely necessary. The patient cannot cure the patient. Right?

2. Follow Jesus' example and conquer the horizontal give and take through love and sacrifice between people. ​

Second, we need to follow Jesus’ example and resemble him, and each human being that was born again must overcome by loving, sacrificing, and serving like Jesus. 

3. Through the circuit of Jesus' and human’s vertical give and take, it is possible to restore the vertical give and take circuit with God.​

Third is through the circuit of Jesus' and human’s vertical give and take, it is possible to restore the vertical give and take circuit with God. 

In that sense, since fallen human beings cannot directly go to God, the king of the providence of restoration for fallen human beings is the visible True Parents, not the intangible God. 

Even Heavenly Father without the messiah cannot restore any human being.

That is why the messiah, the savior for human beings, is very important. Without the messiah, there is no way to connect to Heavenly Parent. In that sense, the messiah is the king of kings in order to restore fallen human beings. We can only reach heaven and relate to heaven through the messiah. That is why the position of the messiah is very important for any fallen human being. 

Based on what we have talked about concerning the conscience, let’s study Father’s word.

Absolutely Obey Your Conscience​

<263-136> There is a lot of content to educate you. A while ago when I taught the Japanese women, I told them to absolutely obey their conscience. The conscience comes before parents, before teachers, and before God. It is important to absolutely obey your conscience. You must completely subjugate your body.​

The conscience always gives a warning when doing bad deeds. Does it give a warning or not?「It does.」It is certain. This absolutely cannot be denied. Moreover when a man or woman is tempted and reaches the position of the fall, the conscience cannot allow it.​

True Father emphasized that because God is the root of the conscience, we must absolutely obey our conscience. 

The conscience comes before parents, before teachers, and before God. Therefore, absolutely obeying the commands of the conscience is the same as absolutely obeying the commands of God. 

If you do not absolutely obey your conscience, there is no way to conquer your own physical body. 

The conscience tells you to do more when doing good deeds; however, the conscience gives a warning when doing bad deeds. Even on the path of death, in any environment, it always warns us to go on the right path. It never compromises with evil. That is why True Father says that any human being who lives according to their conscience will go on the right path 70% or 80% of the time. (Won Pil Kim) 

We all need to follow our conscience. Without the conscience,  there is no way to restore each human being. Each human being has a conscience. The conscience is the root of God. 

One of Father’s main disciples, Won Pil Kim, during the Korean War, joined the Korean army. He needed to say bye-bye to Father. He asked Father, “Father, when I join the Korean army to fulfill my duty, what should I do? Please tell me something.” Father said, “You need to absolutely follow your conscience, then everything will be fine.” Wow! Father’s guidance is really amazing, right? 

Moreover, in the problem between men and women, when they are tempted, dragged away, and reach the position of the fall, the conscience can never allow it.

Whom do we hurt the most as we go through the course of life and the course of faith? The one we hurt the most is our conscience. Even though our conscience warns us hundreds of thousands of times and gives us advice, how many times have we ignored the commands of our conscience? 

Now, in the age of the original state, it is the time in which we must liberate our conscience. To liberate our conscience, we must absolutely obey the Word centered on our conscience. We must also absolutely obey True Parents centered on our conscience. And we must absolutely obey our Abel centered on our conscience. 

I’d like to re-emphasize that the conscience is my 3 great masters, my 3 great teachers.

The Conscience is My 3 Great Masters​

1. The conscience comes before parents​.

2. The conscience comes before teachers.​

3. The conscience comes before God​ …

Even before God.

> Absolute obedience to the conscience can subjugate the body​

> Even if God is the root of conscience, He is not the same as the conscience. (individual embodiment of truth)​

When Adam and Eve fell, did God know first or did my conscience know first? If God had known first, there could have been no fall of man. How could God fall himself? If God knew first, then man is a part and extension of God's members. However, we need to know that God created human beings as an individual embodiment of truth. Therefore, human conscience comes before God. 

That is why human beings have their own portion of responsibility. Of course, God is working through our conscience. God can guess: If you go that way, you are in danger. If you go this way, that is really promising. God knows. God can guess. However, when we do real action, who knows first? Does God know first? Or does our conscience know first? Our conscience knows first. If God knows us more than our conscience (does), then we are just an extension of God’s body. We are no longer an individual embodiment of truth. 

This is an amazing creation. Each human being is an individual embodiment of truth. That is why you need to be responsible as an individual embodiment of truth. 

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY​: The Right Attitude to Have Toward People​

1. Leaders working in churches or public institutions should serve their subordinates well. Don't forget that as superiors, your responsibility to the people below you is to always give to them. You should be a person who your subordinates can always remember. As a person in charge, I have to wake up at dawn for each and every subordinate, remember their names and offer jeongseong for them. I have a duty to be one step ahead and wait for them, and welcome them well when they come. As a superior, if you give to the people below you, they will not forget you. If you stand in the position of serving them first, rather than blaming them for not obeying you well, they all become gentle like sheep to you.​

That’s why as a leader when you take care of your members in each institution or related organization -- UPF, Women’s Federation or YSP or whatever -- as a superior, you need to deal with your subordinates very well. Every morning you wake up early and pray for each one of them. Treat them as “my own sons and daughters.” As a leader in each department … pray for your subordinates one by one. I am telling you, (this will make) the spiritual environment completely different. Your position is that of a parent. You need to serve them rather than their serving you. This kind of right attitude is very important. 

2. If only that kind of person (good superior) appears in the church, such a subject of heart should give and make others like them without even realizing it. I have to be a person who can always lead my subordinates with heart. Even if the elders or deaconesses in charge of the church can’t go outside and witness, they should miss people who they already have relationships with and truly welcome them when they meet. As elders and deaconesses of the church, they should be able to play the role of the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud in front of their growing subordinates. ​

3. When they become elders who protect and nurture their juniors, the juniors quickly establish a spiritually firm position in the church. To see whether or not elders and deaconesses have settled in the church, look at the degree to which they welcome church members. However, if you want others to attend you because you are an adult in the church, it means you have not yet settled heartistically.​ 

That is why Jesus said, even though he came as the messiah, “I came to serve, not to be served.” Jesus (was) centered on parental heart. This kind of attitude can comfort any person’s heart.

4.  If you can't remember each and every member who comes to church, go one step ahead of them and welcome them. When each member comes to church, think, “They are coming after God invited them," and consider them as God. When dealing with people, you should treat them as God. If you treat them horizontally in a humanistic way, you cannot regard them as a person who believes in God. Therefore, welcome the members who come to church in the name of God. If you treat them disregarding their relationship with God, you cannot be seen as a person who believes in God. Therefore, treat members in the name of God or True Parents.​

5. Even in a conversation between a couple, when the two don't get along with each other, the husband should treat his wife with the attitude of, “True Mother! Because you receive Heaven’s revelation and command me, I will obey you." The wife should tell her husband, “True Father! Because Father, who is your substantial body, has come to you, I will obey you." Let's talk in this way. If they treat each other like they are God and serve each other, there is no need to fight and they become more harmonious. No matter who you talk with, talk in the name of God. This is not a joke. When a couple lives together, it is easy to forget God and argue to reveal each other's faults and look at each case. 

Who is right, who is wrong, always fighting, arguing with each other. It does not work.

Then you have conversations without God. Therefore, each spouse should be extra careful. People who are always close become enemies. If you talk without God, just humanistically, just as a husband and wife, you become enemies to each other.​

That’s why when we talk, when we relate to anyone, we need to relate in the name of God, in the name of True Parents. We treat each other as God. If there is no God, if we don’t use the name of God or of True Parents, we become very humanistic. Then in the end we become enemies. We are temples of God. We are representatives of God, serving each other as God’s representatives and (serving) God himself. This is such powerful guidance from True Parents!

6. Even when we meet brothers and sisters we must think we are meeting God: "That person was sent by Father. Father missed and searched for this person. If so, how should I treat them?” It is important to miss True Parents who are far away, but more importantly, treat those who come to church every Sunday as if you were truly attending True Parents. Try it three times minimum. After that, the person who was treated by you comes to church and looks for where you are. If there is no one who welcomed you so much, you should take good care of the other person to the point where they have a sad heart. 

“Oh, where is this guy, this woman? I miss her. I miss him.”

This is what the managers of the church, the staff, elders and deaconesses, should do. Otherwise, the spirits of the people in charge of the church cannot grow. No matter how good and smart you are alone, you must have someone who misses you. So Jesus also lived busy every day to find people who could be indebted to him. 

True Parents guidance is so substantial and detailed. Who teaches in such a way? That is why True Parents are our eternal teachers, our eternal owners. (We should) not only follow our conscience; (it is) conscience plus True Parents’ direct guidance. Then 100% everything will go (on) the right path. 

Let’s appreciate our True Parents. Let’s practice this kind of word(?), a right attitude toward any human being centering on God and centering on our True Parents.

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “ ...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com.♦

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