Ep 562 - Youth And Students For Peace Part 2

Youth and Students for Peace 197-42-14-40-562 - May 10, 2022

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Today I’d like to talk about “Youth and Students for Peace (YSP)” from True Mother’s Anthology 1.

You were born as part of our second generation, thanks to True Parents. You are different from other people of the world. Hence, I am telling you that you must grow up well. The 3,500 young people who have assembled here today must follow True Parents and become the personification of their path, the truth they have given and their love and life. To accomplish this, you must not put yourselves in the position of wanting only to receive. Just as True Parents have done, you must practice true love. You must have a heart that gives, gives and still wants to give and share. You must create such an environment. This responsibility lies ahead of you. This is how we can achieve a world of harmony.​

I said you are pure water, didn't I? Clear water, however, must not be stagnant. It must continue to flow and give birth to many new lives wherever it flows. True Parents have a dream. Just like God's dream, their dream is not having any muddy water in sight. Everything must become as clear as water. In other words, all people around the world must attend True Parents. The absence of an owner and the resulting discord among the many who desire to take over the empty position of owner are the cause of various types of problems the world faces today. This is why rich, power countries are preparing for war in order to gain even more riches. They are producing weapons. On our way to a peaceful united world, weapons are unnecessary. There is a Bible verse that says that spears and swords will be melted to make farming tools, to make plows and plowshares. Yet nations are wasting money on unnecessary things like wars.​

The Earth is now in great pain. Desertification is afflicting not only China, but also the United States. With the ice cap melting at the North Pole, the sea level is rising. This will destroy the ecosystem. Human disorderliness has resulted in many kinds of destruction to the natural ecosystems, contaminating even the oceans. As a result, the coral reefs, which are essential to the sea, are also dying. When we think of all these points, can we just stand still? Please have dreams: “I will master a field in which True Parents desire me to work. I will become a great scholar. I will become a famous person.” Please have dreams of that type. I sincerely hope you become Seonghwa students who achieve True Parents' dream. (2015.08.29, CheongPyeong Training Center)​

True Mother said, “Young people must follow True Parents and become the personification of their path, the truth they have given and their love and life. To accomplish this, you must not put yourselves in the position of wanting only to receive. Just as True Parents have done, you must practice true love. You must have a heart that gives, gives and still wants to give and share. You must create such an environment.”

True Mother said that if you want to become a young person who practices true love, you need to have a heart that gives, gives and still wants to give and share.

For me this point is very important.

I believe that you can become a master wherever you go if you just practice this principle of giving that True Parents (have) taught. You can build a foundation for witnessing, pastoral ministry, and life of faith in no time if you give first.

When I learned this principle of giving, my life was completely changed.

I am so grateful. Even though this is a very simple principle, whenever giving something I always can gain spiritual strength and power. “Sometimes I feel so tired and exhausted.” This is a sign that my battery (is discharged) and I need to give -- not just material but my heart and emotion, my mind, and try to serve and give to others. Then immediately I can (charge) my battery. This is an amazing universal principle!

Wherever I go, I have confidence that I can settle down since I know this principle of giving and giving. I can settle any situation. My heart becomes very peaceful. I know how to get power and energy from heaven. What is the principle? Giving and giving, truly giving, giving my heart, my mind, my devotion and then really serving. I try to deny myself. Always God intervenes with me. 

I feel that wherever I go, even to Siberia or any place in Africa, I have confidence I can settle in any place as long as I practice this giving principle. This principle is amazing!

Why are you so tired? Because you do not give. Why don’t you give along the way? Because you want to live for your own sake. However, according to the universal principle, we should give and give and forget what I have given and want to give more. I really love this principle of giving. Since I came to understand this principle, I had life-changing experiences from my youth. When I apply this principle in my own ministry, I feel so much promise, hope and power to go forward.

Do not try to receive love first. Give love first, and love will be created. But if you try to receive first, your desire has no limit. Therefore, we should not ask for love and grace from anyone, but create it ourselves. To do that, we give and forget, give and forget and still want to give more. This is a very beautiful principle.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 46. Section Five: The Process of the Creation of the Universe - Was it Created? Or Did it Evolve?

• According to the account of the creation of the universe in Genesis, Chapter One, amidst the primordial state of chaos, void and darkness, God created light. God next separated the waters below the firmament from the waters above it.

• He then divided the land from the ocean, created plants, fish, birds, mammals, etc., and finally made humankind. All this took a period of six “days.”

• From this account, we can surmise that the process of creating the universe took a period of time represented by six days.

• Considering that the account of the creation of the universe recorded in the Bible nearly coincides with the findings of modern scientific research, we are reassured that this biblical record must be a revelation from God. 

• The universe did not suddenly spring forth complete without regard to the flow of time. In fact, its origin and development took an enormous length of time.

• Hence, the biblical period of 6 days for the completion of the universe is not to be reckoned by the number of literal sunrises and sunsets. It symbolizes 6 ordered periods of time in the creation process.

Based on this EDP content, let’s study Father’s word. His word is always practical and interesting.

We should Undergo the Process of Love ​in Order to Develop and Propagate​

<200-201> Nowadays people say ‘people are the outcome of the evolution of monkeys.’ These crazy people should be struck by lightning! (laughter). I’ll ask you a question. In the development of an amoeba, did the male start developing by itself, or did it reciprocate with a female and develop? Answer me. Did the male, a limp male develop by itself? In order to develop from a low life form, the male and female have to go through the process of love. If not, then you cannot develop. Do you disregard this matter? They say it is the same centering on the form and structure, can a monkey become a man because the bones of man and monkeys are the same? Stupid people! They should be struck by lightning!​

Oh my goodness!

The Distinction Between Species is Strict​

No one has the authority to horizontally occupy the different species which have passed through the gate of love. Even God cannot do so! There are 107 chemical elements, right? Among the chemical elements, if you try to combine one element with another different element, if it doesn’t match, even if God would try to combine them, it wouldn’t mix. No matter how much you put it in a test-tube, would it work? No matter what you do it would not combine. It cannot be done horizontally. The classification of species is very strict. Because it is absolute they claim absolute value and they can propose before God, the presiding being of love over heaven and earth.​ 

All Beings Seek the Love of God​

<201-121> Plants eat minerals, and animals eat plants all in order to go here. By going to a high place, by going close to people, they pursue to reach a nerve cell which God can love. This is the ideal. Do you understand this? 「Yes」 Everything endeavors to find God’s love. People too have to sacrifice for God’s love. The power of love seeks to sacrifice, right? When love repeatedly develops, it can go until God’s love. Therefore the couple with such a concept of love is the treasure of the universe, thus all of the universe, heaven and earth, people, and all creation has to protect this, but Satan broke this down. ​

The Concept of Love Comes First​

<222-137> God created all beings in pairs. When God created man and woman, what did God create centering on? He created centering on the concept of love. ​

That is why the concept of love comes first. Because there is love first, when man tries to become one with love, he has to be together with woman. It is the same when woman becomes one with a man; then she can have love. God created man and woman because God created the principle that unity is possible only through love. Nothing but love can unite a man and woman. Money, power and knowledge cannot. ​

Was it Created? Or Did it Evolve?​

1. The classification of God’s species is very strict. ​

A monkey is a monkey; a man is man; a tiger is a tiger. The (separation of) species is very strict, very clear.

2. The power of God’s true love is that output is greater than input​

We need to know the principle of True Love: The output is much greater than the input. According to (the theory of) evolution, it is not like that. 

3. God’s creation is a pair system​

Evolution did not explain clearly the pair system, man and woman, male and female. How do they explain this? Can a man become a woman or a woman become a man? According to (the theory of) evolution, is there that kind of process? Nonsense.

4. There is no concept of love and sacrifice in evolution.​

True love always requires sacrifice. Beautiful. Evolution cannot explain the attribute of true love, right? True love is giving and giving and sacrificing and investing and then giving more, when there is nothing (more) to give, then shedding tears. How can you explain that? (It is) the character of love.

5. A man cannot evolve into a woman, and a woman cannot evolve into a man​

This is God’s eternal pair system. Without the pair system, how can creation (occur)? How can descendants multiply? One cannot reproduce anything. 

-Therefore, the theory of evolution is completely wrong​.

It is a Godless theory that is completely wrong. If you believe in evolution, then your moral standard -- what will happen? Can you imagine? 

It is really important to know God’s creation, to know not just God, but that he is our father. We are children of God. This is important to know. The Divine Principle speaks very clearly about this: were we created or did we evolve?

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: What Kind of Person is Reborn?​

1. We, Unification Church members, should clear up our own sins, ancestral sins, and lineage sins after coming into the church, but we see members who can’t do so and stop in the middle. Why do church members get tired on the way and stay in the same place? It means that I have not truly been reborn after all after entering the church. So, what kind of person is a reborn human being? In a word, a person who is born again is a person who can take on the sorrows of God. Now is the time to take on the sorrows of God and True Parents. It is time to realize how grievous and sorrowful God is because of the fall of man. We need to know the sorrow that God was expelled from this earth, the Garden of Eden, from Satan due to the fall of Adam and Eve.​

Why do church members get tired on the way and stay in the same place? This is because in the end, they could not have the experience of being born again. 

In order to experience being born again, you must first regard the Word as your life. God’s word is your life line. It is the most important thing. You have to know the taste of the Word through the Word and experience resurrection through the Word. We must always yearn for the Word and live immersed in it. 

This is a very important point. How can I experience resurrection? Through the word because God’s word is God’s love, right? When you truly long for God’s word, then you can realize that God’s word is his love. Then when God’s word touches a person’s spirit mind, many have incredible experiences with tears and tears. Their entire life changes. They have an experience of being born again.

Second, you have to have experienced being loved through Abel, whom you love. Only those who have been loved can give love. This is very important.

When you were young -- of course we are giving and giving, but in the formation stage, you need to receive enough love from your own physical father and mother and brothers and sisters. Then you (can) grow very well. 

One who receives enough love from parents and neighbors and (other) people, will surely know how to (return) love. Without experiencing receiving love, (one) does not know how to return love. In the formation stage you need to have this experience. You need a good physical father and mother. In the church you need to meet a good Abel and have the experience of rebirth. I am very thankful to Rev. Yo Han Lee. To be frank with you, I love him more than my own father and mother. I had an incredible experience of rebirth because of … his word. He showed a great exemplary life. I had a heart touching experience (with him).

Who is a lucky guy? Number one, you need to have good physical parents. Secondly, in school you need to have great teachers. Of course these days, it is not easy to find that kind of teacher. They are only selling knowledge. You just do homework and then finish. 

I had incredible experiences with my teachers in elementary, middle and high school. 

At the church you need to meet an incredible Abel, loving you and caring for you like real parents. Through that you can have an incredible experience of rebirth.

Third, you must have experience raising Cain from Abel’s position. While raising Cain, you must weep a lot because of Cain and experience God’s heart. 

Through these experiences of witnessing when you take care of Cain who sometimes cheats you and runs away, and you have all kinds of situations but still you give to him and love him and take care of him, you start to build. God’s heart is like that. Through the restoration of Cain, you can have an experience of revival. 

 Through these experiences, you become increasingly aware of the circumstances and sorrows of God and True Parents and try to take responsibility. ​

A person who is born again is, in a word, a person who can take on the sorrows of God. Now is the time to take on the sorrows of God and True Parents.

If the sorrow of God and True Parents always arises in your heart, then you are truly born again and have already become a mature person by becoming a filial son or daughter. 

Can you (live so that) God’s sorrow arises all the time in your heart? Like True Parents? Can you have that experience, whenever you think of True Parents, of their sorrowful heart and tears come down never stopping, all the time? You can have that kind of heart always arising in your heart, God’s and True Parents’ sorrowful heart. Father said that then you are the king of rebirth. This is very important. 

2. True Parents’ sorrow is that God’s Will has not yet been accomplished on this earth. We need to know that True Parents are people with great sorrow. As True Father went along the way of the Will, he had no time to think about himself or his family. He had to abandon his parents. And he had to abandon his family, too. Nevertheless, True Father shed tears until now for the Will of God and for poor humankind. That is why we, who follow True Parents, must feel something well up from within our hearts. So, what should well up from our hearts? It is God’s sorrow. It is tears for poor Heaven. Do you have such a sad heart for God and True Parents? If not, it is evidence that we have not yet experienced a true rebirth.​

Wow! These words really stimulate me. I need to really reflect on that.

True Father took responsibility for God's sorrows, Han, and wishes, and shed blood, sweat, and tears for the rest of his life. 

The important thing in the course of following True Parents and God’s Will is that you must feel something well up from within your heart without realizing it. That should be God’s sorrow, his bitter heart. It is tears for poor Heaven. 

If I do not always feel God’s sorrow in my heart, I am not yet a born-again person. How can a person who knows God's sorrow get tired on the way? 

Do you have such a sorrowful heart for God and True Parents? If not, it is proof that we have not yet experienced a true rebirth. When you think of God’s Will and True Parents, tears that you cannot control must flow from your eyes. 

This is very deep content. Deep sorrow. We call that kind of person a filial son and daughter. That kind of experience always wells up in their heart regarding God’s sorrowful heart.

3. Listening to the testimonies of those who have had spiritual communication with heaven, there is one thing in common. People who do spiritual works face heaven purely at first, and most of them experience two kinds of sadness when doing spiritual work. First, they feel God’s sorrow, and after that, they feel human beings’ sorrow. However, the spiritual works of spiritual people who have such an experience often stop after three or seven years because as their character and nature are mixed with them over time, they cannot fully perform the spiritual work of Heaven. If spiritual people do not overcome their humanity, their spiritual work will come to an end. When anyone can communicate with the spirit world, their self-centeredness becomes greater, and Heaven can no longer cooperate. The Holy Spirit will guide you if you completely deny yourself, overcome your individuality, and have a heart that can reach Heaven purely, but we cannot. This is the limitation of spiritual people.​

As we grow well spiritually and in stages, we do not know when we reach the stage of experiencing God’s sorrow, but along the way, it can be very dangerous if we experience the spirit world due to some spiritual phenomenon. 

If you have a spiritual experience without spiritual growth and not being able to control the spirit world, you are usually under the control of evil spirits. When an immature person has a spiritual experience, they can become arrogant and fall into self-centeredness. 

Anyone who connects to the spiritual world directly can see the ending. I have never seen this turn out as a good result. Do not rely on spiritualists. You need to grow step by step: formation stage, growth stage and finally completion stage. Then we get to know God’s experience, the experience of God's sorrow.

4. As a result, those who engage in spiritual exchanges are taken over by the spirit world and are easy to go astray. It would be good for people to experience God's sorrow through spiritual works and return to the earthly world to share it with people who do not know God's sorrow, but most of them get dominated by the spirit world. When we see True Father, he is the one who always gives orders to the spirit world and makes them run errands. Fallen humans are under the control of most of the spirit world. Many spiritual people like to be in contact with the spirit world, so it becomes a hobby and later a habit. Many spiritual people sell their father's name to gain power and subdue other people. The problem is that when they come into contact with the spirit world, they should get to know God and True Parents' sad circumstances and the world of their hearts and develop gradually, but most of them will be used by the spirit world.​

We must grow spiritually and become those who can take responsibility for even God's sorrow. So, you must be a person who can always spread God’s sorrow to those around you. 

Since I know God and the Divine Principle, since I met Rev. Yo Ha Lee, since I met True Father, True Parents and received guidance, my ultimate goal is: “Heavenly Father, wherever I go, how can I convey your heart? How can I introduce your reality, your sorrowful heart?” 

Many people do not know. Many say gratitude, gratitude, heartistic, just happiness, why are you so sad? just happiness; we should just enjoy life.

But what I learned from True Father is God’s reality, God’s sorrowful heart. We need to reach that kind of standard. We have to be responsible for his sorrow and that of True Parents. That is our responsibility as filial sons and daughters. 

5. In our church, there is not just a problem with spiritual people. There are many members who do not attend worship or stay away from the church because they lost motivation after joining the church and doing activities and become engrossed in their own worries and concerns. Now, we need to worry more about the Will of God and True Parents than our own worries, but many people are more engrossed in their circumstances than in Heaven’s. As a result, they cannot be resurrected. In other words, it is impossible to lay the foundation of substance beyond the foundation of faith.​

In order to take on God's sorrow, we need to practice bearing the crosses of others beyond our own personal cross. That is salvation, which is witnessing. 

And at the church, you also must take on the heavy responsibility of Abel and try to solve it to reduce his burden. You must grow in faith like this and eventually go to the stage of knowing God's circumstances and taking responsibility for God’s sorrow. 

Many people end up wasting their time while being dominated by their own worries and crosses. But what we need to know is that when we take on the crosses of others, worry about the crosses of Heavenly Parent and True Parents, and take responsibility for their sorrows, finally in the end we can inherit God’s heart. 


(Testimony of Zenas Rush)

Incredible! Thank you, Zenas. Wow! You really (gave a) heart-touching testimony! 

You just now said that you not only saved your spiritual child but that she saved you. Yes! Witnessing is something like that. We try to save Cain, but actually Cain saves us. Then we can better understand God and people. Thank you, Zenas. I hope you can multiply more. God bless you.♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through January 2, 2022 are available as five paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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