Ep 554 - Wonmo Pyeongae Scholarship Institute Part 4

Wonmo Pyeongae Scholarship Institute​ 189-34-14-40-554 - May 2, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony of Sun Willet

(Response to sharing) Please break through in witnessing. Without breaking through with witnessing, there is no way to find Heavenly Parent’s heart. 

I have so much regret now because I want to see the beautiful spring season in New York. But I have been so busy. Even now I could not see such beautiful flowers everywhere. Anyway, I will try to make time to see beautiful flowers. I just came back to the New Yorker Hotel from somewhere. I want to share in a few days some very important news for each one of you.♦

Today I’d like to talk about the “Wonmo Pyeongae Scholarship Institute​” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

I know that those of you who are receiving scholarships today have dreams. What are your dreams? You, who are working closely with the True Parents, should take the lead in fulfilling Heavenly Parent's wish, Heavenly Parent’s dream. Each of you will have your own dream. However, any dream centered on yourself will have a limit. Yet if you understand True Parents' teachings and Heavenly Parent's circumstances and expand your dreams accordingly, you will become historic figures. Let me tell you about a book I read when I was young. In the Netherlands the level of the sea is higher than the level of the land, so all the people are wary of the sea. ​

True Mother said, “What are your dreams? You, who are working closely with the True Parents, should take the lead in fulfilling Heavenly Parent's wish, Heavenly Parent’s dream. Each of you will have your own dream. However, any dream centered on yourself will have a limit. Yet if you understand True Parents' teachings and Heavenly Parent's circumstances and expand your dreams accordingly, you will become historic figures,” True Mother said. 

The Bible says that people without a vision will perish. So what is your vision? It is God's central vision. Each individual's dream has its limits. Any dream or vision that is not related to God's dream and vision will eventually perish. It does not remain in history. Moreover, it has nothing to do with the growth of my spirit body.

That’s why I always remind you of this Bible verse: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” What kind of vision do we have. Our vision needs to connect to God’s vision and will. As long as my dream connects to God’s vision and dream, then I am telling you, our life of faith is so hopeful and can go forward. 

However, even though you are working so hard from morning to evening -- to make money to support your family, that is fine -- whatever you do, if your dream does not relate to God’s dream, it does not make sense. Why are your nation and your family declining? Why is the individual(?) declining. Because your vision, your goal and your dream do not connect to God’s dream and vision. Anyone, any group, any religious group, any nation, without connecting to God’s vision and dream, what is the outcome. Surely they will decline.

Look at Christianity and other religions, most religions are declining going down and down. Everyone is struggling with that. Even though they have faith and believe in God, they did not connect with God’s vision and dream. They become very far away from God’s vision and dream. Then what is the outcome? They surely will decline.

I always tell my children, “OK, you are working very hard, You got a job, and you are making money and supporting your family. That’s fine. However, I am really concerned about what kind of vision and dream you have. If your vision and dream do not connect to God’s vision and dream, what is the outcome? Surely you will decline. That is what True Mother is saying here today.

Therefore, we should have a big vision, but a vision that is related to God's dream. My dream must be a dream to make God's dream come true. No matter where I am or what kind of work I am engaged in, the dreams and visions that I will achieve in the place I am in must be connected with the will of God. Otherwise, as the Bible says, you will perish.

One day, as a boy was coming back from an errand for his parents, he saw water seeping through the dike that had been built to hold back the sea water. He ran to the dike wall. There was no time to call anybody to help. ​

He tried to close the hole with mud and stones, but it was difficult to stop the water from coming through, so he stuck his fist in the hole to stop the water, and waited for someone to come. However, it was wintertime, so he was nearly frozen. When he did not come home, his parents went to look for him. When they and the other villagers found him there, he was still plugging the hole in the dike despite the cold. Think about it. His dream was not for himself. He was a young boy who cared about protecting his country. So his story is recorded in the history of his country. (2016.2.14)​

He was a small boy who cared about his country. Wow! He thought about the public purpose for the sake of others. This kind of mindset thinking of the whole purpose, of others first is an incredibly beautiful mindset and attitude.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 45 - Righteousness and Unrighteousness

Again let’s study the EDP content first.

Righteousness refers to the quality in a person which leads him to pursue goodness and further its purpose. Unrighteousness refers to that quality in a person which leads him to pursue evil and further its satanic purpose.

If you Love People With all Your Heart, ​Then God Will Give you More Than What you Expect​

<87-281> It is when you face someone you cannot love while saying "In the name of God, I will love anyone," and face Heaven and Earth and promise to bear and push through (the circumstances). In the name of God, you should advance and work hard until you can be able to wholeheartedly face someone you cannot love (who is hard to confront). You should not make walls in your heart for those people but be able to open your heart and be able to reach them. I want to be God's child so I would challenge myself and work hard so that I can experience and know God's heart. A person who works hard like this is a righteous person.​

To love an enemy whom I cannot love is righteous. So how do I love someone I can't love?

Facing Heaven and Earth, you must be able to pledge to love those you cannot love saying, “I will love him more than anyone else in the name of God and True Parents.” You have to really clench your teeth and be patient even for someone you can’t love at all.

In order for me to become a son of God or daughter of God, I must train the person I cannot love. You cannot experience the heart of God through such efforts. All human beings who give and receive with Satan before God are enemies of God. Nevertheless, God loves people. 

A righteous person strives to be consistent with those whom he loves and those whom he cannot love. 

Just as the sun’s light shines on both good and evil, and air is given to both good and evil, the standard of a righteous person does not change at all. 

Righteousness never changes. One loves everyone. I love the concept, the phrase “total salvation.” It does not matter if they are white, black, yellow people, poor or rich, good or evil people, love everyone without exception. That is total salvation. 

Who is a righteous guy? He has the concept of total salvation. He pledges every day, “I want to love everyone without exception. Even though you are my enemy, even though I cannot love you, I pledge in the name of God and True Parents, I truly love you. Heavenly Father, because of my limit of True Love please give me strength and power. I want to love that guy in the name of God, of True Parents, of total salvation. God and True Parents, teach me. I have a mission and job to love everyone. Father said (that) this kind of person is a righteous guy.

I have thought about that question more than anyone else. Indeed, I have thought about how am I going to realize God's love and thought about realistic situations a lot. Even if I were to face a black woman or a horse-face-like woman I would think that I would be able to love them like a lover would. You should train yourself like that. I've even stayed up all night talking to women in prostitute houses and treat them like my younger sisters. You need something like that.​

Wow! Father was really a great example. Even though he was the messiah, he tried to love anyone, even prostitutes. He still treated her as if she were his younger or older sister. Can you imagine how much effort Father made to love everybody. Of course, sometimes maybe he struggled. But his effort, his attitude was to love everybody like God. He carried the heart of God, which is the parental love and heart.

​And because God is the being who loves a person like crazy, if we think about the beggars as our own children, it would be hard to live each day thinking about them. Become a father's child like that, Become like a brother, and then you have to become like family. You have to be sons and daughters like that. That is the natural conclusion. Do you think it's like that? (Yes). Because Heaven is a world of love, loving the person you love crazily as God does, enables you as His child to be His representative. In this way, you can perceive God's heart.​

God is really crazy about loving people. He loves any ugly or evil person with tears as a parent. 

Therefore, in order to resemble the attributes of God's true love, one must become crazy to love people like Him. Only then can you understand the heart of God. 

Love is everything, right? We really need training (in) how to love people. How can I become crazy to love people? We really learn beautiful things from True Father’s word.

TODAY’S YOUTH MINISTRY: The Origin of Suffering and Accomplishing ​God’s Liberation from Suffering​

We can also learn beautiful things from today’s message.

1. Until now, fallen humans did not know the origin of suffering and where human suffering came from. They had no idea that all suffering came from losing Heavenly Parent. Fallen human beings have lived their lives resigning themselves to the fate that they have to endure suffering. As it turns out, they did not know that suffering came because humans made Heavenly Parent sad. Just as children who have lost their parents go through a lot of hardships, we did not know that our position was also like that. We came to understand through the Word and Principle that there can be no joy for us who have lost our parents whom we should love. However, in our fallen emotions, we still have sadness centered on ourselves, but we have no room to comfort Heavenly Parent.​

Until now, fallen humans did not know where suffering came from. You need to know the origin and cause of pain to heal it. 

Suffering always comes with a reason and a cause. Healing is possible only when you know the reason and cause of pain. 

However, fallen man had no idea that the origin of all suffering was that man lost Heavenly Parent and became orphans. 

The suffering and hardships of fallen human beings come from leaving God. All suffering comes because fallen human beings made Heavenly Parent so sad. 

Fallen human suffering comes from hurting God. Therefore, my pain is healed only when I seek God and comfort His heart when He lost me and suffered pain. 

Therefore, no matter how much a fallen man struggles to be freed from suffering without God, he or she cannot be healed. There is no fundamental solution unless we comfort our Heavenly Parent who was hurt because of me. 

We must comfort God saying, “God! How much pain did you suffer because of me and my ancestors?” “How sad and painful are you today at the sight of humankind who does not know God?” 

Suffering originally comes from where? We lost our parents. We lost God. Without finding God, we cannot heal, we cannot (resolve) our suffering. All human beings need to go back to God’s bosom. That is the fundamental solution to suffering and difficulties. That’s why we need to meet God. Then we need to really repent (to) Heavenly Father: “I am the one who hurt you. I am the one who made you suffer so much. Because of me, how much you suffered! How much you cried! How much you sacrificed for me, Heavenly Parent. I am so sorry. I hurt you so much. Now since I understand you, I am strongly determined to comfort and console you as a filial son and daughter.” 

Then Heavenly Father will be really moved that he can (receive) that kind of comfort from you. Then God seems to have had(?) a healing experience from fallen human beings.(?)

2. As we listened to the Word, we knew well that although we have attachment centered on our personal circumstances and wishes, we do not have attachment centered on Heavenly Parent’s wishes. Now is the time to become a filial son and daughter before Heaven and become an owner in the era of Cheon Il Guk. This is the time when Abel becomes the center of the earth and tries to subdue Cain's side, and it is the time to completely unite Cain's side to the Father's. But at this time, we know God’s history of not having the authority of love and not manifesting as Himself because there was no one on earth who could bear the Father's heart and pain. If you look at when God appeared in history, God appeared when Jacob left his hometown and was lying on a stone in a desolate and lonely place.​

All fallen humans have attachment centered on their own wishes, but no one has ever had attachment centered on Heavenly Parent’s wishes.

But now is the time to become a filial son or daughter before Heaven and become an owner in the era of Cheon Il Guk. 

Even now, God does not have the authority of love and cannot manifest as Himself because there is no one on this earth who can bear His heart and pain. 

3. God also tried to appear on this earth through Jesus, but in the end, we know that the Lord came to this earth and was cast away due to the disbelief of fallen human beings. The reason God had not appeared on this earth as the parent until this day was that there were no children with whom He could deal. What we now realize is that when fallen humans truly repent and become true children, God also appears as a God of love and glory, like a parent. Now, in the era of Cheon Il Guk, we also know that glory and authority would finally be revealed for the first time in history through True Parents' fortune of victory. However, we also learn that there is still a long, painful journey left for us who are still immature.​

The reason God had not appeared on this earth as a parent until today was because there were no children He could deal with. 

Now is the Cheon Il Guk era, the age in which God’s glory and authority, which did not exist before in history, will be revealed through True Parents' fortune of victory. 

The present age is a time when we want to reveal that God is a God of glory and love through our individual self, family, and church. 

When God really proudly appears as a God of glory, love and joy, I want to see that kind of time. True Parents talk about this being the era of cheon il guk. Originally God should have appeared in such a way, not just as a sorrowful God, so sad, so disappointed, so much han and resentment. We really need to remove (God from) that kind of situation. 

We are the ones who need to create that kind of environment. Heavenly Parent will finally appear to us as a God of glory, a God of authority, a God of love. That is the kingdom of heaven. How can we liberate God from his suffering and difficulties. That is your job; that is my job. We are living in the cheon il guk era. This kind of time has already come.

4. Now is the time to encounter and comfort God's suffering through the sufferings of individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations, and the world, and to grant pitiful and sad God’s wish on this earth. We come to know that it is time to restore God to a happy God of glory through liberating God’s Han (bitter heart) on this earth, which was caused by Adam and Eve. Now, as individuals and the church, we must not forget True Parents' sorrow for even a moment as their children. Our church should be a church that knows the sorrows of Heavenly Parent. Our church should be a church that knows God's circumstances and heart more than anyone else. Our church should be a church that atones for the sorrow of the people and nation on behalf of Heaven.​

Now is the time to encounter and comfort God's suffering that has been revealed through the sufferings of individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations, and the world, and to grant pitiful and sorrowful God’s wish on this earth.

It is time to restore God to a happy God of glory through liberating God’s Han (bitter heart) on this earth, which was caused by Adam and Eve. 

Therefore, our church, our movement should be a church that knows God's circumstances and heart more than anyone else. Our church, our movement should be a church that atones for the sorrow of the people and nation on behalf of Heaven. 

5. Our church should also become a church where people from all over the world come to solve their problems and heavy burdens from now on. To do this, we must first educate them about the plight and pain of Heavenly Parent. In this way, we must not forget the suffering of our Heavenly Parent, even for a moment. From now on, we realize that we should walk the path of filial children, taking responsibility for and liberating Heavenly Parent’s suffering, while considering all our suffering as Heavenly Parent’s suffering. ​

Our church must also become a church where many people from all over the world come to solve their problems and heavy burdens from now on. 

To do this, we have to first educate them about the plight and pain of Heavenly Parent.

In this way, we should not forget the suffering of our Heavenly Parent, even for a moment, according to Father’s sharing.

From now on, we realize that we should walk the path of filial children, taking responsibility for and liberating Heavenly Parent’s suffering, while considering all our suffering as Heavenly Parent’s suffering. 

Your suffering is my suffering. Treat your suffering as God’s suffering. If someone (in your) family (is) suffering, treat (it) as God’s suffering. If your nation is suffering, treat it as God’s suffering. Treat the suffering of all humankind as God’s suffering. If our attitude is like that, can you imagine? We will surely be closer to our Heavenly Parent and truly understand his suffering heart.

Since Adam and Eve fell, no one could understand God’s suffering and difficulties. We really have to thank our True Parents. They revealed God’s suffering and difficulties and pain. Now we can understand God’s will, situation and heart. As long as we know God’s reality, God’s situation, his heart and suffering, then it is really beautiful to know who God is, right? We are children of God. That is why Father said our life of faith is to know God’s heart and reality. 

Who is the greatest teacher? He is the one who always introduces not only God’s existence but his heart. Who is the greatest philosopher? (The one who) introduces God’s heart. Who is the greatest parent, greatest Abel? (The one who) introduces God’s heart and sorrow. In our life of faith it is very clear. We need to build a parent-child relationship between God and me through (the meeting of) God’s suffering and my suffering. 

LIVING TESTIMONY​: I’m a Living Testimony that Anything is Possible

Today let's take the time to hear another living testimony of witnessing. Let’s welcome Sun Willett. 

(Testimony of Sun Willett.)

Sun Willet will share deeper content tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Let’s look forward to it.♦ 

(Response to sharing) You (should) reflect about yourself. Day by day you will have a deeper heart and connect to Heavenly Parent. (To the extent the) you change, you can influence your children. How can we guide our own children? We need to ask ourselves how much have we really changed, how much do we resemble God. Then (to the extent that) I change, I can influence our children and our neighbors.♦

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through January 2, 2022 are available as five paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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