Ep 545 - Top Gun Training For Young Leaders Part 6

Top Gun Training for Young Leaders 180-25-14-40-545 - April 23, 2022

PDF Printable Text and Images + Testimony of Jermaine Miyagi-Bishop

Yesterday, we went to Monapark at Yong Pyeong and visited the Bal-Wang-Mountain. 

This is a group photo on the Sky Walk​. 

After meeting with True Mother, we had one day to visit our Yong Pyeong resort. Most leaders joined us and really enjoyed the visit to our holy ground there. Our True Mother created beautiful holy grounds here and there. I would really suggest when you come to Korea, you need to visit there. It is a beautiful place and holy ground. 

At the top of the Bal-Wang-Mountain, we prayed together for Heavenly Unified Korea and we were all determined to move forward centering on True Mother’s direction. She asked us to really focus on witnessing. She knows what a great effort we are making and how much attention we are paying to the American Providence, but she really emphasized again and again, we need to focus on salvation which is witnessing. So after I return to American, I am strongly (resolved) to focus more on salvation.​

(We took a) group Photo at the top of the Bal-Wang Mountain.​ Very beautiful. Naokimi was very happy. All subregional leaders joined together. John Jackson, because of his leg problem, could not join us (at that moment) but he came to the top of the mountain and joined us later.

Today I’d like to talk about “Top Gun training for young leaders” from True Mother’s Anthology, Book 1.

In 1975, Father sent missionaries out all over the world, and he later trained a group of leaders called “Top Guns” to raise up America again. There was a popular movie at the time called “Top Gun.” It was a movie about people who succeeded in fulfilling their responsibilities and missions even under extremely difficult circumstances. True Father liked this movie quite a lot. So he would give workshops, saying, “You are also the youth of America. You must advance with this kind of mindset.” Father gave the name, Top Guns, to those who went through the workshop at that time. Those people are now in their 60s and 70s. We have to make sure what Father started bears fruit. To carry out Father’s will after his ascension, I thought we should find and raise talented individuals who can go forward as elite troops. Thus we started the Top Gun workshop in Korea.​

These are proud elite troops, who will be remembered by history forever. You are going to become leaders. True Parents' history and the history of the blessed families must remain forever. The hope of all the world's people is to meet True Parents. Meeting True Parents and receiving the marriage Blessing has changed your lineage so that it is the same as that of Adam and Eve before the Fall. Adam and Eve had a responsibility toward God. They should have fulfilled their responsibility through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. All blessed families must absolutely unite in front of True Parents. However, blessed families also have another responsibility. They should fulfill their responsibility as tribal messiahs. It shouldn't end with you. You need to leave your lineage, those who will remain after you.​

In 1975, Father sent missionaries out all over the world, and he later trained a group of leaders called “Top Guns” to raise up America again.

True Mother ordered our Blessed Children to become proud elite troops, who will be remembered by history forever through Top Gun. 

In the future, the United States should train our blessed children and young people and send them out all over the world as Top Gun missionaries so that they can fulfill their mission of saving all humankind.

The only way to live in America is to save all humankind and love the world. We must eat, sleep, walk and breathe while thinking about world salvation. America will never perish if the Unification Church strives to save the world and all humankind. My biggest concern is how to instill this kind of vision in our blessed children and young people growing up. It does not matter if you are first, second or third generation young people, as a Unificationist we need to (embrace) the spirit of the Top Gun (and think) how we can save the world and all humankind. True Mother really requests that we adopt and embrace that Top Gun spirit.

LIVING DIVINE PRINCIPLE: Principle of Creation 33 - Original Value and Our Lifestyle​

Section Four: Original Value

Let’s study EDP first.

How is the Beauty of a Rose Determined?

• The original beauty of a rose is determined when the purpose for which God created it and the divinely given human desire to appreciate and bring out its beauty are fulfilled together.

• To put it another way, a person who reaches God’s ideal of creation feels the fullness of joy when his desire to pursue beauty is satisfied by the emotional stimulation that the flower  gives him. At that moment, the flower manifests its true beauty and the flower’s beauty becomes absolute.

• Until now, no object partner’s value could become absolute; it has remained relative because its relationship with fallen people was based on satanic purpose and desire.

Based on this content, let’s study in more detail.

Desire to Seek Value and the Desire to Realize Value​

1. When we analyze the desires of human beings we find that people have the desire to seek value and the desire to realize value. The desire to seek value refers to the desire of the human subject to seek the value embodied in his object partner. ​

2. If a person did not have this desire to seek value, it  would probably be because he is already dead. There would not be any hope or joy. Therefore, all living human beings must have the proper desire to seek value. The stronger his desire to seek value, the greater value will be realized. ​

The desire to seek value can be divided into Sungsang desire to seek value and Hyungsang desire to seek value. Sungsang desire to seek value gives rise to the desire to seek internal value of the mind while Hyungsang desire to seek value is a desire to seek external value of the body. If human beings did not have these desires to seek value, they would have no need for objects to seek value. No joy or satisfaction could be realized through the object partner. However, all human beings have the desire to seek value. Hence, they seek to obtain joy through their object partner. ​

What is the greatest thing when human beings desire to seek value? Whatever you look at or whatever you deal with, it is realizing God’s true love.

When human beings have the desire to realize the value of God’s true love, they feel the greatest joy. 

That is why God’s purpose of creation is to realize true love. Even the purpose of our own life is to realize God’s true love. That’s why when we realize God’s true love, we really feel God’s original value and that of each human being. 

The desire to realize value refers to the desire of the subject partner to recover the value retained by the object partner. In other words, it is the desire to realize value and obtain joy and receive recognition. A cook has the desire to be recognized through his well-prepared dish. A singer has the desire to realize value and be recognized through her song. A student has the desire to be recognized by his teacher and parents by excelling in his studies. People feel indescribable joy when such value is recognized. However, people are swept into inexpressible despair when that value is not recognized. ​

A life of realizing value and being recognized is of utmost importance. Even a pet dog that you raise in your house would wag its tail and run about with vigor when you love it. However, once you start hating it and physically abuse it, the dog will soon fall ill. One of the most important aspects in human life is being recognized for one’s value. It is extremely important to have the mindset of becoming a person who can recognize the value in others and lead a life of realizing value. ​

Any person has the original desire to be recognized. It is trying to create joy by realizing my own value and returning it to the subject. Even in our life of faith, we should  always recognize and praise each other. 

We humans should always praise and give thanks to God for God's creation and love. God is full of desire to be glorified. 

Before God created human beings, God had three angels participate in His work of creation because God wanted to be glorified whenever He created all things and humans. Therefore, we too should always give praise, recognition, and encouragement to our partner and children. 

Human beings’ mission to God is to always give praise and glory to God and to acknowledge his creation and love. At that time, God can feel joy and receive glory. Even in the relationship between Cain and Abel, we should always give thanks and praise each other. We need to acknowledge and encourage each other. This is the fact that both pursuing and realizing the original value of human beings are based on joy. 

Do you want to be recognized by someone? Actually each human being has a strong desire to be recognized, right? By your wife, by your husband, by your parents, by your own brothers and sisters, by your own children. The desire to be recognized is a strong human desire. This kind of mindset and attitude and heart comes from where? It comes from God.

God had the same desire to be recognized when he created all things throughout the six days and as he created human beings. Before he created human beings, he created three angels. When he created each day, he said, “It is good.” The last creation was human beings. Then God said, “It is very good.” When he created beautiful and amazing nature, including human beings, no one appreciated and recognized God and how beautiful his creation was. 

I now understand why God created three angels first. Of course, they really helped with God’s creation, but I think one of the most important things was that God wanted to be recognized. He has that kind of nature. That is why each human being has that kind of nature. That is why when you appreciate and recognize your object partner, when as Abel you recognize your Cain and as Cain you recognize your Abel and appreciate and praise and glorify him, we can feel incredible joy and happiness. 

When Heavenly Father created each item of all things and finally human beings and no one appreciated and recognized it, how lonely he felt! That is why the mission of the angels is to recognize God’s beautiful (creation). 

Let’s recognize each other. Let’s recognize our True Father and True Mother’s effort and sacrifice. If we recognize this as children, I think our True Parents can feel comfort and consolation. And when God suffered so much … because of the human fall, how much Heavenly Father (endured) incredible suffering and difficulty. 

As a human being after we have met True Parents and know the Divine Principle and recognize God’s suffering and sorrowful heart and really appreciate God’s effort and sacrifice and shed tears and console and comfort him and (recognize) how hard he worked for human beings, if we recognize God, He will feel joy and liberation.

That is why recognition is very important. When we praise our children and recognize what they are doing and praise them -- rather than just scolding, rather than saying, “You need to do this or that” … I think the basic foundation is recognition, appreciation and praising our object partner. I really learned from Father’s word. This is very important. 

As a leader, how much do I recognize God? How much do I recognize our True Parents’  effort? How much do I recognize our beautiful brothers and sisters' effort and hard work? How much do I recognize our senior blessed families? How much do I recognize our young second generation and third generation? As long as I really recognize and appreciate people from the bottom of my heart, I can have a beautiful relationship with anyone. 

Recognition is very important. God had that kind of desire. That  is why we resemble that from Heavenly Parent. 

The desire to realize value can be divided into Sungsang desire to realize value and Hyungsang desire to realize value. Consequently, we should reflect upon our desire to seek and realize value and should possess the desire to seek and realize original value centering on God. ​


I would like to deliver this title for the next few days. Today is the introductory part. Let’s read a bible verse first.

How Does God Regret (1 Sam. 15:11,29)

Genesis​ 6:5-12: 5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.  ​

6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. ​

7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”​

How much do you understand this Bible verse? 

It is not easy to find such a verse about God’s regret and lament in the Bible -- neither in the Old Testament nor in the New Testament. This Bible verse really shows God’s situation and reality.

The Lord God regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 

The (Bible) saying that the absolute and omnipresent God regretted the creation of man must have (expressed) how much God was hurt by the fall of man.

We know that God is an incredible being: omniscient, omnipotent, so powerful, omnipresent. Whatever he wants, he can do it. He can do anything. Why did such an absolute being have regret? What happened here?

We came to understand that God has his own portion of responsibility. Human beings (also) have their own portion of responsibility. Christian theory and other religious theory don’t talk about the human portion of responsibility. As an absolute being, God created human beings. However, we have our own position of responsibility, but we could not fulfill it. Adam and Eve fell and could not achieve God’s purpose of creation. That is why such a great God who created the sun and the moon and the ocean and a beautiful universe really regretted (having created man). If this is really true, we need to understand God's heart. 

We can also know from these words of the Bible that God has endured unspeakable suffering due to the fall of human beings.

So, at this hour today, I would like to talk about God’s pain and how to deal with God’s pain. 

1. We worry a lot about ourselves, but when we know God's will, we come to know God's circumstances and sorrowful heart, and we come to know God's worries. This is what the Principle teaches. Most believers have been concerned about their circumstances and positions. If there are people who are a little better, they are those who hold onto the reality and future of a country and worry about it. Because everyone didn't know the reality of God's situation, the level of worrying for others was only holding onto their own country and worrying like patriots and martyrs. Fallen people do not know the circumstances and wishes of God, so they may think that Jesus came to this earth and showed compassion and love for humans only. Because the Bible does not tell us what circumstances and desires Jesus came with, we think that Jesus had compassion on people and loved them, so went to the spirit world.​

One of the great truths of history is the fact that God is a God who is sorrowful and in pain because of the fall of man. 

One of the greatest achievements in human history is the fact that True Father revealed that God is a sorrowful God. This was one of the greatest secrets of 6,000 years of human history. Until now no one knew the reality of God. Everything has to go back to the origins. If we truly know the pain and sorrow God has suffered so far, our life, family, country and world will change. All religions and ideas and ideologies can be united into one. 

The most important thing is to know and understand not only God’s vision but his heart, his sorrowful heart when Adam and Eve fell, how much incredible pain and suffering Heavenly Father has gone through, what unspeak torture he has (endured). If we really came to understand (not only) God’s existence but his reality -- that he is a God of pain and sorrow, that he is my father and I am his son and he has such a sorrowful heart because of the human fall, everyone would understand the heart and sorrow of God, this is the way we can stop the fighting between Cain and Abel, between husband and wife, between parents and children. That’s why our final goal is to understand the heart of God. Not only his heart, we need to understand the situation of the sorrowful God. 

This was Father’s motivation after meeting Jesus. True Father met Heavenly God directly. He was so surprised that God had that kind of pain and sorrow. That is why Father said, “Since I discovered God’s sorrow, I cannot give up.” Whenever he faced any difficulties and suffering, even life and death situations, he could not stop because he saw God’s reality.

Why do we become tired easily and give up on the way? Because we have a limited understanding of God’s sorrow and pain. How did Jesus endure his pain on the cross. Even though he did not say it, he knew that God’s pain was more than his. That is why he could overcome, he could endure, he could forgive his enemy. Why? Because Jesus is God's begotten son. He truly understands the heart of God. “When I suffer, God suffers more. When I feel pain, God feels more pain (than I). That is why Jesus is really a filial son. Our Father is really a filial son. 

How has our True Mother overcome all trials and troubles so far? She has gone through incredible situations as a woman, but carries on God’s will with her strong faith and conviction. What is her top secret. It is not only that she believes in God -- “God is my father and my parents” -- our True Mother knows God’s reality, God’s sorrow, God’s will. 

Until our last moment, our last breath, how can we keep going to fulfill God’s will without giving up? We need to understand God’s pain and suffering. How many understand God’s suffering and pain? 

We need to know what circumstances, desires, and sufferings God has. 

From the perspective of God's suffering, we need to look at all the central figures, history, and my position today, including Adam’s family.​

A filial son always sees everything from his parents' point of view. If God is a God of suffering and sorrow, then we must see the history and future of mankind from God’s sorrowful point of view. 

​2. We have been reading the Bible only thinking that Jesus came and suffered because of human sin, poverty, and seriously ill people, and ultimately carried the heavy burden of humans. However, when we understood the Principle, we realized how much God's heart ached. There are many concerns about our church. We know the Principle, we receive the Blessing, we start family life, and we have many children, but we are worried because the people of the world are not gathering in the church. From heaven's point of view, if you see the members who have already devoted themselves to the church a long time ago, I think He would be more worried. Another concern is that the church is not developing because some church leaders do not properly fulfill their responsibilities and roles. Moreover, it is said that now is the time for the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven, but it makes you think about how God can realize the kingdom of heaven with us.​

When we think about the pain and suffering of God, Jesus and TPs, our own problems of pain and suffering are automatically resolved. They can fundamentally be resolved.

If we all know the reality of God, that is, if we immediately realize and experience God's pain and sorrow due to the fall of humankind, we can return to our original position.

When we shed tears for God while knowing and experiencing God's suffering, we gain infinite strength and resolve to live for God more and more. 

That is why the more you understand God’s reality and situation, his suffering and pain, his sorrowful heart, I am telling you, spiritual world will give you infinite strength, power and energy and (will ask you?) to really resolve God’s situation. 

Many people say when we think of God’s sorrow and pain, we have more stress. But as children, as long as you think about your parents’ heart and situation more than your own situation, that is not stress. That is your basic duty and responsibility as filial sons and daughters. That is why when we think about our parents’ suffering and pain and heart, when we think about the world’s suffering and pain, when we think about our neighbors pain and suffering, actually we can gain infinite strength and incredible energy from the spiritual world. That is why our Father without giving up and without losing power could carry on God’s will. Also, he received a lot of energy from the universe and Heavenly Parent.

3. Earlier Jesus said, “You are the light” What is light? It means to show, to reveal. The Lord said to the disciples who heard His word, you are the light and salt of the world. In other words, these words are telling them to show the world and give it taste. What is the mission of our church? It is “Let’s show! Let's show!” First, we must witness and fill our church with believers and develop into a church that shows. In order to do that, I want to be the person that will show first. The next step is to become the person who will realize Heaven. It is about becoming a church that will go out and show. Then, to do that, the question is what and how to show.​

Jesus said that we should also do the mission of light. The mission of light is the mission of showing. It means to show the model to all humankind how true I am. It means to show how God works through me. 

Next, Jesus told us to do the mission of salt. Salt gives taste wherever it goes. Even if it seems that the salt dissolves in the water and disappears, it always tastes good. Like salt, it means to become a person who can prevent corruption in the world and bring out the true taste. 

The present age must show individuals, families, and churches that show that God is living and working. It is the age that shows what life in heaven is like before going to heaven. 

That is why True Mother is saying that America needs to focus on witnessing and raising young leaders. I have strong determination after True Mother’s direction. Really I need to show. Now is the era to show. I need to show as an exemplary individual, an ideal person. How much do I unite my mind and body? How much have I become a filial son? 

Secondly, I need to show an exemplary family: the relationship between husband and wife, between parents and children, between brothers and sisters in my family. Am I really (living) that kind of beautiful and exemplary life in my family? I need to show it because it is the age to show.

Thirdly, we need to show what an exemplary church is. Everyone who comes to that church (needs to) feel God is alive, a living and present God, and the kingdom of heaven is here. Working together with our brothers and sisters, I want to make incredible joy and happiness for God and True Mother. “Wow! America is really reviving and waking up.” It is time to show.

What is our mission? You are the light of the world. You are the salt. Our job is like that. The light needs to show as the model. True Mother is requesting our entire American movement to show and produce exemplary and substantial results through witnessing and salvation.

4. We must first show God's pain and suffering. In principle, it can be said that there are three stages of pain, namely, formation stage pain, growth stage pain, and completion stage pain. What kind of pain of sin is the formation stage pain? It is the pain of individual sin. What kind of pain of sin is the growth stage pain? It is the pain of hereditary sin! What kind of pain is the completion stage pain? It is the pain of God. It is the pain that hurt God. Who has hurt God? Adam and Eve hurt God. After that, descendants inherited a fallen lineage and sinned unknowingly. In a way, from God's point of view, seeing the suffering of the descendants due to the mistakes of the ancestors, we know from the Principle that mankind was simply a pitiful descendant, and that God was the one who suffered so much because of Adam and Eve.​

There are three stages of pain: formation stage pain, growth stage pain, and completion stage pain. 

Formation stage pain is the pain of trying to remove my own individual sins. It is the pain of always being dominated by the body. It is the conflict of removing yourself from the mind and body conflict. 

Everyone has to carry that kind of cross, right? Every day, every moment, how do we overcome our limitations, how do we really overcome the conflict between mind and body? Everybody bears that individual cross. That is the formation stage.

Growth stage pain is the pain of hereditary sin! Some may be born into a poor family. Some … may have no fortune, no food. They inherited this from their ancestors. There are all kinds of destiny and different kinds of pain and difficulties. That is growth-stage pain. It is hereditary sin. It is also the pain of trying to remove the lineage of sexual immortality inherited from our ancestors. Because each individual has a different background from their ancestors, there is a course of indemnity that must be taken on behalf of the ancestors. Therefore, I must take responsibility and be prepared to pay all indemnity on behalf of my ancestors. 

What kind of pain is the completion stage pain? It is the pain of God. We must take responsibility for how much we have hurt God until now. 

We cannot only blame Adam and Eve, our ancestors. I am the one who has to be responsible. Adam and Eve hurt God. We need to be responsible on behalf of Adam and Eve. I don’t want to hurt God’s heart as Adam and Eve did, as our ancestors did, as my own parents did. We need to have that kind of heart. They hurt God, so we need to think, “I am the one who is really hurting God.” Something like that. 

More than anyone else, we need a mindset to comfort God and take any path instead of(?) God's pain. And God's suffering must be made known to all people.

That is why our Unification Movement must show and teach to the world not only that God does exist, but to teach them very clearly God’s reality: God is a God of sorrow since Adam and Eve fell. We need to teach them all the time about God’s reality.

Secondly, (we must teach them) the reality of the human fall, of Jesus' suffering, of True Parents’ suffering and how much effort they have made to save humankind. 

“Oh, we need to do so many things!” Right? But the most important thing for me and for you is to understand God’s pain and suffering. If we truly understand it, we can solve any problem, any situation. (To the extent that) we know God’s painful heart, this can be a great motivation to move forward to liberate God’s and True Parents’ heart.

Living Testimony​: I’m a Living Testimony that Anything is Possible

Today, let's take the time to hear a living testimony of Jermaine Miyagi-Bishop. Let’s welcome him. Thank you very much.

(Testimony of Jermaine Miyagi-Bishop.)

NOTE: This lightly edited transcription may contain errors and omissions. Indecipherable or uncertain words and guesses are tagged with a “(?)” and indecipherable phrases, with an ellipsis “...”. First, second and third person pronouns have been left as spoken if the meaning is clear, and other apparently Korean English expressions have been preserved. Some repeated phrases have been eliminated. This text and the powerpoint slides from this speech are available as pdf files at the top of this text and at text.morndev.com & yong.hoondok.com. Audio only is available at anchor.morndev.com, spotify.morndev.com & audio.morndev.com. Notes or transcripts of Dr. Yong’s Morning Devotion speeches from November 11, 2020 through January 2, 2022 are available as five paperback books at cost at Lulu.com/Shop -- search for Dr. Chung Sik Yong -- and as PDF downloads free of charge at MDBooks.Hoondok.com.♦

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